
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 2 - Kados, the Heir and the Prophecy

"What? Say that again!" Fueled by rage and without hesitation, King Anderson lunged towards Kados.

"Terra Lock!" A big yellow Elemental Circle rose beneath Kados, ensnaring him in an earthen prison.

This was one of the techniques passed down in the Blackwood Family — Terraforge Arts.

But Kados effortlessly broke free from the restraint using his physical prowess.

"Terra Fist!" King Anderson did not give up as his punch surged towards Kados, his Elemental Circle gleaming as his right hand passed through it, becoming a gigantic earth fist, before connecting with Kados' face. 

Kados countered with a precise layer of aura just right at his face, absorbing the blow with minimal effect.

Despite the force behind King Anderson's strike, Kados stood firm, a testament to his resilience.

"Not bad. No wonder Her Majesty 'allowed' you to rule for now," Kados remarked, acknowledging King Anderson's prowess.

"But this power inflicts nothing, let alone death," he added, assessing the limitations of King Anderson's abilities.

"I require no one's approval. I have earned my throne," King Anderson retorted defiantly.

Hidden beneath his cloak, Kados smirked as he gathered a small amount of white aura on his right fist, a strength that left King Anderson breathless.

Despite King Anderson's efforts to resist with his aura, King Anderson found himself overpowered.

Their aura strengths were worlds apart. With a resounding thud, Kados's punch connected with King Anderson's chest, though the latter managed to grasp Kados's hand.

It spared him from the full brunt of Kados's assault, preventing serious injury. Summoning all his strength, King Anderson spun Kados around in the air, disrupting his balance.

"Terra Cage!" King Anderson bellowed, clasping his palms together as the ground beneath them shifted, enclosing Kados within a fortress of earth and stone.

With a tightening gesture, the enclosure compressed, applying immense pressure on Kados.

"His Majesty truly deserves the throne. He's strong despite his youth," Darwin marveled.

However, Zacrose noticed something was off. King Anderson seemed to be struggling, lacking the upper hand in the confrontation.

The suspicions were confirmed as Kados, relying solely on his aura, detonated the enclosure, showcasing another layer of his formidable power.

What left the spectators restless was because they had yet to witness his elemental power.

"Your Majesty! Allow us to aid you!" cried the Great Commanders in solidarity.

"What are you guys waiting for?!" Zacrose rallied the Patriarchs, urging them into action. 

All twenty-four of Aeloria's strongest Elementalists launched coordinated attacks to overwhelm Kados. The clash between them caused a deafening explosion that shook Estola.

However, Kados had taken precautions to safeguard the city's residents, using his boundless aura and mastery of elemental formations to create a barrier that prevented anything, including sound, from escaping the battlefield. 

The air was thick with smoke and dust, making it difficult to see what was happening. King Anderson and the others watched in surprise as Kados emerged from the chaos seemingly unscathed. It was hard to believe that he had survived such a barrage.

Calm, rhythmic footsteps echoed amidst the billowing smoke, filling the air with foreboding. The smiles on the Elementalists' faces vanished instantly, replaced by expressions of fear as the outline of Kados' figure emerged again.

"Impossible!" exclaimed George Hayes, the Patriarch of the Great Hayes Family, his voice echoing in disbelief.

Others mirrored his sentiment, their voices caught in their throats. Only King Anderson, a man who thrived on power, maintained a façade of calm, relishing the challenge of facing a formidable opponent.

But soon, even his demeanor faltered as he witnessed Kados' unscratched body and monstrous aura. In that moment, even the mighty king shivered, overwhelmed by the sheer power before him.

"Who are you truly?" inquired King Anderson, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

Maintaining his regal composure, the king carefully assessed the situation, realizing the folly of his earlier impulsiveness in confronting someone vastly superior in strength.

"As I mentioned before, I am Kados, the humble messenger of Her Majesty," came Kados's measured response.

"How many others of your caliber serve under the Queen?" King Anderson pressed, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of encountering formidable opponents.

Kados couldn't help but laugh at the question. "All are far stronger than me. I am but a mere Baron in Her Majesty's service."

A Baron? Yet, possessing such formidable power? The unspoken question lingered heavily in the air, a silent testament to the awe-inspiring might of those within the Queen's court. 

If a Baron wielded such strength, what of those of higher rank? And what of the Queen herself? King Anderson thought.

"What's behind Gate 1, and why only now, Kados?" King Anderson inquired, his gaze piercing.

Kados glanced back at the iron door, Gate 1, before responding, "Ah, I didn't notice the number on this door," he chuckled softly. "However, behind it lies a world you're not yet ready to know. So, cease your attacks and carry on with your lives."

Kados's words caused a slight furrow in King Anderson's brow. The presence of this foreign power within his empire unsettled him. It felt like he ruled at someone else's behest, a jest he couldn't comprehend.

"No! This empire answers to His Majesty alone. You must submit to him," Darwin interjected, his tone defiant trying to win favor from the King.

Zacrose, however, fought the urge to strike Darwin for his apparent ignorance of the situation and its danger. They all feared Kados might lose patience and unleash sudden violence. Yet Darwin, with a proud smile, felt he had championed the king's cause.

"Silence! He's not someone you should provoke!" As King Anderson lashed out at Darwin, everyone fell silent.

The king's anger was palpable, and everyone's face paled in response. The king had never displayed such fury, and they had never seen him on the verge of bowing to another. 

"You claimed to be the Queen's messenger to bring what message?" King Anderson demanded.

Kados nodded. "There are matters Her Majesty wishes to convey to you."

All present were eager to uncover Kados's and the Queen's identities, and their empire's secrets. They waited intently, not daring to interrupt until Kados or King Anderson spoke.

"But...this is only between us," Kados murmured, creating a sound barrier to shield his conversation with the king from the others.

"Seems like everything has been taken care of. Now, we can get to the real business," Kados said with a chuckle.

"Now listen. There will come a time when the true heir to this domain will make himself known," Kados began. "He is a young man, as of now, he was tied by blood to one of the Twelve Great Families in your empire."

"He will step out of the shadows to challenge you or whoever may govern the empire then. His ambition? To forge his empire and muster an army against a grave calamity that looms over not only your empire but your world," Kados elaborated.

King Anderson's expression turned grave upon hearing this. For one, the notion of an unseen enemy poised to contest his rule was unsettling.

Additionally, the looming disaster stirred concerns; Solara had withstood numerous calamities, with demon invasions being the most catastrophic event in its recent history, occurring ten thousand years ago.

Moreover, the prophecy of the Old Seer, which foretold the return of demons and the emergence of a young man endowed with a unique aura who would act as their savior this time, loomed in his mind.

With his sage-like wisdom, King Anderson was well aware that the Queen's heir would be the prophesied young man and he needed to inherit not just a title but an empire strong enough to withstand the onslaught of demonic forces.

What kind of a unique aura was unknown to him.

However, considering the exceptional control and power over aura that Kados possessed, this may be the very thing the Old Seer had hinted at. This must be what the Old Seer meant by the unique aura.

"Why are you sharing this with me? Do you not fear I might annihilate all Twelve Great Families, thereby dooming the Queen's heir's plans?" King Anderson speculated.

He was confident that Kados would never permit such an outcome. He knew that there must be something going on. Something that he could not understand yet.

"Hahaha! It's no mystery why you've ascended to the throne of this empire. Your courage is commendable," Kados lauded.

"However, your concerns are unfounded. I intend to offer my assistance," Kados assured.

"Assistance? How so?" This time, King Anderson's curiosity was piqued. What could be Kados's ultimate motive? Did his act of sharing this information serve more as a cautionary tale?

"The matter of the Queen's heir..."

Kados began his explanation, setting the stage for revelations yet to unfold in this story. Kados then revealed something that shifted King Anderson's perspective on the world, life, and everything.

It concerned the Great Families of Aeloria and the destiny awaiting him.

The destiny that would test his power to its limits.

The destiny that would make his life being on a constant worries about the looming threat of the Queen's heir.

Wish me luck on this second attempt of publishing this book here on WebNovel.

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