
The Dream Workshop

"The day I met you, I didn't know I would live again. Thank you for today, Eva." -Zed Whitney- The journey to find her destiny and regain the throne of Princess Eva Gloria from her cousin Urizen Gloria. With her is Zed Whitney, the drunken owner of The Dream Workshop and at the same time... Elastor Magnum, a cold and strong elf guy. Julia Manester, her loyal maid.

AkumaDark · Fantasy
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Chapter 38: After The Great War (Arc :The Centennial Battle of Newlaphaine and Lanxter Ends)

The next day after the great war ended, the remnants of Halazar's darkness were gone, the dark beliefs of the Dark Elves were gone, so they began to rebuild a new kingdom. The warriors who were sacrificed were thoroughly buried and honored forever. Finally the war had ended, this was the first step to build a new era for the two Elves and Dark Elves. The Elves helped the Dark Elves rebuild a new city in the New Lanxter kingdom, and they got along very well. But the Newlaphaine kingdom was having internal problems, queen Eculida was lost in battle so the nobles who had the right were quarreling to win the highest position. They quarreled before the throne of the kingdom, one general said angrily:

"The queen is gone, the throne is empty, only my clan has the strength to govern the kingdom again."

Another noble argued:

"The Queen is gone but her successor is still alive, Princess Belle will become the next queen. Are you planning to usurp the throne?"

The two of them started arguing loudly and so did the others. Suddenly Belle entered majestically and said loudly:

"Stop this madness!"

When the generals and nobles saw Belle, they immediately knelt down and said respectfully:

"Princess Belle Quart, you have come."

Belle approached the throne and said:

"Mother has trusted and chosen me to be the successor to this throne. No one can object. As long as I am there, no one can usurp this throne."

One official replied:

"But princess, in this dire situation we also agree for you to become queen but your age and experience are very limited. And according to the law if the successor is not qualified to succeed the throne, then there will be a temporary replacement to succeed the successor until the main successor is able to succeed. And in this case, the person who will be the temporary successor is..."

A loud voice said:

"It's me!"

A blonde-haired man in aristocratic attire came in and said:

"Hello daughter, I have come to help you rule the kingdom."

Belle's face was shocked, she was reunited with her father, Jeran Meron. Belle said:

"Why did this happen, didn't mom send you away?"

Jeran replied:

"Have you forgotten that I am also a noble? I have the right to stay in this castle but not to touch the affairs of the court. I will now become the heir to the throne and make you the true heir."

Belle gets angry and immediately leaves the Throne Room. Jeran sat down on the throne and proudly thought to himself:

"Eculida, once you forbade me to be king. And now I sit on it."

Belle thought angrily as she walked away:

"Internal affairs are all messed up. And so is him. If I don't become queen soon, things will get even more complicated."

Belle passed through the Crusadia team's room, the members still shocked after Zed's death. Elastor sat next to Zed's coffin, his clothes stained, he had a bottle of Elf wine in his hand and empty bottles were all around. Elastor took a sip and said:

"Brother, let's say our debt is over."

Elastor put on Zed's coffin the recipe for the Elf wine he always wanted. It clearly stated all the process and ingredients. Elastor took another sip and said:

"I'll go first, then we'll see you again, brother."

Elastor left Zed's coffin with tears in his eyes. Elastor greeted Eva, who was passing by with a plate of food. She greeted back and went to Lamalia's room. Eva gently knocked on the door and said softly:

"Lamalia, you haven't eaten since last night. I brought you some food."

No one answered, Eva slowly opened the door and entered Lamalia's room. Eva saw Lamalia huddled in the corner of the room, she was holding Zed's Returner sword and crying painfully. Since yesterday, Lamalia hasn't slept or eaten, only cried over the deaths of Zenhector and Zed. Eva put the plate of food on the table and sat next to Lamalia. Eva said:

"I know Zed is gone. He was brave enough to protect everyone to the end. You shouldn't just cry and be weak like that, Zed never wanted you to be like that."

Lamalia replied in a low voice:

"I know Zed never wants to see me cry or weak. But when you see someone you love die, will you be strong enough to get through it?"

Eva said:

"I do not know."

Lamia replied:

"It's the most painful feeling a person can ever go through. Zed and I have waited so long to be together again. But that brief moment is gone. Now I'm all alone! Zed is my only love and he's gone, what should I do now?!"

Lamalia cried more. At this time, Eva also burst into tears, she said sadly:

"If Zed were here, he'd probably say it like we're weak. He's always been the stupidest, most reckless and aggressive person in the world. But he's also the strongest to be brave. fighting and overcoming anything. Zed is not just an ordinary warrior, he is the greatest warrior."

Eva wiped Lamalia's tears and said:

"You and Zed love each other very much. Zed and I are also very close. Let's fight one more battle to make Zed's faith complete. Besides, you still have a kingdom to fight for."

Lamalia nodded and the two hugged. Belle continued walking and saw Julia drinking a lot on the roof. After Zed's death, Julia was so sad that she drank more than usual to get rid of her sadness, but it didn't seem to work out. Julia was crying and laughing because she was drunk, screaming in anger and repeating from the beginning. Julia crushed the wine bottle in anger and said:

"You bastard Zed, he's already dead before I can punch him few more times."

Then Julia sobbed again, weakly she said:

"Zed, I'm sorry for being so weak and didn't have time to apologize or thank you for everything."

Belle stood looking at Julia, Elastor walked up to her and said:

"What are you looking at?"

Then Elastor looked at Julia, and Belle said:

"Should we leave her up there?"

Elastor replied:

"Let me go up and bring her down."

Elastor jumped onto the roof and talked to Julia. Later they also drank on the roof. Belle gasped and went to Grim's room. Grim was resting and had bandages all over his body. Belle went in and said calmly:

"How are you?"

Grim grumbled:

"Do you guys need to put bandages all over my body like a mummy?!"

Belle said:

"My magic only temporarily heals wounds for a while but when you take multiple attacks the wound will get worse."

Grim replied angrily:

"Damn it! I need to continue training."

Grim sat up quickly, but was stopped by Belle, who said:

"Hey calm down. You haven't been able to fight or move much yet."

Grim replied:

"What's wrong? Worrying about me, I've had worse things than this."

Grim was immediately thrown in the face by a wet towel, Belle said:

"Let me wipe your face."

Grim replied angrily:

"What the hell? Are you trying to make me angry? *Arghh*"

Belle said:

"Don't ever think I'm worried about you, but because you're so stupid that you can't take care of yourself."

Grim and Belle stared angrily at each other. Belle changed Grim's blood-stained bandages, the numerous scars on his back surprising and shocking her. Belle said in confusion:

"These scars?"

Grim replied:

"Yeah, scars every time I train or fight. Since I was five years old I have wielded a sword to fight. At that time I thought that doing so would make my father proud but in reality I was nothing more than his pawn. "

Belle said:

"Halazar is dead, now you can become king to build a new kingdom."

Grim replied:

"I don't deserve it. Years of brutal fighting have made me more of a warrior than a king. If I became king, I would be no different than Halazar."

Belle said:

"Then let's meet them."

Belle held Grim and slowly brought him out to meet the Dark Elves. Belle and Grim were on their way and met Jeran again. Jeran smiled slyly, he said proudly:

"Daughter, where are you going? This afternoon is my coronation ceremony and you haven't prepared anything? But wait, who is that lowly Dark Elf?"

Belle frowned and replied angrily:

"I know well that this is your plan to become king. Even your mother knows how proud you are to be a purebred Elf, so superior and self-righteous. She knows that making you king will bring the kingdom to an end soon because you don't know how to fight Halazar."

Jeran became angry, he raised his hand to slap Belle and said:

"Insolent girl."

Grim immediately caught his arm and said in a dangerous voice:

"Don't try to do anything dangerous, if she doesn't want to, don't bother her."

Jeran angrily replied:

"You damned Dark Elf, what do you dare to do to us nobles?"

Grim squeezed Jeran's arm harder than he thought his bones would break. Grim said dangerously:

"Nobility or king. I will beat them all, don't think you're her father that can hurt her."

Jeran saw the smog with the blood-hungry face of The Predator behind Grim. He was scared and quickly withdrew his hand and ran away. The Predator withdrew, Belle said happily:

"Thank you."

Grim blushed, he replied:


Belle took Grim outside along the street, Grim saw Newlaphaine city for the first time, it was magnificent and bright, the people lived in harmony with nature and in harmony with each other unlike in Lanxter everything was dark and quiet, the people didn't even know what to say hello. Grim saw a group of young Elves and Dark Elves playing together. He smiled happily and Belle smiled along with him. They went to where people were rebuilding their homes. The dark land disappeared and brought a new home as the beginning of the Dark Elves. Belle and Grim sat on a meadow and watched everyone work hard. They transported timber, made poles and built houses. Elf farmers taught Dark Elf farmers how to grow wheat and vegetables. They dug out small rivers and built wells to get water. Everything was so peaceful. Grim smiled and said calmly:

"It seems that everything is perfect, the Dark Elf has had a good new life. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Belle replied softly:

"It's good that you're happy."

Suddenly a ball rolled towards Grim, a group of children ran up, one of them said:

"The ball is rolling towards people, hurry and pick it up."

A Dark Elf kid ran up and picked up the ball, he looked at Grim and said in surprise:

"Prince Grim, you're here already."

The children were scared and bowed their heads to Grim apologizing profusely, but he quickly stopped them and said calmly:

"There's nothing wrong with you guys, it's okay."

One replied:

"But you're a prince, one mistake will be punished."

Grim said:

"I'm not a prince anymore. Royals and nobles are gone, I'm the only one left, but I don't have any power anymore. You guys can have as much fun as you can."

The children became happier, one kid was so happy he kicked the ball straight into Grim's face, causing him to bite his tongue and spit blood. Everyone gasped in shock and Grim thought in pain:

"Fuck author, do you think I'm a loser when the ghost kid isn't here?"

Grim lay on the ground with an expression that could not have been more painful and humorous. Everyone laughed at Grim making him angry and said:

"Don't play with me like that!"

Grim kicked the ball away but it bounced off a tree and hit him in the face. Grim spat blood from his shock and thought in weakness:

"It's true that I accidentally became the author's clown."

Then Grim and the children played together. Grim was an adult but his personality was like a playful kid. Belle smiled at them. Later many people saw Grim and they frantically bowed to him, but Grim wouldn't let them do that. Grim simply explained that he didn't want to be king or prince anymore and wanted everyone to take care of their own lives. That moved everyone to Grim and saw him as the greatest prince. Belle sat on the grass happily looking at Grim. Later he came and sat near her, Grim said calmly:

"Why are you sitting here? Let's go meet everyone."

Belle replied shyly:

"Oh, no need. I'm just sitting here thinking."

Grim said:

"Is it about the guy who blocked our way earlier? What are you thinking about him?"

Belle replied:

"Let me tell you. He is my father, my mother's second husband. When I was born, my mother was very weak and tired after giving birth. He used the opportunity to take the throne. But my mother found about it so she deposed him from the castle, but as a noble he still had some power and waited until my mother died. Royal law states that I am still unfit for the throne, so he will temporarily replace me as king until I have enough experience."

Grim casually said:

"Then who cares about royal law, you should fight to be queen."

Belle was a little surprised, she replied:

"What do you mean?"

Grim said cheerfully:

"Didn't you always prepare yourself to be queen? Now when someone is trying to take that away from you, you've lost confidence in yourself and become anxious and weak. You said you would make a worthy queen, so show the doubters how worthy you really are."

Belle's eyes lit up when she saw Grim's bright smile, she blushed and covered her face. Grim panic, he said in confusion:

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?"

Belle replied:

"No, I'm just a little too happy."

Belle thought to Grim's encouragement:

"He trusted me, I also promised my mother, I would be the queen of the Newlaphaine kingdom, because I knew I was worthy and ready to shoulder this great responsibility."

That afternoon, the coronation of the new leader of the Newlaphaine kingdom took place. Representative nobles, officials, wizards (except Emanda) had gathered in the Throne Room to witness the ascension of their new leader. The Elves stood outside the castle and eagerly awaited the new leader. Jeran donned a golden royal garb and solemnly entered the Throne Room. The Throne Room had just opened and Jeran was surprised to see Belle perched on the throne. Jeran came forward and angrily said:

"Belle, are you planning to disturb this important ceremony? Go down to the throne now."

The members of the Crusadia team walked over and stood beside Belle. Elastor said:

"You have no right to give orders to Princess Belle. I, Elastor Magnum, the eldest son of Queen Eculida will decide everything, here and now."

Jeran mocked Elastor:

"Someone who just appeared out of nowhere claiming to be Queen Eculida's son, don't you feel pathetic for yourself?"

Elastor replied:

"Then I will prove it to you. The crown of the Newlaphine Kingdom is enchanted so that only those of the bloodline of the House of Quart can wear it and become king or queen. I am the queen's son, I can wear it."

Elastor took the royal crown made of quartz and elaborately depicted with a bright diamond in its center atop the throne and crowned it. He was unharmed, everyone and Jeran became surprised with Elastor, he angrily said:

"Impossible, he must have used magic to survive the magic of the royal crown."

Elastor took off his crown and said:

"Behold, the new queen of the Newlaphaine kingdom, Belle Quart."

Jeran replied loudly:

"Stop now, Princess Belle can't yet become queen because she's very young and inexperienced. I, her father, can temporarily hold that position until Belle can become queen."

Belle said:

"So you went against Queen Eculida's decision. According to royal law it is true that you can temporarily become king but that's when the successor at that time can't really take the throne. But I can take the throne so so I have the power to be queen."

Jeran replied:

"How can you be so sure? A smart, talented and strong girl like you but timid and weak like you still can't become a queen."

Belle said:

"I may be timid and weak, but I have proof of your corruption, bureaucracy and trustworthiness."

Grim pulled out several nobles, all of whom were tied up by him, and said:

"I, Grim Yus, son of the Dark Elf king Halazar Yus. Bring you proof of the unworthiness of noble Jeran. The Predator!"

The Predator was summoned and it walked around the captured nobles, growling and licking its lips as if it was waiting to eat. They huddled in fear, and one of them hurriedly said:

"Forgive me, I don't know anything."

The Predator rushed in front of him and roared at him, licking the nobleman's face, scaring him enough to pee. Grim approached and patted The Predator's head as if it was ready to attack, he said calmly:

"Tell everyone the truth here now. Otherwise what you see every night is the image of your face being chewed up by my The Predator."

The noble was too scared to tell the whole truth:

"As Jeran, he suggested to us not to let Princess Belle be queen and devised a plan to assassinate her. In return we would get a lot of money and the power to change the kingdom. That's all we discuss."

The Predator roared in anger and he continued in fear:

"Okay, I'm done. Then he'll bring his army to suppress and kill all the Dark Elves, which will expand the kingdom to be able to confront Gloria Kingdom."

Everyone in the Throne Room was amazed and surprised by the nobleman's confession. Grim withdrew The Predator and said:

"You heard it, it's all his plan to take the throne."

Jeran froze, he calmed himself and said angrily:

"It's because you forced him to say it, not that he really wanted to say it."

Grim replied:

"Then let everyone here decide for their new leader. Everyone here! Choose who here to be your new leader!"

Everyone talked to each other, Belle and Jeran stared at each other. Jeran thought in anxiety:

"They've already found out about everything, staying will only mess things up. Run away and I'll be caught too. I can only..."

Moments later, one official said:

"Nobility Jeran has shown signs of corruput and bureaucracy, which is worse when being a temporary successor. We all agree to remove the noble Jeran from his position of temporary successor and from now, Princess Belle Quart will be the new queen of the Newlaphaine kingdom."

Jeran angrily rushed to Belle, he pushed Grim away and he was still injured so he couldn't chase. Jeran pulled out a dagger hidden in his shirt and shouted:


Elastor rushed over and put the blade on Jeran's neck, he said calmly:

"All your plans have failed. Drop your weapons and we will guarantee your life."

Jeran was so shocked, he dropped his weapon and knelt down. Now everyone understood Jeran's plan to take the throne. He and his accomplices were taken to prison. Elastor held Grim and said:

"You did a great job."

Grim replied:

"Of course."

After Elastor crowned Belle, everyone knelt before her. Elastor said aloud:

"Shine, Queen Belle Quart of the Newlaphaine kingdom."

Belle sat on the throne and became the new queen of the kingdom. Belle and Crusadia team went to the big balcony and waved to everyone. The people waved to Belle and happily congratulated her. A new age of the kingdom had begun with Belle's ascension to the throne. The witches fired fireworks to celebrate this important day. Giant white butterflies also flew around the castle in a joyful dance. The Dark Elves also participated in the ceremony, they bowed respectfully to Queen Belle. Belle smiled happily, she had become the queen she always wanted to be. Grim smiled and sneaked away to Belle's happiness. Belle turned around and said:

"Grim, how do you feel?"

But Grim was long gone. Belle wondered in sadness:

"Grim, where did you go?"

Elastor replied:

"Let me go find him. Grim!"

Everyone also dispersed to find Grim. Grim was walking down the corridor to leave the castle now, he thought to himself:

"I've paid Belle's debt, it's time to leave. There's nothing I can do about staying."

Julia found Grim, she ran over and said:

"Grim, where are you going? Belle is looking for you."

Grim replied coldly:

"I'm leaving here, my duty to make sure my people have a good life is done and Belle has become queen, she will be a good queen. I have nothing left to do so I'm leaving."

Grim kept walking and Julia followed him to stop him. Julia hastily said:

"Belle really appreciates you for helping her so much, you can't just leave."

Grim replied:

"Yes, I can."

Julia said worriedly:

"Where are you going when you leave here?"

Grim replied:

"Well, I'm still thinking about it. Maybe I'll figure it out myself."

Julia said:

"You're lost, you're not thinking about life anymore. Or are you thinking about Belle and trying to deny it."

Grim replied:

"If that's the case, that'd be great. Dark Elves are emotionless, we don't think about anything but sacrifices and some other crap."

Julia said:

"Then stay for Belle, she needs you."

Grim replied:

"Funny, she needs help from people better than me and the approval of her people. She already deserves it."

Julia said angrily:

"What about your dream of being king?!"

Grim replied coldly:

"I've given up on that, my people will go on living without me."

Julia said angrily:

"You have feelings for Belle, don't you? Be honest!"

Grim stopped, he said:

"Damn it! I wish you wouldn't say that."

Julia held Grim's hand and replied:

"Ha, I know it. Wait, am I right?"

Grim grumbled:

"Did you think it through when you asked me?"

Suddenly everyone discovered Grim and Julia, Belle looked at Grim worriedly. He immediately turned to escape but Julia held him back, she said:

"Don't try to leave."

Grim replied angrily:

"Damn it! Let me go!"

Belle and the others run to Grim and Julia. Belle was worried said:

"Grim, where were you earlier?"

Grim replied coldly:


Julia said:

"Hey, meet her and you don't want to say anything."

Grim grumbled:

"Why do you keep clinging to my leg?"

Belle touched Grim's shoulder making him shiver. Grim turned and looked at Belle, their eyes meeting. Belle touched Grim's cheeks, she said:

"I've been worried about you, I haven't even said thank you."

Grim replied coldly:

"You don't need it."

Grim took Belle's hand to let go of her hand. But Belle kept her hands on Grim's cheeks, their gazes growing closer. Belle gently kissed Grim's forehead with the embarrassed faces of everyone around. Grim felt that he was so light and peaceful, he had never felt this way. Belle said happily:

"Thank you."

Belle left with a girl group. Grim blushed as he looked at Belle and Elastor looked at him. Elastor mocked Grim:

"You've got something on your mind, haven't you!"

Grim grumbled:

"Shut up."

Elastor and Grim went to their room. Grim went to the village of the Dark Elves and sat contemplatively in the middle of the campfire. Grim had now forgotten his intention to leave Belle. Grim thought to himself:

"What the hell am I thinking about?"

Grim looked at his left arm that was bandaped by Belle and said calmly:

"I haven't even said thank you to her. Looks like I owe her a lot."

Grim thought to himself:

"That feeling, so warm and gentle. All my negativity and fatigue have disappeared."

At this time, everyone in the village came out and surrounded Grim, Grim was a bit surprised, he said:

"What are you all here for?"

The village elders came out and they brought out an amethyst crown with intricately assembled triangles and three diamonds in the center. Grim said in confusion:

"This is the king's crown, where did you get it?"

One village elder replied:

"We have forged a new crown, it's for you Prince Grim."

Grim was a little surprised, he said:

"I'm not a prince anymore, you don't need to choose me as king or anything."

The village elder replied:

"And we have chosen our new leader. Prince Grim Yus, in that difficult battle, you fought bravely and protected all of us from King Halazar's slaughter. You've always been the king we've been waiting for to bring a new life to the Dark Elves after being so engrossed in dark magic. Kneel, young prince."

Grim looked at everyone around him with eyes filled with hope and trust for him. Grim instead of using his own power to become king, he used his own actions of bravery to protect all his people and wanted nothing in return. Now, he was trusted by everyone to become king. Grim knelt before the village elder and he put the crown on him. Everyone sang in unison the ancient song of the Dark Elves. The village elder said most respectfully:

"Arise, O king of the Lanxter kingdom, king Grim Yus."

Grim stood, with his strong gaze, he summoned his weapon and raised his sword aloft, marking a new era in the Dark Elf kingdom. Grim and Belle had come together as the new leaders of their kingdom, but their troubles still lie ahead. After a happy day, the next day was a sad day. Belle and Grim held a ceremony for the dead in The Centennial Battle of Newlaphaine and Lanxter. Families of fallen soldiers carry flowers to pay tribute to the dead on gravestones. The Dark Elves burned the bodies of the dead and scattered their ashes from the mountains. Wizards and witches cast spells and burried their sisters. The giant white butterflies also lost a lot of their mates, they were temporarily unable to go to battle. Two royal coffins were made for King Zenhector and Queen Eculida. Elastor and Belle buried their mother in Nova Waterfall, the coffin dissolving into stars and into the sparkling water. Then there was the burial ceremony for King Zenhector and Zed. The caravan of the Sandx kingdom and the Crusadia team brought the coffin of their most powerful king back to the kingdom. Crusadia team came last with Zed's coffin they carried. They crossed the desert with sadness and pain. Lamalia was at the head of the group, holding the Returner sword in her hands with tears in her eyes. Eva, Elastor, and Julia also cried as they walked. Inside the city, the people and the dwarves split into two lines that opened the way for them to the castle. They bowed respectfully and sadly to their king. Zenhector's coffin was buried in the crypt of the Sandx kings. They placed the rewards of his exploits around the coffin. Zed's coffin is buried next to Edengaz's coffin. Their coffins lie side by side in a glass pyramid. Lamalia hung the Returner sword on the wall and she carved on Zed's tombstone:

"Zed Whitney, the Greatest Knight of the Highland Continent."

Elastor, Eva, Julia, Lamalia, Belle and Grim put their hands on Zed's tombstone and wept over his sacrifice. The funeral ceremony ended, everyone stayed at Sandx Castle for a night to rest. Recalling Zed's words, that night, the Crusadia team looked up at the kingdom's starry sky. They had seen the stars coalesce into the shape of a howling wolf. Next to it was a tiger. They understood that Zed's journey of redemption was over and he was resting forever. Eva said with tears in her eyes:

"Zed may have died but he will always be in our hearts."

Lamalia said sadly:

"Yes, he's always there."

Elastor said with respect:

"Farewell, brother."

Julia said sadly:

"Goodbye, Zed, my dear friend."

That night, the stars were so beautiful.