
The Dominance Equation: Unveiling Darkness

In a world where humans and supernatural beings coexist, Eijin, a young mutant with extraordinary powers, embarks on a dangerous mission. With the help of his allies and lovers, who possess their own unique abilities, Eijin confronts evil supernatural beings and navigates power struggles among different factions. As their powers intertwine, so do their relationships, creating both strength and danger. Love blooms amidst the darkness, providing solace and strength in their relentless battle. As Eijin and his allies face the encroaching darkness, they must confront their fears and discover the true extent of their abilities. The fate of the delicate balance hangs in the balance, as they uncover the truth behind the darkness threatening their world. In a realm where humans and supernatural beings coexist, their journey is filled with danger, testing their courage, loyalty, and the enduring power of hope amidst a world shrouded in darkness.

SirLowie · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 15: The Vixens of Shadowstrike

As Eijin neared the Pegasus night clubs, he accessed the unique communication of his symbiotes. Harnessing the power to create radio wave frequencies and establish a communication link, he reached out to Mara and Rachel again.

"Mara, Rachel, I'm approaching the club where Elise was last seen with those female demons. I'll try to uncover any leads that could guide us to her location."

Mara, using her telepathic abilities, shared crucial information with Eijin. She provided insights on the club's owner, the influential individuals who frequented it, and even the floor plans of the building.

Eijin landed with a soft thud in a nearby alley, his black fighting suit seamlessly transforming into a set of inconspicuous clothing. Aware of the diverse crowd inside the club, consisting of werewolves, vampires, elves, orcs, demons, and more, Eijin's purpose was to blend in effortlessly.

With the assistance of his symbiotes, his face underwent subtle transformations, adding different shapes and contours to make himself unrecognizable. The symbiotes' abilities allowed him to assume a new appearance, ensuring that he would go unnoticed among the various species present in the club.

Feeling confident in his disguise, Eijin enters the club.

As Eijin made his way through the bustling crowd inside the club, he accidentally bumped into a voluptuous and alluring woman. His heightened senses immediately detected a familiar scent emanating from her. It was none other than the leader of the all-girl metahuman group, Shadowstrike. Mesmerized by her stunning beauty, Eijin found himself momentarily captivated.

Despite the accidental collision, the woman appeared unfazed, her attention undeterred. Eijin couldn't help but be intrigued by her nonchalant demeanor, wondering if she had recognized him or if it was merely a coincidence. The allure of her presence lingered in the air, creating a magnetic pull that drew Eijin's gaze.

Caught in the moment, Eijin couldn't help but admire her from a distance, his mind filled with curiosity and a hint of admiration. The woman's confidence and poise only added to her captivating aura, leaving Eijin eager to learn more about her and the enigmatic Shadowstrike group.

As Eijin's gaze fixated on the gorgeous and voluptuous woman, Kristine, his attention was drawn to her team members. Mika, with her red hair and adorable features, exuded a captivating cuteness that was hard to resist. Michelle, on the other hand, possessed an intellectual aura with her pale blue skin and blue hair, giving her a unique and intriguing appearance.

Their presence together in the Pegasus club ignited a flurry of thoughts in Eijin's mind. He couldn't help but wonder why they were here, especially considering their previous encounter in the warehouse. The enigmatic nature of their covert government group, Shadowstrike, hinted at a deeper purpose behind their presence.

Eijin's instincts told him that their mission might hold a connection to Elise's disappearance. The pieces of the puzzle began to align in his mind, fueling his anticipation and determination to uncover the truth.

For now, Eijin decided to observe from a distance, careful not to reveal his true identity. The allure of their presence and the potential connection to Elise's disappearance compelled him to dig deeper, to uncover the secrets that lay within the Pegasus club.

As the music pulsed and the crowd swayed around him, two big demons approached Eijin, their hip-hop clothing adorned with golden accessories. One of the demons smirked and said, "I bet you also like the red-haired one," nodding towards where the girls were seated. The other demon leaned in, his voice low, and whispered, "I bet you're here for the wonder drugs too."

Eijin's confusion turned into curiosity as he considered the possible connection between the drugs and Elise's disappearance. He recalled the telepathic details Mara had shared about the two female demons offering something to Elise before she vanished.

Suppressing his unease, Eijin responded calmly, "I'm just here to enjoy the music. But tell me, what do you know about these wonder drugs?"

The demons exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes gleaming mischievously. The first demon leaned in closer and revealed, "These wonder drugs unlock hidden potential, granting unimaginable abilities to those who take them."

Eijin's curiosity heightened. He needed more information. "Where can I find these wonder drugs? And what do they have to do with the red-haired girl?"

The demons grinned wickedly and stated, "You won't obtain the drugs unless you exchange them for a pretty girl, whether human, elf, demon, vampire, or even werewolf. Cute ones are a big plus," added the bulkier demon.

Eijin's mind filled with resolve as he unraveled one of the mysteries surrounding Elise's disappearance. This revelation suggested that Elise, being a pretty girl, might have been kidnapped by the female demons in exchange for those drugs.

Just then, Eijin noticed two female entities approaching Kristine's group. Eijin's eyes widened as she recognized those entities. They were the same female demons who had last been seen with Elise.

Eijin decided to observe more, utilizing her heightened senses to listen in on their conversation.

"So these are the girls you were talking about," one of the female demons said in an alluring tone.

"Aren't they adorable?" Kristine remarked, looking at Mika and Michelle.

"This will work," the other female demon said and discreetly giving something to Kristine.

Eijin finally understood. The all-meta female group, Shadowstrike, had pretended to be engaged in their current activities in order to capture those demons.

"Come with us now," commanded the taller female demon, her gaze fixed on Michelle and Mika.

"Where will you take us?" Michelle asked, adding to her act to make it more believable.

"Just follow us," answered the other demon with an alluring smile.

Michelle and Mika stood up, feigning trepidation as they obediently followed the demons. Mika trembled slightly, adding another layer to their performance.

Meanwhile, Kristine remained seated at the table, seemingly unaffected by the unfolding events. Eijin couldn't help but be impressed by the skill and expertise displayed by the girls in their covert mission.

After taking a few sips of her wine and ensuring that the demons, along with Michelle and Mika, were out of sight and unsuspecting, Kristine stood up and reached for her smartphone. It appeared she was about to report to headquarters. Eijin saw this as the perfect opportunity.

With a smirk on his face, Eijin seized the moment. He approached Elise, utilizing his symbiote's unique abilities to subtly adjust his appearance. With a mere thought, he altered his facial features, adding refined lines and contours, transforming himself into a young, handsome, and affluent gentleman.

Eijin purposefully bumped into Kristine, causing her to be surprised as her glass of wine fell and shattered, spilling its contents onto the floor.

"I am so sorry," Eijin apologized sincerely.

Kristine, cautious and observant, couldn't shake off a sense of suspicion. It seemed unlikely that the two bumps were mere coincidences. However, as she glanced at Eijin's face, she realized that he was not the same person who had bumped into her earlier.

"It's okay, it was my fault," she responded with an alluring smile. "I was too focused on my phone," she added, continuing to use her device.

Eijin, determined to make amends, suggested, "Let me offer you a drink as my apology," signaling a nearby waiter.

"No, it's fine," Kristine declined politely before leaving the scene, still engrossed in her phone and not giving Eijin another glance.

Left alone, Eijin glanced at his palm, where he held a single pill of the drugs. Closing his hand, he discreetly slipped it into his pocket.

It became clear that Eijin's purpose in bumping into Kristine earlier was to acquire a piece of the drugs that the demons had given her.