
The Disappearing Immortal

In the ancient times, sky demons descended upon the human world, unleashing an unprecedented disaster. Just when all hope seemed to be swallowed by despair, immortals appeared, defeating the sky demons with their extraordinary powers and preserving peace for humanity. However, the victory came at a cost: cataclysms weakened the spiritual energy of the world, and the immortals vanished without a trace, while the sky demons transformed into deities and silently infiltrated every corner of the human realm once again. Over 160 years ago, mysterious divine objects descended upon the world, heralding a new disaster. The once fertile Chippa Plateau and the invincible Panlong Ancient City were turned to dust overnight, leaving behind only endless mysteries and legends. In a world filled with mystique and legends, an ordinary young man accidentally gets involved in this ancient battle between immortals and demons. He is not a hero, nor a descendant of the immortals, just a common person desiring to uncover the truth and change his fate. By chance, he obtains clues left by the immortals and embarks on an unknown journey to unravel the truth behind the immortal-demon war and to reverse the predetermined destiny. This is an exploration across time and space, from the magnificent ancient cities to the mysterious ancient tombs, from the rejuvenating secret realms to the dark corners where sky demons lurk, every step is filled with the unknown and danger. Yet, the greater challenge comes from the fear and confusion within, and the earth-shattering secrets gradually uncovered. Along this journey, he will meet a diverse cast of characters, from loyal companions to cunning enemies, from lost descendants of the immortals to sky demons hiding in the shadows, each with their own stories and each story holding key clues. As the truth is gradually revealed, a grand narrative about immortals, demons, fate, and choice unfolds. This is not just a contest of strength, but a test of faith and will. On the path to seeking the tru

DaoistUFWN4Y · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 20: Ignorance Beyond Measure

"Your dispatched scouts were killed on the spot?" He pondered for a moment. "That harpy had been with Hao for many years, always perched on his shoulder. I've even hand-fed it."

"It was tortured to death." Hearing his father refer to the harpy as a "scout," He Lingchuan's heart settled. It wasn't just a minor creature that had been disposed of; "Niansong Yu and Master Sun must have learned from it that it was sent by me." He couldn't face this battle alone and had to remember that his father was his solid support. If his influential and powerful father couldn't help, then he surely couldn't either. However, He Chunhua replied indifferently, "But it's just a harpy, what's the big deal?" He picked up his pen and continued writing.

He Lingchuan was taken aback. "Father!"

He hadn't expected this reaction from He Chunhua and quickly tried to persuade him. "They clearly needed a favor from the He family, and they knew that Little Grey was sent by me. They knew it was a minor misunderstanding, yet they crushed it to death!"

He slammed the table gently, causing the writing utensils to jump. "Father, these two don't have any regard for our family. They think they can mold us as they please, crush us as they like, and make us work for them without complaint!"

"Master Sun Fuping is the highly favored Grand National Master, while I'm just a county magistrate from the wilderness. That's a world of difference. Under normal circumstances, he can mold me as he pleases, crush me as he likes, and then simply press me to death with a pinky finger. Otherwise, how can there be such a strict hierarchy?" He Chunhua didn't get angry but chuckled instead. "You've been too comfortable in Blackwater City for too long, unaware of the distinctions of rank and the depths of the sky and earth."

He became stern as he spoke those last words.

To say that he wasn't resentful was false; from the bottom of their hearts, the other side looked down on them. Crushed their scouts and still expected them to work for them and die for their sake.

Yes, they were superior in every way.

But a higher-ranking official can easily suppress and kill. Master Sun had still come bearing the king's command. What could Magistrate He do?

He Lingchuan wasn't satisfied. "But Uncle Hao..."

"If you submit to others, you have to accept your fate!" He Chunhua furrowed his brow. "Can't he let it go? He's almost in his forties."

He didn't have time for this. "You just said it yourself, Father!"

"Complain less, scheme less, think more." He Chunhua slapped his eldest son's forehead, making it sound like a snap. "But we shouldn't just let it pass either. After all, this is still the He family's territory. Tell me, what do you suggest?"

"It might be better to have Second Brother come up with a plan. He has more cunning ideas," He Lingchuan remarked with a smirk. "Even if we end up working for them in the end, we can delay things a bit and deflate their arrogance. Apart from us, who knows the exact whereabouts of the Sand Leopard relic? Furthermore, they killed our people... well, monsters. Shouldn't that come at a cost?"

"A cost?" He Chunhua broke into a smile, as if those two words had struck a chord deep within him. "Makes sense."

Seeing his eldest son's progress, He Chunhua felt a little gratified. "By the way, what about the two Eastern Mansion guards?"

"They're being kept for now," He Chunhua replied casually. "We'll decide in a few days. They don't really care anyway."

Nian and Sun were more concerned about the relic's whereabouts, and the guards themselves were inconsequential.

During the evening banquet, both parties enjoyed themselves with laughter and conversation. Fueled by alcohol, He Chunhua almost guaranteed that he would find the pass to the Plateau Desert.

But ten hours had passed.

Niansong Yu, growing impatient, had asked once more. He Chunhua admitted to having made no progress, but assured them that he would do his best.

This time, he had dispatched people to Blackwater City and put up notices, pretending to search the entire city.

Their attitude was excellent, but their efficiency was terrible. Of course, such a search would not yield results.

The He family's advantage was time. They could afford to be patient.

The Grand National Master, frustrated, no longer wanted to waste time and decided to visit with Niansong Yu. Unfortunately, He Chunhua was away from home, so it was left to his second son, He Yue, to receive them. Both of them were visibly pleased upon seeing He Yue and didn't hesitate to shower him with praise. After a brief conversation with He Yue, Niansong Yu seemed to feel like they had missed out on a great opportunity to meet, going as far as to say, "We're of similar age; perhaps we should exchange ideas more often in the future."

He Lingchuan, drinking tea quietly on the side, couldn't help but think that he was closer in age to Niansong Yu. How did this guy have the audacity to say that? His younger brother had a more pleasing appearance, and he had always been more likable. But weren't these two overdoing it a bit?

He Yue followed their father's instructions and reported, "The whole city of Blackwater has been mobilized for the search. However, with the closing of the Hongya Trade Route nearing, there has been a significant increase in traffic in and out of the city, making it difficult to search. It's chaotic with a mixed crowd, making the task of finding anything even harder."

He Lingchuan, worried that his younger brother might be taken advantage of, sat by his side and observed. He could see that He Yue was maintaining a courteous yet unyielding demeanor, much like their father, He Chunhua.

Niansong Yu grew impatient and was tired of their back-and-forth. He didn't want to waste any more time and bluntly said, "So, close the city gates for the search! Is it really that important to keep the city open for a few days? It concerns the fate of the nation. What does it matter if the city is closed for a few days?"

"It can't be done," He Yue replied with a wry smile. "The envoys from Balin are expected to arrive in Blackwater City in the next few days before heading west from here. This is their last chance to return home this year. If it's delayed, it could lead to a major misunderstanding between the two nations."

He paused for a moment. "Balin has always been eyeing the Great Yantai, and there have been numerous border conflicts. They're just waiting for an excuse."

Niansong Yu was frustrated. "