
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 3 - Elion Hayes

Estola City 

12th Flamisember, Year 10840

In a bustling market in the business zone, a young man hurriedly weaved through the busy crowd, his face concealed beneath a worn-out cloak and a mask with the motive of a Phoenix.

His rapid movements caused him to bump into pedestrians, but he had no time to avoid them carefully.

"Sorry! I'll make it up to you, Uncle Roger!" he called out, disguising his voice to sound raspy and older.

The cloaked young man acted like he intended to do so to a middle-aged man, Uncle Roger, whom he accidentally collided with, causing Uncle Roger's newly purchased apples to scatter across the ground.

"What?! I know it's you, Elion!" called Uncle Roger, revealing the cloaked young man's true identity.

As Uncle Roger prepared to pick up his apples...SPLASH! 

A stern-looking passerby, part of a group hurrying as if in pursuit, stepped on an apple, crushing it.

Uncle Roger's anger was about to boil over until he caught sight of their attire – they were unmistakably members of The Rodox, a group notorious for their belligerence. Provoking them would only spell trouble.

"Halt, you thief!" shouted one of the guys pursuing Elion.

What? Do they expect me to be a sitting duck? They'd pummel me if I stopped, Elion scoffed at the thought of surrendering.

Stopping meant a beating he couldn't afford. Despite his agile dodging, he had tumbled a few times and the chase had left him with several scrapes and bruises. The pain lingered, but he pushed it aside.

"Just a bit farther," he whispered, glancing at a slim alley roughly a hundred meters ahead. 

The alley, a dumping ground for everything from wood to scrap metal, sat inexplicably close to factories known for manufacturing and weapon forging.

Elion had chosen this alley for a reason – the piles would surely slow his pursuers.

Planning this escape had seemed more straightforward in theory than in practice. Lacking the elemental power didn't deter him; his body was a weapon honed through relentless training.

Yet, the physical strain of this chase hinted at a dreaded possibility – his pursuers might be Elementalists.

Judging by their speed and strength, they could be Elemental Pioneers or, worse, Elemental Soldiers.

Facing Elemental Soldiers would mean inevitable defeat. However, the thought of a young girl, her smile hiding untold hardships, fueled his determination.

"Wait for me, Alexa," he murmured, gripping his hand tightly, drawing strength from the dire situation.

A few moments later, he arrived at the alley, his eyes scanning for something.

There it is! His eyes locked onto a brick sticking out of the alley wall.

He dashed towards it, no sign of slowing down. Quite the opposite, he sped up, aiming to use the sticking-out brick as a boost.

Things were on track until the brick snapped as he leaped high, soaring over the piles. 

His jump veered to the side, setting him up for another wild move – running on the wall!

His feet traced an arc on the wall, and it was impossible to maintain a steady level. Initially, everything went according to plan.

However, his wall run suddenly lost momentum. The alley stretched for fifty meters, and he had covered about thirty.

There wasn't much left before he could make his getaway. His luck went downhill fast. Not only did he slow down, but he also hit a slippery spot on the alley wall. 

Seriously, God? Who the heck splashes oil on the wall now?

Accepting his fate, he shielded himself, trying to avoid any harm. Who knows what dangers were hiding in those piles?

Suddenly, there was a deafening crash that echoed through the area. Elion lost his footing and tumbled into a nearby pile of debris.

The noise caught the attention of his pursuers, who immediately rushed toward the source of the sound, closing in on his location.

"He's over there!" a lean man urgently exclaimed, catching Elion's attention.

Three figures in identical clothes appeared, and their presence signaled that they were from The Rodox. 

"Where do you think you're going?!" growled one of them, his voice carrying a menacing tone. 

The three of them stood in the way, blocking the path. The strong elemental vibes they gave off left no doubt—they were Elementalists. Elion's hope of escaping this mess had quickly turned into an inescapable reality.

Elementalists? But their auras don't match Laxus's. I may stand a chance, Elion thought about it while remembering his dad's wise words, "Stay calm, and you'll come out on top in anything."

However, as danger loomed, he wondered if such wisdom held any weight. Without a second thought, the three opponents readied their attacks.

The first guy's hand glowed with a blue Elemental Circle, showing off his water powers.

"Water Whip!" he yelled, thinking it was a powerful move, aiming at Elion. 

The Water Elementalist focused his elemental energy, shaping it into a supple, whip-like form composed entirely of water.

This aqueous, flexible, and agile weapon responded to his command, offering both reach and adaptability in battle.

When unfurled, the Water Whip surged forward with remarkable speed and precision, its cutting edge as sharp as a blade.

Slicing through obstacles and enemies alike, it wielded the force of a tempest unleashed. Moreover, its fluid nature allowed it to twist and change course mid-air, confounding enemies and making evasion daunting.

Unfortunately, the attack didn't have the intended effect on Elion. He effortlessly sidestepped it with a swift movement, dodging it completely.

"What a waste," remarked Elion. 

Clearly, the Water Elementalist was showing off his power without knowing how to use it. Seizing the chance with the still-connected water whip, Elion fought back.

A stun gun appeared from his robe, zapping the water whip and shocking the enemy. Smoke swirled as the attacker crumpled under the electric surge, life extinguished in an instant.

"Sazur!" cried out the other two. 

Realizing the danger, the pair quickly tapped into their elemental powers. Red and green Elemental Circles formed on their palms as they prepared to attack, indicating their status as the Fire and Wind Elementalists respectively.

Assessing the situation, Elion scanned for something useful. His eyes landed on an object that could help him in this tight spot.

Snatching it swiftly from a nearby pile, he positioned himself strategically between the two attackers who were ready for their next moves.

The attackers went all out with their moves. They shouted simultaneously in rage.

"Fire Blast!"

"Wind Whirl!"

Elion grinned slyly. He hopped onto a nearby wall, avoiding the attacks. When the fiery and windy blasts were about to hit, he tossed the found object into the mix.

It burst into flames and exploded with a bang, the gusty wind making the fiery show even more dramatic.


The loud noise echoed, alerting the pursuers on the other side of the piles. The only hurdle in their way was a bunch of towering piles.

Even though they were no regular human beings, jumping over seemed impossible. Since many people could connect with the elements, they started to neglect their physical abilities.

"He's over there. Quick! Burn everything in our way!" shouted a strong-looking guy. 

Without a doubt, he was the leader of the chasing group, Rodox himself. His henchmen swiftly found good spots, hands pointed straight at their target.

Bright red Elemental Circles appeared on their hands, showing they were Fire Elementalists. Hot flames shot out, aiming at the pile of garbage.

Elion, on the other side of the piles, felt a scorching heat on his heels, making sweat roll down his face. Nearly tripping just a short distance from the end of the alley, he questioned if they had set this place ablaze. 

Burning this place? Were they crazy? 

Then it hit him—he had done the same. He had triggered the explosion that now loomed over the alley. Getting up quickly, he ignored the pain and scratches covering him.

Luck was on his side as thick smoke rose from the pursuers' fiery attack and blast, blocking their view.

"Who's that kid?" the leader, Rodox, spat. His expression twisted into a scowl that could send shivers down anyone's spine.

"He's without a doubt from the Waste District, Boss!" a tall, gaunt henchman reported.

"The Waste District?" Rodox questioned, stepping forward with deliberate intent. 

His hand rested lightly on the henchman's shoulder before tightening suddenly. Wisps of smoke curled from his grasp, flames flickering to life.

"Aarrgghh! Please, Boss! Stop!" the henchman pleaded, his voice strained with agony as pain engulfed him. His cries echoed through the alleyway.

"You want me to stop? Fine! Bring him here, now!" Rodox shoved the henchman away, delivering a swift kick to his stomach.

The henchman was sent sprawling with a grunt, but he quickly scrambled, determination etched on his face. "Yes, Boss! Right away!"

Freed from the tight alley, Elion quickly distanced himself from the approaching danger. He weaved through a maze of narrow paths, hoping to lose anyone still following him.

Stepping into the light, he removed before throwing the worn cloak and kept the mask hiding his face.

I am going to upload until Chapter 5 or 6 today.

NoahCaelumcreators' thoughts