
The Dominance Equation: Unveiling Darkness

In a world where humans and supernatural beings coexist, Eijin, a young mutant with extraordinary powers, embarks on a dangerous mission. With the help of his allies and lovers, who possess their own unique abilities, Eijin confronts evil supernatural beings and navigates power struggles among different factions. As their powers intertwine, so do their relationships, creating both strength and danger. Love blooms amidst the darkness, providing solace and strength in their relentless battle. As Eijin and his allies face the encroaching darkness, they must confront their fears and discover the true extent of their abilities. The fate of the delicate balance hangs in the balance, as they uncover the truth behind the darkness threatening their world. In a realm where humans and supernatural beings coexist, their journey is filled with danger, testing their courage, loyalty, and the enduring power of hope amidst a world shrouded in darkness.

SirLowie · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 16: The Pursuit of Shadow

Eijin stepped out of the Pegasus club and made his way towards a dark alley. As he merged with the darkness, his clothing seamlessly morphed into his battle suit. He established a communication link with Mara and Rachel, who were stationed at their headquarters, and shared his findings and reports with them.

"That was quite an act," teased Mara, her voice filled with amusement.

Rachel, sitting beside Mara, couldn't help but stifle her laughter discreetly.

"Just analyze this," Eijin said to Mara, referring to the drugs he had discreetly obtained from Kristine. "I plan to track that woman by secretly embedding some of my symbiote's organic tissues into her. These tissues will remain alive for at least a week and will be mentally connected to Gennia, acting as a tracking device."

"Impressive!" Mara teased Eijin once again, clearly enjoying the situation.

Meanwhile, inside a state-of-the-art, high-tech vehicle, as soon as Kristine took her seat, her clothing, unbeknownst to the others, seamlessly transformed into her nano-tech battle suit. The suit covered her skin, while her cybernetic limbs remained exposed. Fortunately, the symbiote tissue discreetly placed by Eijin was embedded within the cybernetic limbs, otherwise the nanotech would have recognize the foreign materials.

"So, did you get Mika and Michelle's location?" Kristine asked, her tone filled with determination.

In the front seats, Calista and Rinoah Sky revealed themselves. Rinoah assumed the role of the driver, while Calista held an advanced tech laptop.

"They were heading south," Calista answered.

"Good," Kristine responded, her confidence unwavering. "Don't lose them."

"On it, fearless leader," Rinoah teased playfully.

"By the way, why Mika and Michelle?" Calista asked with a mischievous grin. "Our assets are twice as impressive as theirs," she added, playfully referring to their physical attributes. "Look at this pair of boobies." she added.

Kristine's annoyance was evident in her response. "Those bulky muscles are a total turn-off."

Laughter filled the vehicle as they shared a moment of camaraderie and amusement.

Elsewhere, inside a moving van, Mika and Michelle continued their act, portraying a sense of nervousness. They were now accompanied by another cute and pretty Elf and a girl, who were victims to be delivered. The two female demons, along with a female Orc blocking the door and a bulky female Werewolf driving, were their escorts.

"This is quite a catch," the female Orc remarked in a husky voice. "The governor will be very pleased," she added.

The two female demons grew angry at the mention of the governor. "You stupid mother fucker! Don't ever mention the governor again!" one of the demons exclaimed, smacking the Orc's face with her palm.

"I am so sorry," the Orc stammered, unsure of what to say.

In that moment, Michelle and Mika exchanged a secret glance. This confirmed Intel's. The governor was indeed involved in the supply of the wonder drugs, using innocent girls as a bargaining chip.

As the minutes ticked by, Eijin soared through the starless sky, seamlessly blending into the darkness. Silently, he maintained his distance above the state-of-the-art vehicle carrying Kristine and her team, ensuring that his presence went unnoticed by their vigilant eyes. Utilizing his symbiotes' flying abilities, he effortlessly followed their path as they pursued the van transporting Mika, Michelle, and the other captive girls.

The road they traveled on wound its way through a dense forest, with the moonlight casting eerie shadows upon the towering trees. The soft hum of the van's engine filled the air as it continued its journey, oblivious to the watchful presence soaring closely behind.

As they approached the end of the road, a grand mansion emerged from the darkness, its imposing structure serving as a foreboding destination. The mansion's presence hinted at the sinister activities that awaited within its walls. Eijin, driven by his determination to uncover the truth and rescue the captive girls, maintained a careful distance, ensuring his presence remained concealed.

The tension in the air was palpable as both Kristine's team and Eijin closed in on their respective targets. The stage was set for a high-stakes confrontation, where the fates of those involved hung in the balance.

"They stopped," Calista stated, her eyes fixed on the beeping dot displayed on the laptop she held.

"Let's hold our position here. Park the vehicle inside those trees," Kristine commanded, her voice filled with authority.

Rinoah, following Kristine's orders, skillfully maneuvered the vehicle into the cover of the surrounding trees. As soon as Kristine, Calista, and Rinoah stepped out, the vehicle slowly disappeared from sight, revealing its state-of-the-art camouflage capabilities. Simultaneously, their nano-tech battle suits seamlessly transformed, encasing their entire bodies and faces. Only their long hair remained exposed. Their suits transitioned from a revealing style, exposing half their legs and half their chests, into formidable armor-like suits.

The transformation completed, Kristine, Calista, and Rinoah stood before the van, now unrecognizable in their new attire. Their battle suits enhanced their strength and provided advanced protection, readying them for the upcoming confrontation.

With determination in their eyes, they prepared to face the challenges that awaited them at the mansion. The stage was set for a battle of epic proportions, where their skills and resilience would be put to the ultimate test.

Meanwhile, above, Eijin continued to soar through the sky, assessing the situation below. As he observed that this was indeed the hideout of their enemies, a plan formed in his mind. Utilizing his weather manipulating powers, he summoned an artificial storm. Dark clouds gathered overhead, unleashing a torrent of rain and rumbling thunder. The purpose of this storm was twofold - to obscure his presence and movements, and to hinder the senses of his enemies.

Taking advantage of the chaos created by the storm, Eijin activated his teleportation powers. In an instant, he disappeared from the sky and reappeared atop the tallest tree near the mansion. From this strategic vantage point, he positioned himself to observe the area with his enhanced senses.

Rain cascaded down, masking any sounds he made and making it difficult for his enemies to hear his approach. The thunderclaps provided additional cover, further obscuring his presence. With his heightened senses and strategic position, Eijin meticulously observed the surroundings, analyzing every detail and preparing himself for the impending confrontation.

With each passing moment, Eijin's hope of finding Elise inside the mansion intensified. He yearned for her safety and prayed that he wasn't too late to rescue her if she was indeed held captive. Thoughts of their past moments together fueled his determination to bring her back to safety.

As he observed the mansion from his vantage point, Eijin's heart beat with anticipation and anxiety. He hoped his instincts were right, and that Elise was inside, unharmed and in need of rescue.

With every passing second, Eijin's resolve grew stronger. He would not rest until he found Elise and ensured her safety. To rescue her is the main priority of their mission, and he would face any obstacle in his way.

Just then, Eijin established a telepathic communication link with Rachel and Mara, who were positioned in their headquarters, monitoring his movements closely. As the connection was established, Mara, serving as Eijin's communication and information expert, shared valuable knowledge with him.

"That mansion belongs to Governor Mateo Jade," Mara transmitted telepathically, accompanied by a telepathic image of the mansion's floor plans. The detailed 3D image revealed the layout of each floor, exposing the existence of six underground levels.

"Copy that, and thank you so much for the details," Eijin replied gratefully, appreciating Mara's expertise in providing crucial information.

"You owe me a kiss," Mara teasingly added through their telepathic link.

Eijin couldn't help but smile at Mara's playful remark, his heart warmed by their connection. Meanwhile, Rachel, sitting beside Mara in their state-of-the-art control room, contained her laughter, enjoying the lighthearted moment shared between Eijin and Mara.

As the mission unfolded, Eijin felt a renewed sense of purpose, armed with the knowledge provided by Mara and support by Rachel. Together, they formed a formidable team, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in their quest to rescue the captive girls and uncover the truth behind Governor Mateo Jade's involvement.