
The Dream Workshop

"The day I met you, I didn't know I would live again. Thank you for today, Eva." -Zed Whitney- The journey to find her destiny and regain the throne of Princess Eva Gloria from her cousin Urizen Gloria. With her is Zed Whitney, the drunken owner of The Dream Workshop and at the same time... Elastor Magnum, a cold and strong elf guy. Julia Manester, her loyal maid.

AkumaDark · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 37: Zed's Redemption

Of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the most mysterious and hidden was Exos. Ever since the war of the Elves began, he had been quietly observing it all. Exos pulled someone's leg among the ruins of houses away from the serpent. That person was Alata, he wasn't eaten by monsters. Exos summoned the Space halberd and slashed through the air to open a portal to his room in Gloria Castle. Exos's room was simply decorated with lots of bookshelves and tea sets, and Laura was already waiting on the tea table. Exos dragged Alata into his room and threw him on the bed. Laura looked at Alata and said:

"Who is he?"

Exos replied:

"Son of Reaper. He messed up in the middle of an intense battle so I brought him back, and they don't need him either."

Exos sat down at the tea table and said calmly:

"Zed has accepted his impending fate, I'm glad he's not worried or scared."

Exos returned the Hermit card to Laura, who said softly:

"This is the best Zed can do right now, it's just that after today, things will change a lot."

Exos replied:

"You're right."

Laura said:

"Halazar's dark powers are so great, are you sure only Zed can defeat him?

Exos replied:

"Zed is the Highland Continent's strongest darkness user, and he's not alone."

Laura said:

"After darkness comes light and then darkness, a never ending cycle of samsara."

Exos replied:

"I'll be back anyway, I need to help Zed with one more thing. Just leave him here until I get back and bring him to Reaper."

Exos stood up and opened another gate to return to the Lanxter kingdom. Laura went and hugged him behind his back, she said:

"After it's all over, I know it's going to be a long time. Can I follow you?"

Exos replied calmly:

"Sure, if you want."

Exos returned to the Lanxter kingdom and Laura continued to wait for him and enjoy tea. At this time, the great battle between the Crusadia team and Halazar was also about to begin. Exos sat at a distance and watched the battle, he said boredly:

"Princess Eva, let's see if you really are the heir to the throne."

Everyone looked worriedly at the serpent, Julia said:

"This thing is so huge, how can we defeat it?"

Belle replied:

"We can aim for Halazar, he's on top of the serpent's head."

Zed said:

"So here's the plan. Me, Elastor, Grim and Lamalia have good physical attacks so we'll charge first, Eva you're good at archery so just aim for Halazar and support us behind, Belle you use all the magic you used to weaken the serpent, Julia you stay behind and protect Eva and Belle because you move fast and have good defense. You guys get it?"

Everyone looked dumbfounded as if they didn't understand Zed's plan at all. Zed said angrily:

"Then change the plan, let's all attack with full force!"

Everyone shouted:


Halazar laughed and said sarcastically:

"You think you can defeat me? What are you proud of? Creating a new age of peace? Your power is like a grain of sand with my ultimate power. Sorry, but Darkness has taken over all."

Elastor said:

"We will continue to fight, because without us fighting, there will be no one else to fight."

Belle said:

"If we fail, we'll also seriously injure you. That's enough for everyone to believe in defeating you."

Grim said:

"Then we will prove it to you, father. We are the strongest warriors and the last stand here."

Halazar replied angrily:

"Then go and disappear into nothingness."

Halazar launched hundreds of tentacles at the Crusadia team, they immediately counterattacked. Zed, Elastor, and Grim swung their swords at the same time and unleashed dark slashes, lightning, and smoke slashes at the tentacles and prevented them from slamming down. Eva shot Sunshine arrows at the serpent's body to burn it. The duo Zed and Elastor rushed up quickly, Eva said dejectedly:

"Hey! Those two idiots are so reckless, someone stop them from doing something stupid."

Grim rushed after Zed and Elastor. Lamalia punched the ground repeatedly and released hundreds of stone spikes that pierced the tail and held it. The serpent punched the positions of Eva, Julia, Lamalia and Belle. Belle waved her wand and released a beam of energy into the serpent's left arm, she performed resistance magic and released light energy all over the serpent's arm, numbing its left arm. The serpent punched with his right hand, but Grim lunged forward and slashed down on the serpent's arm, causing it to deflect. At the same time, Zed and Elastor's combined attack of darkness and thunder struck the serpent's chest, causing it to fall back. Grim turned to Belle and said:

"Be careful, call me when you're at a disadvantage."

Belle replied:

"You too."

Grim flew around and spewed smoke around the serpent, blinding it to the direction of its attack. The serpent released small insects to chase Grim, but Belle created a magic shield around him so none of them could bite him. Eva, Julia and Lamalia gasped as they watched Belle and Grim protect each other side by side. Zed and Elastor split up and lunged at each other and slashed at the serpent's chest at the same time. They then split up again and lunged forward and slashed at the serpent's head. The serpent roared near Zed and Elastor, its roar drawing them inside. Zed and Elastor quickly flew away so as not to be sucked away. Eva then shot the Sunshine arrow into the monster's mouth and Lamalia upgraded the arrow with a surrounding rock layer. The Sunshine arrow flew over and exploded inside the serpent's mouth while releasing sharp rock spikes that stuck into its mouth. Zed and Elastor immediately turned around and sped forward to attack Halazar. They swung their swords at Halazar at the same time, but he instantly created two dark spheres and blocked the slashes. Zed and Elastor pushed forward, but Halazar easily pushed them apart and fired two small dark beams that hit their shoulders, sending them to the ground. Zed and Elastor were about to fall into the serpent's mouth when Grim flew past and grabbed their legs and flew away. Eva and Belle fired hundreds of light orbs at the serpent and burned its body. The serpent immediately recovered from its wound. Eva said dejectedly:

"Can't it hurt one bit?"

The serpent launched thousands of spikes on its back around. Julia immediately launched thorny vines whips at Eva, Lamalia, and Belle and dragged them to a hiding place behind a wall. The serpent's thorns pierced the wall, so Lamalia quickly created a stone wall outside for cover. Grim flew fast and dodged repeatedly from the spikes with Zed and Elastor being dragged. Grim said angrily:

"You guys are too heavy."

Elastor replied:

"Throw Zed towards the serpent and let me down."

Grim dropped Elastor and threw Zed at the serpent. It launched tentacles at Zed but he immediately landed on the tentacle. Zed and The Knight separated and ran along the tentacles while slashing repeatedly. When they reached its back, Zed and The Knight merged and jumped high. Returner sword's blade released darkness and Zed shouted:

"Dark Slash!"

Zed slashed down sharply and sliced ​​off all the tentacles in front of him in one long, straight slash. The slash was so powerful that it released a dark burn that was left on the serpent's back. It turned around and caught Zed and threw him against the rock. Zed was thrown deep into the rock, he broke a few bones but it was okay, Zed spat out blood and said:

"Damn it! That's what you call fighting a big fat thing like you."

Halazar turned to look at the wound, but it couldn't heal. Halazar was angry and said out loud:

"What the hell is your darkness?!"

The serpent threw a powerful fist at Zed, but Elastor was able to leap forward and block the punch. He rushed forward with great force to push its fist, Elastor said:


Lamalia launched giant stone spikes and stabbed the serpent's right arm to hold it back. Grim leapt forward and slashed hard at the serpent's right shoulder but was unharmed. Belle enchanted the Hollow sword's blade with a blue light that made it stronger and longer so Grim easily cut off the serpent's right shoulder. The serpent roared in pain and the wound oozed black liquid. The new right arm slowly regrew so the serpent got angry and created a dark orb in the palm of his left hand. The serpent smashed the dark orb into the ground and released the dark energy that rose through the earth's veins and spread to everyone. Eva and Belle fired the light orbs and exploded onto the surface to repel the darkness. Elastor flew to Zed and grabbed his leg, Elastor said:

"Fly away, idiot!"

Zed hastily replied:

"Hey! Wait! Bastard!"

Elastor threw Zed hard at the group of girls and he yelled in anger. Zed landed heavily and plunged his sword into the ground. Zed said:

"Darkness! Absorb all!"

Zed absorbed all the darkness nearby but that hurt and hurt him more. Halazar smirked and said loudly:

"I know your strong point is being able to absorb a lot of darkness but what if I mix some poison into my darkness? You'll be poisoned to death."

Zed's heart beat too fast from being poisoned, he said:

"Damn it!"

Zed released his darkness to detox but in return he losed a large portion of the darkness. Halazar said:

"One more round then!"

Suddenly Grim appeared out of nowhere from behind Halazar and swung his sword quickly at him. Halazar hurriedly stopped the blade with his hand and slammed a dark orb into Grim's stomach. He spat out blood and suffered a burn on his chest. Grim slid down the serpent's back. Belle was worried and shouted:


Grim had slid down the tentacles, which would absorb his body. Elastor rushed over and launched lightning to shock the tentacles and promptly grabbed Grim's left hand. Elastor flew away from the serpent but it launched its tentacles to capture them. Eva and Belle below fired beams of light and fire balls that repelled the tentacles. Elastor said to Grim:

"Grim! Are you okay?"

Grim replied angrily:

"Not good at all!"

Elastor said:

"That's what a hothead like you always says."

Elastor dropped Grim and he continued to fly and fight. The serpent grabbed a handful of rocks in the cave and threw it at everyone. Eva and Belle destroyed the rocks, Julia launched the thorny vine whip on the rocks and deflected them to hit the rocks next to them and Lamalia controlled them to drop, then she manipulated the boulders to wrap the serpent's tail so it couldn't move. A huge rock was rushing towards, Zed jumped up to face the rock, he raised his sword and slashed repeatedly at the rock and cut it into pieces and fell. The serpent still didn't stop there and continued to launched a dark beam from its mouth into everything around it. Everyone scattered around to dodge. Elastor and Grim flew quickly to dodge. Zed quickly ran after him because he knew he couldn't cope with that thing. The dark beam destroyed everything in its path and destroyed the residential area where Crusadia team was running to dodge. Bricks and stones flew everywhere, there was no safe place to hide and nothing could stand in the way of the dark beam. The serpent also split the dark beam into ten smaller beams and launched them around. A beam was directly behind Eva and Lamalia, Zed rushed forward and rotated his sword sideways to deflect the beam's line of fire. Belle turned and launched a beam of light at a beam behind her. But Belle's beam of light could not oppose the serpent's dark beam, so it was repelled and the dark beam rushed towards Belle. Grim rushed down and hugged Belle then he raised his sword and the blade released smoke to block the beam of darkness. Grim was slowly pushed back by the pressure of the dark beam but he endured to protect Belle. Grim was's left arm was slowly consumed by the darkness, Belle hastily enchanted on the Hollow sword so that they could block the beam. Belle said:

"Come on, we have to do it!"

Grim replied:

"Must be!"

Grim swung down his sword and slashed the dark beam in half and created a long smoke slash that hit the serpent's mouth, stopping it from firing beams because of the pain in its jaw. Zed mocked the serpent:

"Ha! Is that all you have?"

The serpent turned its back and launched hundreds of more dark beams at them. Julia shouted angrily:

"Someone has to shut up Zed now!"

They continued to run around to dodge. Elastor turned around and unleashed lightning wires and swept several beams nearby. Elastor converted the beams into an electric circle he was holding in his left hand into a dark orb. Elastor thanks to the dark power of Dark Elastor, he was able to control darkness. Elastor launched the huge dark beam back to the serpent's back and burned a lot on its back. But unbeknownst to Elastor he was standing in an unguarded position, Halazar took aim at Elastor and fired a very small, invisible beam at him. Elastor was hit in the shoulder and fell to the ground. Dark beams charged and Elastor tried to crawl back to dodge. Julia hurriedly launched a thorny vines whip at Elastor and pulled him back to where she was hiding. Eva, Lamalia and Zed continued to run away from the beams. Zed said in fear:

"Damn it, why does this thing have so many things to attack?"

Eva replied:

"How did we find a way to defeat it?"

Lamalia said:

"Darkness, light, thunder, smoke, plants, rocks. None of them work, not even physical attacks. We have to find a weak point in the serpent's body. It also has joints should have place to hit."

Zed replied:

"Great idea, but we're too inaccessible to get a hold of it."

Elastor and Julia ran up to the other three, and Elastor said:

"I can identify the weak pulses on its body, but it would take a lot of risk."

Zed replied:

"You said you were going to finish Halazar, and now we're running."

Suddenly Grim carried Belle flying above the heads of the five, Belle said:

"Elastor, mother gave us her Balance orb. We can use this to hurt the serpent."

Elastor replied:

"But how do we activate it? That weapon is too hard to use."

Eva said:

"It also uses the power of light, doesn't it? Then try using light to activate it."

Belle replied:

"Okay, let me try."

Belle infused light energy into the Balance orb to activate it. Halazar could see the Balance orb from afar, he said slyly:

"It's mine."

Halazar shot a beam that hit Belle in the arm causing her to drop the Balance orb, the serpent stopped firing the dark beams and rushed to the Crusadia team to claim the Balance orb. Zed rushed back to pick up the Balance orb, he said:

"Damn it, don't come so close to us."

The serpent unleashed darkness and unleashed hundreds of bug monsters to claim the Balance orb. It event fired the dark orbs on its shoulders around to mess up the Crusadia team's terrain. Zed slid forward and caught the Balance orb but there were over a hundred bugs in front of him. Zed quickly turned around and ran quickly and said:

"The Knight!"

The Knight was summoned and kept the Balance orb in its mouth, it rushed over and gave it to Eva. Zed jumped up and spun around with his sword in midair. The Knight lunged forward and merged with the Returner sword into the Devil Wolf sword and Zed immediately swung his sword and launched three Dark Tornardoes at the bugs killing several. Zed ran in another direction. A dark orb exploded right next to Eva causing her to slam into a nearby wall and drop the Balance orb. Julia and Elastor ran to help Eva, Elastor fired lightning to burn the bugs, and Julia lifted Eva up to continue running. Elastor took the Balance orb and threw it to Belle, she caught it and said:

"Fly high, Grim."

Grim replied:

"I know."

Grim flew high to dodge the dark orbs, but the bugs spread their wings and chased them. Grim flew over the dripstones with a hundred bugs behind him, he said:

"Damn it, cover me."

Belle shot the energy beams and killed a few but they kept going. Grim flew down to Zed, he jumped even higher and said:

"Dark Slashes!"

Zed swung his sword continuously and released hundreds of dark slashes, they split into hundreds of smaller slashes and killed many. Grim was flying then he was hit by a dark orbs that exploded nearby and dropped Belle. Belle landed safely but Grim was smashed into a house, she ran to help him but a dark orb exploded behind her and she fell and dropped the Balance orb. The bugs were about to rush over to grab the Balance orb, but Julia managed to pull it with thorny vines whips and take it back. Everyone kept running but the path was running out and the serpent was approaching. The situation was too tense right now. A series of dark orbs exploding next to Elastor, Eva and Julia became worried but Lamalia and The Rhino came over and said:

"Up here."

Julia gave the Balance orb to Eva and threw her onto The Rhino's back after which Elastor hugged Julia and flew up. Eva hugged Lamalia and said:

"I'm so tired."

Lamalia replied:

"Me too."

The Rhino's powerful horn easily destroyed everything in its path and they quickly ran away from the serpent. Belle got up and ran to help Grim, she said:

"Grim, wake up."

Grim couldn't answer, Belle quickly gave him CPR and said angrily:

"Idiot like you, I always have to be the medic to wake you up!"

Belle punched Grim in the heart, waking him up and he breathed fastly, he said:

"Why are you always with me?"

Belle replied:

"Because no one can go with you but me."

Grim and Belle kept move on. Lamalia got lost, she said:

"Where should we go?"

The dark orbs that kept exploding around confused Lamalia even more, she said nervously:

"Over there?"

Lamalia nudged The Rhino and it hit a big door and they fell into a cellar, Lamalia was surprised and said:

"Where is this?"

Lamalia and Eva fell into the basement of the Lanxter castle or the rest of it. Zed saw that Eva and Lamalia had found a safe place, so he went to find the others. Zed said:

"Dark Lines! Give me the location!"

The Knight unleashed dark threads all over the path to determine everyone's footsteps. Zed sensed Grim and Belle's footsteps and pulled the thread under their feet and brought them to safety. Grim and Belle fell into the castle basement and were temporarily safe. Elastor and Julia were flying to observe the seprnt, he activated the Right Eye of Chaos to observe the transmission of darkness within the serpent. Elastor was sweating, Julia asked him:

"What did you see?"

Elastor replied in concern:

"It has no bones, muscles or anything like a normal serpent. This thing is a creature created from darkness that can't deal physical attacks on it."

Zed called out to Elastor and Julia:

"Hey! This direction!"

Those two discovered Zed and followed him down to the basement. Everyone was temporarily safe. The serpent couldn't see them and so frantically destroyed everything.In the basement, Belle used the Fairy wand to light up below. They sat down in a circle to take a break from a tense and dangerous round. Above everything shaking violently, Lamalia said nervously:

"That thing is looking for us, it's hopeless to continue fighting it like this."

Zed was dressing his own stomach wound, he replied:

"It simply absorbs and releases a lot of darkness, launches dark orbs and dark beams, launches tentacles to attack, has two arms and a giant body, what else can it do?"

Elastor was being bandaged on his back by Julia, he said:

"I have looked at its veins, it has no muscles, bones or organs. It is a creature of pure darkness."

Eva helped Zed put a bandage on his stomach, she replied in despair:

"It's terrible, we're losing every chance to confront it."

Belle was healing Grim, she said worriedly:

"We still have the Balance orb. Eva, try activating it."

Eva nodded and took the Balance orb, she infused it with light. While the other four gasped when they saw Belle knowing how to heal but only treating Grim. Grim grumbled about being healed:

"Hey! Are you just healing me? Everyone else also need to."

Belle replied angrily:

"You've always been the one with the worst injuries, having a dark orb explode right behind you."

Belle had finished healing Grim, then turned to Zed, he stopped her and said:

"Heal Elastor, I can heal myself."

Zed infused darkness into his body and reattached broken bones and wounds. Belle healed Elastor on his back and left arm, Elastor said:

"It's too bad that the two strongest are no longer to fight Halazar. We're nothing to him. I didn't think even the strongest king like Zenhector would have failed."

Lamalia burst into tears over Zenhector's death, Zed hugged her and said:

"I know, he fought so hard and bravely, you should be proud of him."

Lamalia replied:

"That's the last family member I have left, now I'm alone."

Zed said calmly:

"You still have me."

Everyone blushed at Zed's calm words. Belle also burst into tears on Elastor's shoulder, she said sadly:

"Mother too, I didn't think it would be so quick when yesterday was the last day we saw her."

Elastor patted her head and replied:

"It's okay, just cry."

Grim thought to himself:

"At least they're sad about their family's death, but me… Damn it old man."

Zed looked at Grim and said:

"Hey, it's a bit surprising that you're also participating in this battle."

Grim replied curiously:

"So what? This is my kingdom after all, I have a duty to protect this place."

Zed said mockingly:

"This place is about to collapse anyway, so you should prepare for a new land."

Grim replied:

"I know, only after I kill my old father."

Zed smiled slightly when he heard Grim speak. Grim got a little annoyed and said:

"Anything fun?"

Zed replied:

"No, it's just that you're so different from all the Dark Elves I've faced. You have a mind for everyone. Not like the generals from The First War."

Grim said:

"You have been in The First War before?"

Zed replied:

"Yeah, I've been to war and killed a lot of Dark Elves. I've killed too many people who were pushed to the battlefield by cruel and cowardly generals."

Grim looked at Zed with an angry look, but Zed continued:

"And there hasn't been a day that I haven't regretted everything I've done. So seeing a Dark Elf as good as you makes me happy. And I'm also very sorry for what I did, I'm not asking for forgiveness, but for accepting what I've done as a sin."

Grim smiled lightly and replied:

"Oh just shut up please."

A simple words from Grim but it was also a peace for Zed's soul, everyone smiled at them. Suddenly Eva accidentally dissipated the aura around the main orb inside the Balance orb. Everyone was startled, Eva said:

"I was giving it light and it suddenly lost all its aura."

Belle panicked, she said:

"Oh no! Has the balance orb lost its power?!"

Eva picked up the main orb and said:

"What is this? The true Balance orb?"

Suddenly the Balance orb shined and imparted its light to Eva, Julia, Lamalia and Belle. Four of them enveloped in light and awakened to new powers. Eva summoned The Riser, it transformed its body and sprouted swan wings and put on a armor of light. The Riser awakened to its strongest form into an Alicorn. Belle grew dragonfly wings and wore The Lily's long vines skirt and around her right eye appeared the runes of the Elves, she awakened to her strongest form, the New Shining Star form. Eva looked at The Riser admiringly and stroked its hair, she said in surprise:

"The Riser, you were..."

The Riser replied:

"I don't know what happened, but the power of light from the Balance orb gave me the power to become an Alicorn."

Eva said:

"Then we can attack while flying. The Riser, withdraw."

The Riser bowed to Eva and withdrew. Belle before her new form, she said in surprise:

"The light power of the Balance orb gave me power, these wings belong to the mother."

But Julia and Lamalia still haven't felt any change in them, Lamalia said:

"We were also given the power of light, why haven't we felt anything yet?"

Belle replied:

"Isn't it supposed to work? Is it because you two didn't have the element of light in the first place, but why does the Balance orb give you power?"

Julia summoned Rosing gauntlets and said:

"With or without more power, we shouldn't be sitting here waiting. There's a monster we must defeat and a continent we need to rescue."

Zed replied tiredly:

"We can sit here and rest for a bit."

Everyone agreed with Zed's idea, but Julia hurriedly said:

"This basement is about to collapse, we have to get out of here!"

At this point, the whole team frantically rushed out of the basement just in time for it to collapse. Everyone was on top of each other and the serpent spotted them and charged at them. Everyone split up and prepared for a second round. Zed saw Exos from afar, but he shook his head to show that it wasn't time to use his strongest form yet. Zed transformed into his two-tailed half-wolf form and Elastor transformed into his Dark Elf form, and they stood side by side watching the approaching serpent. Zed said:

"You can transform into that form? You're too over-powered, my friend."

Elastor replied:

"Give me some darkness, since I'm using it for the first time, it will require a lot of darkness."

Zed gave Elastor some darkness and he absorbed it, Zed said:

"Use it wisely, I gave you half of what I have."

Elastor replied:

"Let's go!"

Zed and Elastor sped toward the serpent. The duo swung their swords and released two dark slashes that hit the serpent's head. It roared in anger and threw its fists at the two. The others also began to release all they had into the serpent. Eva from afar on The Riser's back shot two Sunshine arrows into the serpent's fist, causing it to drop. Lamalia launched a giant stone stake at the serpent and pierced its stomach. The serpent kept pushing because it regenerated quickly but Lamalia continued to launch two other giant stone stakes into it to hold it. Halazar was suddenly attacked, he wondered:

"How did they attack so fiercely?"

The serpent launched tentacles that destroyed the stone stakes, but Grim flew over and said:

"The Pack! Hunt!"

Grim summoned a pack of smoke hyenas from the Hollow sword and they scratched and destroyed the tentacles. Grim shot up and released smoke around the serpent's upper body, he said:

"One Million Blades! Slash!"

Grim continuously sped around the serpent while releasing thousands of slashes at it. The heavily wounded serpent had not had a chance to recover because of the deep cut. It sucked all the smoke into its mouth and was hit in the head by Belle's light beam, causing it to raise its head. Zed and Elastor lunged forward and slashed hard at the serpent's neck, stopping its ability to launch beams from its mouth. Elastor fired dark lightning at the serpent, electrocuting it and revealing a tumor on its neck. Elastor saw and wondered:

"What is this?"

Elastor fired lightning back at the serpent and he saw the tumor more clearly. Elastor approached and touched the tumor, it burst open and the darkness within flew away at the same time the monster roared in pain. Now Elastor understood something, he flew towards everyone and thought to himself:

"It is true that this serpent absorbs a lot of darkness but the problem with it is that it absorbs too much. The excess darkness has been compressed into a lump I have seen, when it was broken the darkness flew out reducing one the amount of darkness from it. If I can identify all the tumors then this is our chance to defeat it."

Elastor said aloud:

"Someone breaks the top of the cave now, I need a spot to launch lightning."

Lamalia replied quickly:

"Right here!"

Lamalia poured down all the rocks at the top of the cave, knocking down the serpent and leaving a large hole in the air. Elastor flew quickly into the sky. Grim and Belle flew up with him. The rear tentacles prepared to capture Belle but she launched light beams from the wings and set them on fire. The three brothers Elastor, Grim and Belle flew high above the serpent's head. Zed, Lamalia, Eva and Julia fought the serpent below. Elastor said:

"Infuse the elements of both when I make this lightning."

Elastor created a huge dark lightning on his left hand, he said:

"Dark Elastor, you have given me this power, I will not let you down with my dark powers."

Grim and Belle released smoke and light into the lightning bolt. Elastor folded his left hand and said aloud:

"Look overhead!"

Elastor threw dark lightning at Halazar and the serpent, and he said aloud:

"Thunder Spear!"

Halazar and the serpent were struck by lightning on the head and received a strong electric shock, many of the tumors on its body burst, causing the serpent to lose a lot of its darkness. There was still a little tumor on its body, Elastor said loudly:

"Everyone! Attacks those tumors! That's its weak point!"

Zed, Lamalia, Eva and Julia immediately rushed to attack. Eva rode The Riser flying around and shooting Sunshine arrows at tumors. Lamalia launched huge stone stakes to stab the serpent and hurl tons of boulders at its face. As for the tumors in hard-to-shoot and high places, Julia lunged forward and launched thorny vines whips and Eva shot Sunshine arrows onto the serpent's back as a place for her to swing away. Julia slowly swinging high on the back of the serpent, she said:

"The Helper, give me something more useful."

The Helper replied:

"The power of the Balance orb doesn't give you strength but me, I've been upgraded to some of its natural power."

Julia smiled excitedly and said:

"So let's move on."

Julia darted high and raised her hand to aim at the tumours, the Rosing gauntlets launched rose thorns and destroyed the tumours. As Julia fell, she threw her whip and swung over the serpent's armpit and onto its face. Julia focused The Helper's natural energy on her right hand gauntlet and punched the serpent in the face hard, stunning it. Halazar got angry and fired dark beams at Julia, but she fell in time to dodge. Eva flew over and caught Julia and let her sit behind her, Eva said:

"Very well, but we have a lot of work to do."

Eva and The Riser flew away and, facing the serpent, she raised her Peace bow and drew her bowstring. Zed rushed over and said:

"Aim carefully."

Then he rushed towards the serpent. Eva said calmly:

"I won't miss."

Eva created a Sunshine arrows and The Riser provided light for it which made it elongated, larger and gave off a blinding light. Halazar was blinded by the light of the arrow, he thought to himself:

"Eculida said there was a light that would be brighter than her and that it wouldn't be an Elf. If it wasn't for Belle then there was only Princess Eva Gloria, she's the brightest light warrior here. At first I thought she was just an ordinary princess but what kind of light power is this?"

Halazar saw the darkness fading away from the serpent's body, he angrily said:

"Whatever you do will be useless."

The serpent roared and released darkness, black liquids oozing out of its body, all the infinite darkness the serpent possessed was released all at once. It created a giant dark orb in its hand, it unleashed the nightmarish darkness and the most terrible destruction. Halazar proudly said loudly:

"The End Orb!"

The serpent launched The End Orb at Eva and it even launched a dark beam from its mouth at the orb to speed it up. But Eva still did not have enough light energy for the arrow, she worriedly said:

"Hurry up The Riser!"

Suddenly Zed leapt high to face The End Orb, he raised his dark blade and said strongly:

"Dark Slash!"

Zed swung his sword at The End Orb and pushed it back, he also absorbed the orb's darkness into himself to impart to the Returner sword. Zed said angrily:

"Do you think it's that simple? I'm still alive to defeat you."

Halazar couldn't help but be worried and surprised, he said in surprise:

"What did he do? Stop The End Orb, no way!"

Zed held The End Orb back and told Eva:

"Hurry, finish him off."

Eva created a new arrow of light with golden light that purifies darkness. Eva said aloud:

"The Arrow of the New Dawn!"

Eva released the bowstring and fired the Arrow of the New Dawn, it dashed into The End Orb and repelled it. The Arrow of the New Dawn gradually purified the darkness of The End Orb and made it a part of it. The Arrow of the New Dawn darted towards the serpent and split the dark beam. Zed rushed forward and shouted:

"Dark Tornado!"

Zed swung his sword and launched a vortex of darkness that wrapped around the Arrow of the New Dawn and launched it faster. Halazar shouted angrily as he watched the Arrow of the New Dawn rush:


The Arrow of the New Dawn pierced the serpent's chest and burned and purified its darkness. The serpent roared in pain and looked up. Huge swarms of white butterflies and the white Annabella butterfly flew around Elastor, Grim, and Belle and infused them with ancient light powers, the three brothers Elastor, Grim and Belle swooped down and unleashed their strongest attack. Halazar was worried and said loudly:

"Impossible, I am losing all darkness. My ultimate strength is fading. Elastor, Grim, Belle, spare me and I will give you greater power and more powerful. Rule with me in this chaotic world, no one can stop you and you won't need to bear the pressure of failure. Isn't that what you want? Especially you Elastor, you see yourself as the one who connects the two worlds but won't be able to defeat me."

All three answered loudly:


Belle said strongly:

"You can't tempt us anymore Halazar, we have our own powers and are strong in our own way!"

Grim said strongly:

"What's more powerful than being without everyone around!"

Elastor said strongly:

"We will decide our own destiny. Eculida said that when the old age dies, a new age will take its place and be more prosperous than the old. If we let go of our responsibility to guide an new era, we will be blind and weak. From now on I will continue to fight as a half-elf and the one who will connect the two worlds, I declare your Age to be over and Welcome to our New Age!"

Elastor swung his sword down, Grim stabbed his sword down and Belle charged energy on her wand to created the powerful orb. The three unleashed their most powerful attack on Halazar, destroying even the dark shield he had prepared and defeating Halazar with this attack. Halazar was defeated with fear and shock on his face. The serpent roared and its ribcage and tail exploded, it lay down and slowly dissipated. The serpent was defeated and unleashed an explosion of darkness that spread across the dark land. Halazar's expansion was stopped just in time as it approached the ancient forests. The thorny trees turned to dust and scattered their ashes over the earth. The dark lands vanished away and returned to life where they passed. Everyone cheered for the Crusadia team's victory, the Dark Elves and the Elves became close again despite all previous prejudices. Crusadia team reunited, Eva brought Julia to the ground, Zed and Lamalia held hands happily and went to meet everyone, three brothers Elastor, Grim and Belle slowly landed with Grim again was most seriously injured. Everyone turned to normal. They met again, Julia ran up and hugged Elastor, she said:

"It's all over, isn't it?"

Elastor calmly replied:

"Yeah, it is."

Julia said:

"Looks like you kept your promise and came back to save me."

Elastor replied:

"Hmm, do I need to save you?"

A strong slap was heard and Elastor's face turned red with Julia's hand imprinted, Julia said angrily:

"You should be respectful when I worry about your life."

Elastor replied in pain:

"Sorry, I was joking. I'm glad I saved you."

Julia grabbed Elastor by the collar and said:

"Then reward me with this."

Julia kissed Elastor and pinned him down. Elastor lost his usual coolness and was very embarrassed. But he quickly calmed down and hugged and kissed Julia. Everyone blushed when they looked at them. Belle held Grim, she said:

"And you got hurt again."

Grim replied:

"It's ironic, but it's true that I always get hurt."

Belle said:

"So what do you plan to do next for the kingdom? King Grim."

Grim replied calmly:

"Let the people decide for themselves the new future of our kingdom. How about you, Queen Belle."

Belle said:

"Well, heal you and everyone. And become the new queen of the Newlaphaine kingdom. After my mother's death, I know she trusted me, I will prove her trust in me."

Grim replied:

"Well, good luck."

Eva ran to Zed and Lamalia, but she found them hugging each other. Eva was silent and was about to leave, but Lamalia said loudly:

"Eva, come here!"

Lamalia ran to Eva and said happily:

"You fought well, I'm glad we won."

Eva replied happily:

"Me too."

Zed looked at Eva and nodded to her, he said calmly:

"Looks like you've gathered enough allies to fight Urizen. You'll be queen again."

Eva replied excitedly:

"Yes, thank you for today."

Zed said:

"Don't thank me, thank those who died, they are the real heroes."

Eva nodded, she said:

"Then a few more days of rest, we will return to Gloria kingdom, the day I regain the throne is not far away."

Zed and Eva shook hands, she said:

"So our journey is also coming to an end. You've overcome your dark past, what will you do next?"

Zed replied:

"I will marry Lamalia again, we have decided to get married again, anyway I don't want her to be lonely anymore."

Eva happily said:

"Congratulations to you two, haha."

Eva said that although she looked happy, her heart was broken, she did not know when she fell in love with Zed. Zed and Lamalia held hands and looked happy together, they smiled happily as they loved again. Zed, Eva, Elastor and Julia gathered together, Eva said:

"So we're back with everyone."

Julia replied:

"Except for one person, Alata..."

They were silent, Zed said:

"But we took revenge for Alata, that's enough to honor him."

Everyone nodded, Elastor said:

"Let's go home and rest. I'm sore and hungry."

Crusadia team was about to leave the battlefield. The Centennial Battle of Newlaphaine and Lanxter was coming to an end. Halazar was still breathing a little despite his severe injuries, he thought in anger:

"Why did I fail humbly like this, everything was perfect. I want power."

Halazar looked over at Eva, he thought of a wicked plan. Halazar immediately used all the strength he had left and controlled the serpent's body, he controlled a tentacle and rushed to the Crusadia team to capture Eva. Zed picked up a bottle of wine in the rubble, he excitedly said:

"Not Elf wine, but Dark Elf wine is fine."

Zed raised the bottle of wine to drink but he instantly sensed danger was directed at Eva. Zed rushed over and pushed Eva and Lamalia away and he was pulled back by the tentacles. It sucked in Zed's darkness and quickly all of his darkness was exhausted. Zed said angrily:

"Damn it, my bottle of wine."

Halazar manipulated the serpent's dissolving body to sit up, thanks to Zed's darkness it was slowly recovering. Elastor said:

"This thing still alive? Damn it, we have to save Zed."

When everyone was preparing to summon their weapons, suddenly Halazar smashed a green dark orb to the ground and released a dark wave around making everyone temporarily unable to use their power. Eva and Lamalia shouted nervously:


Halazar put Zed in front of him, he said:

"Damn, it's not that girl but your darkness is really strong. I'd be satisfied eating you."

Exos got up and summoned the Moon halberd, he created the moon circle and moved it to the month of the fading waning moon. Exos said calmly:

"As you asked, Zed. I'll do it."

Exos activated the moon circle and the month of fading waning moon was teleported, Exos also felt he was getting older and weaker. Zed looked up at the sky and clearly saw the fading waning moon, his whole body shaking and emitting a dark aura. Halazar looked at Zed and said in surprise:

"What is he doing?"

Zed unleashed a dark explosion on his chest and repelled Halazar. Zed floated in midair and released darkness. Crusadia team looked at Zed's transformation and couldn't be more shocked, Eva worriedly said:

"What is he doing? What is this?"

Lamalia replied in concern:

"I witnessed that moment once, the realm of Zed's power, the form of a half-wolf with three tails."

Eva became worried, she remembered the horror of that form, she said worriedly:

"But it's not the full moon yet, how can he transform?"

Zed unleashed so much of the darkness he once held, Zed whispered:

"The Knight!"

The Knight was summoned, it unleashed a lot of darkness like Zed. Halazar immediately absorbed Zed's darkness but he released more and more darkness and the sepernt's body gradually crumbled. Halazar was so surprised he said nervously:

"His darkness? What the fuck is it?"

Zed and The Knight merged and they unleashed more darkness. Zed transformed into a half-wolf form and enveloped him in darkness. Halazar saw within the dark aura the bloodshot eyes of The Knight, then a tail, two tails, three tails, and four tails. Zed advanced in his strongest form, the four-tailed half-wolf form. Halazar got angry and rushed forward and punched Zed, he said:

"Do you think it's more formidable and stronger just by growing a tail?"

Zed immediately blocked Halazar's fist with only one hand, he said coldly:

"The Knight is a Mythical Elemental Spirit, you should pay attention to your words. Especially when standing before me, Horseman of Death."

Halazar trembled, he stammered:

"Horse... Horseman of Death. Is that you the god of death that slaughtered so many souls in The First War?"

Zed replied:

"That was in the past, now I'm a warrior to redeem myself."

Zed shoved Halazar away, he backed down and went crazy, losing all reason. Halazar gathered his waning strength and pried open his heart, he raised it high and it released a nightmarish aura. Halazar said:

"I will end everything, if my heart explodes the whole continent will be destroyed."

Halazar unleashed all of his tentacles and whipped at Zed, he created a dark shield that shield all attacks. Zed gave the Crusadia team the final words:

"Grim, Belle, be good kings and queens. Elastor and Julia, I wish you both happiness forever, goodbye brother. Lamalia, my love, I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise, see you in the next life then we'll be together again. And Eva..."

Zed turned to look at everyone, Elastor, Julia, Eva and Lamalia were already crying and they were trying to run to Zed. Eva and Lamalia ran ahead and reached out to catch Zed. Zed said happily:

"You have promised me, don't break our promise. Thank you for saving me from the deep darkness, now I use this darkness to save you all. Eva, you are my belief and motivation so I can fight and redeem until today. Be strong and brave without me, Eva. Thank you and everyone."

Zed said aloud:

"Exos, get them out of here!"

Eva and Lamalia reached out their arms about to touch Zed, Eva said in pain:

"Zed! No..."

Exos teleported the Crusadia team out of the Haunted Mountain. Eva and Lamalia became dazed, they both looked at the Haunted Mountain and rushed back inside. Exos appeared and blocked their way, he said:

"Don't try to pass."

Lamalia replied with tears in her eyes:

"Zed is in there, we can bring him out."

Exos said calmly:

"That was his last wish and last request. I was only helping my old friend."

Lamalia replied angrily:

"What do you know? He and I could be together again!"

Lamalia knelt down and burst into tears, she screamed in pain. It was the cry of a lonely and broken heart when it was about to see the person you love die. Eva said with tears in her eyes:

"I beg you Exos, save Zed."

Exos shook his head, Elastor got angry and threw a stone at Exos's forehead, he bled but his face did not change. Elastor got down on his knees in anger and just punched the ground so hard his hands bled and he cried sadly. Julia also knelt down and cried along with everyone. Grim looked at Exos with hatred, but he didn't care. Back to Zed, after making sure everyone was safe, he looked Halazar in the eye and said coldly:

"Dark Matrix! I'll make it mysel!"

Zed summoned the Returner sword and plunged it into the ground and created a dark matrix that covered the city like an egg. Zed closed the dome that locked him and Halazar and slowly raised his hand to lift the dark matrix into the sky. Everyone outside could clearly see Zed's dark matrix. HalazarHalazar had relentlessly attacked Zed with his tentacles, he swung his arm lightly and dark chains shot out from within the Dark Matrix and chained Halazar. Halazar struggled to break free, even absorbing the darkness from the chains, but he was chained tighter and became more painful. Halazar said in fear:

"You... are you thinking of committing suicide?"

Zed replied:

"Yes, I am. I really want to see him again."

Zed closed the palm of his left hand, he gave a happy smile, the most beautiful smile he had ever smiled. The dark matrix exploded before the eyes of the Crusadia team and their heavy shock. The wave of the explosion that spread across the continent could be heard. Urizen heard and said angrily:

"Damn it! Its explosion and vibration will reveal the location of the continent."

The explosion destroyed Halazar forever and also... Zed. The Haunted Mountain collapsed and only the Returner sword remained in the ground. Also no one had seen any of Zed's remains. Zed had vanished and died. Elastor, Julia, Eva and Lamalia cried in pain because they understood that Zed was really dead and will never come back. They remembered their old memories with Zed: The times Zed and Eva argued and shared their thoughts, the battles Zed and Elastor had side by side and drank together, the times Zed and Julia drank and be funny together and unsuccessful wedding of Zed and Lamalia. Exos shed a light tear, he said calmly:

"Farewell, my old friend."

Exos returned to Gloria castle. The Centennial Battle of Newlaphaine and Lanxter had really ended with pain, tears, and sacrifices for hundreds of years to have today's great victory. Especially the sacrifices of King Zenhector, Queen Eculida and Zed. Opening his eyes and waking up to find himself in another world, Zed realized he was lying in an afterlife. Zed stood up and looked around, everything was white. He saw someone approaching him, a familiar figure. After ten years, Zed finally met him, Edengaz. Both of them smiled at each other, Zed said:

"Hello, brother."

Edengaz replied:

"You're finally here, you know how long it's been. Now, let's go meet everyone."

Zed and Edengaz embraced like brothers, the spirits of the Wolf Army present to meet their great commander again. Zed's journey of redemption had finally come to an end, with no more pain or regrets, but greatness, glory, happy and peace.