
The Dominance Equation: Unveiling Darkness

In a world where humans and supernatural beings coexist, Eijin, a young mutant with extraordinary powers, embarks on a dangerous mission. With the help of his allies and lovers, who possess their own unique abilities, Eijin confronts evil supernatural beings and navigates power struggles among different factions. As their powers intertwine, so do their relationships, creating both strength and danger. Love blooms amidst the darkness, providing solace and strength in their relentless battle. As Eijin and his allies face the encroaching darkness, they must confront their fears and discover the true extent of their abilities. The fate of the delicate balance hangs in the balance, as they uncover the truth behind the darkness threatening their world. In a realm where humans and supernatural beings coexist, their journey is filled with danger, testing their courage, loyalty, and the enduring power of hope amidst a world shrouded in darkness.

SirLowie · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 17: Infiltration and Revelation

As Eijin maintained his strategic vantage point atop the tree, he carefully observed his surroundings, searching for an entrance with minimal security. Meanwhile, the van transporting Mika, Michelle, and the other captives passed by the back of the mansion.

Utilizing his teleportation ability, Eijin stealthily followed the van, taking advantage of the rain to mask his movements. He seamlessly teleported from tree to wall to porch, ensuring he maintained a safe distance from the van to avoid detection.

As the van came to a stop at the back entrance of the mansion, a state-of-the-art roll-up door slowly opened, revealing a dimly lit interior that exuded an eerie atmosphere.

Eijin, once again establishing communication with Mara and Rachel at their headquarters' control room, declared his intention. "I'm going in," he stated with determination.

In a surprising moment of synchronicity, Mara and Rachel responded in unison, their voices overlapping. "Be careful."

Caught off guard by their synchronized answer, Mara and Rachel exchanged a glance. However, Mara swiftly broke the tension with a mischievous smile. "Get back in one piece," she added, her tone teasing. "I still haven't had that kiss you owe me."

Eijin, unable to respond verbally, felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as Mara, with her telepathic abilities, caught a glimpse of his thoughts.

As the van entered the mansion, the two female demons and the bulky female elf stepped out, commanding their captives to exit the vehicle. The pretty and cute female elf, along with the human girl, were visibly terrified, hesitating to comply with the orders, unsure of what awaited them. Mika and Michelle, maintaining their cover, had to act scared as well, concealing their true identities.

The female werewolf, who had been driving, left her seat and wordlessly opened the back door of the van. She forcefully dragged the human girl out, who struggled and screamed in protest. Simultaneously, the female orc took hold of the female elf, dragging her along with a firm grip. The captives' fear and resistance added to the tense atmosphere unfolding within the mansion's walls.

"Follow us!" the tall demon ordered, her tone filled with anger.

"D-Don't hurt us," Michelle stammered, maintaining her act of fear.

"Just obey what we tell you, and no harm will come to you," the beautiful demon reassured, her voice laced with an alluring tone.

The group proceeded to walk through the long hallways, with the tall and beautiful female demons leading the way, followed by the captives, and the female orc and werewolf bringing up the rear.

As they walked, Michelle discreetly put her skills to work. Her right blue eye underwent a transformation as nano-tech components built within her pupil, allowing her to scan the surroundings. Three-dimensional images were sent directly to Michelle's mind, providing her with a comprehensive understanding of the area. As the genius of their team, Michelle recognized the advantage of having knowledge of their surroundings, especially when it came to planning their escape.

Eijin skillfully crawled along the edge of the mansion's walls, discreetly following the group while maintaining a safe distance to avoid detection. With his teleportation abilities, he expertly evaded the watchful eyes of the CCTV cameras, ensuring he remained undetected. Thanks to Mara's provision of the exact floor plans, Eijin navigated through the mansion with precision.

Meanwhile, outside the large gate of the mansion, Kristine, Calista, and Rinoah concealed themselves within the branches of a tall tree, observing the area. Their nano-tech suits allowed for private communication among themselves.

"Why don't we just crash through that gate and kill those guards?" Calista suggested, her tone filled with a hint of aggression.

"This is precisely why I chose Mika and Michelle to be the decoy," Kristine responded, her voice tinged with frustration.

Unable to contain her amusement, Rinoah burst into laughter. Fortunately, their nano-tech battle suits were soundproof, ensuring their conversation remained private.

"I think it would be best if the two of you wait inside the vehicles. We don't want to jeopardize the mission," Kristine suggested, taking on the role of a responsible leader.

The scene carried a hint of comedy as the three argued, with Kristine assuming the role of an annoyed mother figure, looking after her stubborn "daughters" in the team.

Kristine carefully scanned the surroundings, her eyes searching for an entry point. Finally, she spotted a corner of the tall concrete fence.

"There," she pointed, indicating their intended entrance. "We'll get inside from there."

Calista appeared disappointed. "I was hoping to punch that ugly guard in the face," she grumbled.

Without hesitation, Kristine agilely leaped off the tree, landing gracefully on the other side of the fence. Calista and Rinoah followed suit, their movements equally nimble.

"According to Selene's intel, there should be a secret path somewhere around here that leads to the deepest ground floor with fewer guards," Kristine explained, walking discreetly. "We'll catch them by surprise and take them out. That's where we'll meet up with Mika and Michelle," she added, her voice filled with determination.

Inside the mansion, after a 15-minute walk, the group of female demons and their captives reached the end of the hallway. As they approached a large door, it swung open, revealing two frail-looking demons dressed as waiters.

Eijin's brows furrowed as he quickly assessed the situation. It became apparent that the mansion served a dual purpose as a hotel.

Once Eijin was certain that no one would see him, he swiftly attacked the two frail demons. With a swift and calculated strike, he knocked one of them aside, incapacitating them. He then held the other demon firmly, ensuring they couldn't escape.

In a dark, husky voice, Eijin demanded, "What is this place?"

Terrified, the demon stammered, "W-What do you mean? We just work here as waiters." His nose dripped with snot as he continued, "We have no involvement in the governor's activities." He trembled with fear, hoping to convince Eijin of his innocence.

Eijin, firmly holding both demons, unleashed the power of his two symbiotes. Tendrils of tissue crawled from his arms, reaching towards the faces of the demons. As the tendrils approached, the conscious demons recoiled in horror, his eyes widening with fear. Overwhelmed by the sight, he feinted, succumbing to unconsciousness.

Eijin was well aware of the risks involved in using this symbiote's ability. It strained and fatigued the symbiotes, and there was always a chance that they might not be able to safely withdraw from the host's mind. However, due to the urgent nature of their mission and the need for information, Eijin often relied on this ability as a means of gathering valuable intelligence.

With the demons now unconscious, Eijin focused on extracting the necessary information from their minds. He carefully controlled the symbiotes, ensuring they gathered the details that could aid their mission and shed light on the truth behind the activities taking place in the mansion.

As Eijin stood, his battle suit transformed into a waiter's dress, seamlessly blending into the environment. Simultaneously, the symbiotes altered his facial features, giving him the appearance of a demon. With the demon waiters securely restrained, Eijin proceeded through the door, revealing a majestic interior that resembled a grand royal hotel, complete with a red carpet and lavish decorations.