
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 6 - The Boy Metal Elementalist

Gate 7 of the Waste District 

7th Aerember, Year 10835

ELION and Alexa were hit with a foul smell as they entered the Waste District from Gate 7. The air tasted weird, like a blend of dirt and danger.

Beyond the towering iron door, they saw big piles of junk, some were swarming with flies. Scattered around the piles were bits of stuff that the people in the Waste District hoped had some value.

They would dig through it all, hoping to find something worth trading. Even a tiny thing could get them a few copper coins, which were precious in this gloomy place.

As they walked in, six youths were seen huddled in one corner among the trash, hunting for 'treasure.' Their focus changed quickly when they noticed Elion and Alexa walking in from the gate.

"Hey, check it out! Fresh faces in the mix today!" one of the youths chirped, his tone oozing with mischief.

"Yo, kid! Get over here!" barked another, claiming his turf as the unofficial boss.

Left without much choice, Elion and Alexa reluctantly strolled toward the beckoning group. Onlookers nearby shot glances filled with sympathy and resignation, sensing the unavoidable misfortunes awaiting the siblings.

"Newbies, huh?" the leader questioned, a smile on his face masking something darker.

It was clear that trouble was brewing. Elion gave a cautious nod, prompting Alexa to hide behind him, her face etched with worry. The scene was set, and a tense vibe hung in the air.

The leader shot a wicked smile, eyeing the duo up and down. Though worn from their days on the streets since getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family, their clothes still looked relatively new.

To this group, that just screamed potential wealth or valuable possessions.

"You guys know the deal, right? All newbies gotta pay up for protection," the group leader said, a sneer on his face. 

The group encircled the siblings, their expressions twisted with wicked intent. They were ready to exploit the newcomers, showing no mercy despite the age of their victims.

Kids like Elion and his sister weren't exempt from the harsh rules of the Waste District.

Elion shook his head, signaling he knew nothing about this protection money. It was their first day in this place; how were they supposed to know the unwritten laws here?

"Hahaha! Good! Now you know. Fork over forty silver coins. For each of you," the leader grinned, reaching into his pocket. 

The leader pulled out a pocket knife, and with a sharp sound, it unfolded. The pocket knife hovered near Elion's left cheek, the leader playing a dangerous game.

But Elion, though faced with intimidation, stayed calm. His gaze locked onto and observed each face in the group and memorized every detail of the encounter, determined to make them pay for their actions.

As a descendant of the Great Family, he had his pride. He wouldn't let any wrongdoings against him or his family go unpunished.

Despite his anger, Elion refrained from acting impulsively and considered different scenarios to determine the best action.

He had been learning and training Basic Combat Arts since the age of five, and with his eidetic memory, memorizing the arts was effortless.

However, facing a life-or-death situation like this was a new challenge.

The situation worsened as the group grew irritated with Elion's calmness.

They decided to teach him a lesson, and the knife pressed harder against his skin, leaving a deep cut on his left cheek.

Despite the pain and humiliation, Elion remained composed, especially for his visibly frightened sister, Alexa. He knew he had to stay calm and bear the pain, as it was his only option.

The leader was taken aback by Elion's composure. It appeared that Elion didn't feel scared by him or his group.

The leader's scheming mind raced to find an alternative way to crack Elion's calm facade. He knew that there was one thing that would terrify Elion.

He inched closer to Alexa, lifting the knife, and said, "Give me forty silver coins, or... do you want me to slit her throat?" 

The youth licked the remaining of Elion's blood off the knife as he fixed his eyes on Alexa, the threat palpable in the air.

This is insane! 

The group burst into laughter, enjoying their display of 'power.' As residents of the Waste District, they always felt like the lowest caste.

Given an opportunity to wield authority, a touch of madness seeped in. They attempted to deceive themselves, trying to escape the harsh reality of their lives.

The leader's insane actions, mixed with laughter and hoarse voices, sent shivers down Alexa's spine. She was terrified and countless horrifying scenarios raced through her mind.

God, are we seriously gonna bite the dust today? Alexa, with her eyes shut tight, held onto Elion's shirt tightly, feeling scared and wondering if they would survive the current situation. She couldn't bear to witness what was happening. 

On the other hand, Elion remained calm and composed, showing no signs of fear or panic. This infuriated the leader, who became even more angry upon seeing Elion's reaction.

Without warning, the leader punched Elion right in the stomach before pulling Alexa over.

With pure terror in her voice, Alexa screamed, "Brother! Help!" She tried to shove the leader's hand off, but it was useless.

Elion fell to his knees, wincing in pain, but he kept his gaze fixed on the leader. Breathing became difficult, and his body refused to cooperate.

Still, Elion's anger boiled over, and he shouted, "Don't even think about touching her!" 

He longed to get up and confront the group. But, his exhaustion from the days spent on the streets made it impossible to retaliate with his usual strength.

Despite feeling weak, Elion stood up, his eyes never leaving the leader. Suddenly, something flew past him before he could fully rise.

The leader's folding knife flew out of his hand and dropped on the ground. Then, a tiny metal ball, like a bullet, dropped to the ground after hitting the leader's hand perfectly.

"Arghhhh! My hand!" the leader howled, his hand turning a nasty shade of blue after the tiny metal ball hit. 

Elion knew that this was his perfect chance to strike. Without wasting a moment, he dashed forward, catching the leader off guard, and knocked him down with a swift leg sweep from behind.

The leader stumbled backward, creating the perfect opening for Elion to land a rolling axe kick in the leader's stomach. Blood sprayed, painting the ground.

Seeing this, the group started charging toward them, some aiming to take down Elion, a few with more sinister intentions to kill.

But before they could even cover five steps, the air filled with rapid 'gunfire.' If their leader got one tiny metal ball, these guys got at least ten each. 

The tiny metal balls targeted vital spots, causing pain but not the immediate harm that the leader suffered.

Amid the chaos, the anxious group scanned the surroundings, fear etched on their faces. Bruises started showing where the tiny metal balls had struck, a clear sign that danger was closing in.

An annoyed youth shouted, "Who's there? Come out if you've got the guts!" He was frustrated as the hidden person didn't show up.

Stepping into view from behind a pile of trash, a boy and a girl, looking pretty innocent, joined the unfolding drama.

"It's me. What's the problem?" the boy shot back, a tiny silver Elemental Circle manifested in his index finger pointing towards the youths like a gun.

A Metal Elementalist!

The group regained their cool, smirking like they had the upper hand. Dealing with what they saw as a mere kid didn't seem like a big deal even though he was an Elementalist.

"Seriously, kid, sneaking up on us like that?!" barked one of the youths. 

"You need to learn some respect!" A chubby youth lunged forward without wasting a moment, fists clenched tight.

To him, the boy's elemental power didn't mean a thing. He swung a punch, and the Metal Elementalist boy just grinned, ready to counter with a punch of his own.

A silver Elemental Circle popped up in front of his fist, turning his hand into solid steel. The punches collided quietly, bones breaking subtly.

"Argggh!" howled the chubby youth. Before his cry faded, another punch landed, sending him flying backward. 

"Anyone else up for a shot?" grinned the boy. 

The girl had to bite back a laugh. Fearlessly, the pair faced the group, leaving them stunned. Not a single one dared to budge.

"That's enough! Let's leave!" ordered one of them. 

The leader received some assistance while the chubby youth was reluctantly helped by his friends, who were contemplating abandoning him.

In an unexpected turn of events, the attackers found themselves on the receiving end, and the hunters became the hunted.

It was hard to believe that a group of kids managed to defeat a group of older guys. If the story got out, it would sound unbelievable.

Alexa quickly approached Elion with tears brimming in her eyes. While holding his bleeding cheek, Elion said, "Don't worry. It's nothing," trying to comfort his sister.

Footsteps could be heard, and the two kids who had come to their rescue approached them. "Are you new here? Do you have a place to stay?" 

Elion heard a friendly voice coming from the girl. The boy was standing a bit far while leaning against a big chunk of metals possibly coming from discarded vehicles.

He was being alert with the surrounding, afraid that others might come to attack them.

"Not yet. We're still trying to figure out where to stay," Elion replied, his voice showing a hint of uncertainty. The harsh reality of the Waste District had just started to sink in.

"Oh, that's great! Laxus, why don't we let them stay with us and join our group?" the girl suggested, her enthusiasm palpable.

"Wendy, we can't just invite every new kid to stay with us," Laxus replied, his tone firm and serious, reflecting their harsh life in the Waste District.

"But... I feel sorry for them, and I don't have any girlfriends," Wendy protested with a hint of disappointment.

Laxus paused briefly, considering the options before making the best decision for everyone.

"Alright. You can stay with us. The more of us there are, the better chance we have of surviving," Laxus decided, and Wendy couldn't help but express her happiness with a small jump.

Coolly, Laxus walked over to Elion, who was still wiping blood from his cheek. Elion didn't seem bothered by the pain, though. He knew that more challenging days were ahead; a little injury wouldn't break his spirit. 

Laxus stood before him, his black hair hanging casually, and he an ordinary face that wasn't winning any beauty contests.

But his serious vibe set him apart like he had seen more than his fair share for his age.

Laxus studied Elion closely, and Elion met his gaze without flinching. Laxus hesitated for a moment, a hint of unease passing through him.

It was the first time he had felt shaky facing another kid. Elion emitted a different aura, like something otherworldly was hidden beneath his human skin.

Laxus took a deep breath and stuck to his original plan of getting closer to Elion.

"I'm Laxus. And you?" he asked, extending his hand.

Elion responded with a warm smile, shaking Laxus's hand. "I'm Elion, and here's my sister, Alexa." 

Elion greeted Laxus and Wendy with genuine warmth, unaware that their lives, once seemingly without a future, were on the brink of a total transformation.

Laxus and Wendy turned out to be pivotal in helping them adjust to life in the Waste District in those initial days.

I forgot to update here earlier. Hahaha!

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