
The Eldest Son of Charlotte

Replacing Perospero as the eldest son of the Four Emperor Aunts, can Charlotte Red King reign supreme in this age of evildoers? "This era doesn't belong to anyone, it's all under my control." - Charlotte Red King said. This is fan translation. I do not own any of the characters of this work

JustPatato · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Red King's Apprenticeship

The banquet lasted until the early morning, the sun was slightly red, and amid the cheers of the crew, Rocks ordered the banquet to end.

"Wait!" Just when all the crew members were going to go back to the room to rest, Rocks spoke again, "Newgate stay, everyone else leaves!"

The middle and low-level crew members left honestly, leaving behind a group of puzzled senior crew members, especially Newgate. As a direct line of Rocks, it can even be said that Rocks cultivated a big pirate, even he can't figure it out. Through his fickle captain.

Most of the other senior combatants stayed behind because they were watching the fun. Newgate can be regarded as the second character of the Rocks Pirates, and his strength is only lower than that of Rocks.

What did Rocks stop Newgate for?

Could it be because Newgate is too powerful and wants to get rid of him? There is more than one person who has this idea, and the most obvious one is the golden lion Shiki who has always been against Whitebeard.

With a cigar in his mouth, Shiki's face beamed with a smile.

The other combatants were eagerly waiting as if they were waiting for something. The next moment, the Rocks fruit ability was activated, and a black vortex gathered in his palm, which was facing Whitebeard!

Newgate bowed his head respectfully, without any refutation or vigilance. Even in the next moment, he will be killed here by Rocks.

"Okay, okay!" Shiki was excited, and two of the remaining senior combatants clenched their fists happily.

To everyone's surprise, Locks didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He smiled, and a huge long knife flew out of his palm.

"Murakumogiri, I will reward you! Remember, this is not what I gave it, it is Red who said it suits you very well."

Smiling softly, Rocks ignored what happened next and turned around and returned to his room.

Obviously, he was satisfied with Whitebeard's actions.

It doesn't matter which one is a gimmick, and which one is Rocks's true purpose, what is important is that everyone gets what they want, except for Shiki of course.

Breathing in the air, Newgate's eyes softened. He is not an orthodox swordsman, but for a big pirate like him, it is indeed a pleasure to have a weapon worthy of him.

"Captain, you are unexpected!" A thought came to Newgate's mind. He didn't think about whether it was Locks' dissatisfaction with his attitude change in recent days.

But in the end, he gave up resistance. In his heart, if Rocks smothers himself, then he will let Rocks repay the kindness of cultivation in three ways.

Whitebeard Newgate, this 30-year-old man is now at the peak of his strength. In the investigation of the Red King, the strength of the strongest man in the world has now climbed to the level of a general.


"Red King, thank you for this time!"

Whitebeard Newgate is not a fool either. The person who gave the knife is Rocks, but Rocks' last sentence indicated that Newgate should transfer his favor to Charlotte Red King.

At present, Newgate still doesn't know what is special about the Red King, but he admitted this kindness!

"Uncle Newgate, don't be so polite, I just said a word, I didn't expect the captain to remember it, it was purely an accident. There is no need to say anything about kindness, I just ask you a little, uncle. "

Charlotte Red King was all smiles, but she didn't finish her sentence, obviously waiting for Newgate's response.

The four emperors are worthy of being the four emperors. They have a unique demeanor. Newgate waved his hand, "Little Red, you are my junior, just say anything."

Speaking, Newgate smacked his lips. To be honest, from just one night, he had a good impression of the Red King, at least this kid suits his appetite.

The talent of being good at being recognized as a father was about to be shown as impulsive at this moment, but in the end, Newgate stopped.

Rocks have always been afraid of himself and others and even made a rule that senior crew members cannot be married.

If he really accepted the Red King as his adopted son, then he would not survive a day.

Thinking of this, Whitebeard breathed a sigh of relief.

"What, you are saying it again!"

When Whitebeard was thinking wildly, the Red King also spoke his request, and he hoped that Whitebeard could teach him body technique.

The Red King was a little embarrassed when he repeated his request and still did not get an answer from Whitebeard.

Why is Newgate so superficial, isn't it a good thing? How can a body technique still be so inked. Is it true that there are some top secret techniques that cannot be taught to others?

"Red, it is estimated that you have never seen the way to become stronger for pirates!"

With a sigh, Newgate was a little embarrassed, "Pirate, just put your head on your trouser belt, and it will fall off at some point. The way they become stronger is to fight, fight against the navy, fight against pirates, fight against all sea kings and land beasts. They don't have the leisurely elegance to practice the systematic body technique methods of the navy. For those of us, it's either talent or killing. "

Newgate really encountered difficulties, let him kill him without saying a word. But let him teach students, that is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

"Huh!" Suddenly thinking of something, Newgate turned his head to look at Ochoku, "Ochoku, weren't you a general of the Land of Flowers? Then you should have a large-scale physical training method!"

Seeing Newgate asking himself, Ochoku nodded, "Yes, the Eight Great Fist of the Land of Flowers is a world-renowned powerful physique. It's just that this training not only takes time but also requires certain equipment and combat assistance. For now, it is not suitable here. "

Hearing this, the Red King also fell silent. Physical training is really not suitable for a ship, not to mention that this is the ship of Rocks, one of the new world overlords.

There are not many people who came to challenge Rocks, but definitely not a lot. In the three years since the Red King was born, hundreds of wars were fought on the ship.

The scale of many of these wars has reached the level of an elite lieutenant admiral of the navy, and there are even a few times where a general level of combat power has participated in the battle.

Performing physical training here, the effect is really good, but the premise is that there is life. Or someone who can watch over you and prevent your life from being endangered.

At present, there are no people on board who can bless the Red King, but there is only one Rocks!

"If you really want to learn Eight Great Fist Boxing with me, Red King, you can do some basic training first, about three months. After three months, if Captain Rocks agrees, I can take you to some special places for training. "

Teaching students is not difficult for Ochoku, and he is happy to sell a face to Newgate.

What's more, Ochoku is not without selfishness. In his heart, Eight Great Fist is a powerful physical technique that surpasses the Six Forms. However, the fact that the Six Forms is the most powerful body art recognized in the world. It is a compulsory course for all admirals, and it can even be said that this system has cultivated more than a dozen admirals over hundreds of years.

The glory of Bachhong Fist has dissipated. Among the powerhouses of the Flower Country, only three people have reached the level of generals, and even Ochoku himself has not yet reached the level of generals.

Ochoku, no, it should be said that everyone in the Flower Country is eager for Eight Great Fist Boxing to become famous in this world.

I will use Ochoku instead of Wang Zhi in the previous episode.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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