
The Disappearing Immortal

In the ancient times, sky demons descended upon the human world, unleashing an unprecedented disaster. Just when all hope seemed to be swallowed by despair, immortals appeared, defeating the sky demons with their extraordinary powers and preserving peace for humanity. However, the victory came at a cost: cataclysms weakened the spiritual energy of the world, and the immortals vanished without a trace, while the sky demons transformed into deities and silently infiltrated every corner of the human realm once again. Over 160 years ago, mysterious divine objects descended upon the world, heralding a new disaster. The once fertile Chippa Plateau and the invincible Panlong Ancient City were turned to dust overnight, leaving behind only endless mysteries and legends. In a world filled with mystique and legends, an ordinary young man accidentally gets involved in this ancient battle between immortals and demons. He is not a hero, nor a descendant of the immortals, just a common person desiring to uncover the truth and change his fate. By chance, he obtains clues left by the immortals and embarks on an unknown journey to unravel the truth behind the immortal-demon war and to reverse the predetermined destiny. This is an exploration across time and space, from the magnificent ancient cities to the mysterious ancient tombs, from the rejuvenating secret realms to the dark corners where sky demons lurk, every step is filled with the unknown and danger. Yet, the greater challenge comes from the fear and confusion within, and the earth-shattering secrets gradually uncovered. Along this journey, he will meet a diverse cast of characters, from loyal companions to cunning enemies, from lost descendants of the immortals to sky demons hiding in the shadows, each with their own stories and each story holding key clues. As the truth is gradually revealed, a grand narrative about immortals, demons, fate, and choice unfolds. This is not just a contest of strength, but a test of faith and will. On the path to seeking the tru

DaoistUFWN4Y · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 19: Qualification

He Qiling contemplated for a moment and said, "Arrange two sets of new attire for them, and prepare two hearty meals. No matter how they scold, greet them with a smile. Also, keep an eye on Chen Laoqi, don't let him escape. He might have disrupted someone else's plans, and his own fate might be opened up this time."

The disciple complied and couldn't help but add, "Young Master, we can't afford to offend the Eastern Mansion. If we release them..."

Previously, the Red and White Gang had been ruthless because they were sure these two were doomed to die and wouldn't reveal anything. What difference did it make if they used force? However, now that He Lingchuan intended to let them go, the Red and White Gang couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Don't worry, they are in need of our favor, and we shouldn't mind such trivial matters. Besides, this is Qiansong County, Blackwater City. They say that the strong dragon doesn't oppress the local snake. This is not a place where the Eastern Mansion's word holds sway."

The Red and White Gang disciples were dismissed, and He Lingchuan turned to his second brother, who looked concerned. "Big brother, how should I explain this to Father?"

"A mere misunderstanding. The Eastern Mansion will surely prioritize the bigger picture," He Lingchuan chuckled, maintaining a composed demeanor. "This is nothing at all!"

He Yue remained silent. What was a minor issue for the Grand Marshal might require careful consideration in the He family.

"I am a mountain; they are but specks of dirt," He Lingchuan thought.

The wind rustled the fallen leaves in the garden, and for the first time, He family's children, who had grown up with ease and privilege, felt the frustrations of being small and insignificant individuals. It was truly unpleasant.

"What's the matter?" He Lingchuan noticed his younger brother's gloomy expression, as if something weighed on his mind.

"Nothing," He Yue forced a smile. "I shall take my leave."

As soon as He Yue departed, He Lingchuan turned to Hao Shu with concern. "Is something wrong?"

"Master, Xiao Hui has died."

He Lingchuan was taken aback. "How did he die?"

"He didn't return last night. I went to the cliff in Hulushan and retrieved his body," Hao Shu's voice had a hint of bitterness. "His wings and abdomen were pierced, he bled dark green blood, and he was poisoned, but the cause of death was a snapped neck."

"Niansong Yu and Master Sun!" He Lingchuan felt a pang of sadness in his heart and his eyes reddened. "Sending Xiao Hui to keep watch was my idea. Hao Shu, I'm truly sorry."

Xiao Hui was a harpy and had been Hao Shu's childhood playmate. He had been with him for decades, and could speak like a human. They ate meat, drank wine, committed crimes together, and were as close as brothers.

Hao Shu had no children and no brothers. With Xiao Hui's death, it was as if someone had severed his limbs.

"It wasn't you who did it, so why apologize?" Hao Shu's voice revealed a trace of determination. "Those two just wanted to ask questions; there was no need to take a life. Can you find out who is responsible, Master Niansong Yu or Master Sun?"

"Of course," He Lingchuan immediately assured him. "But don't act rashly. Besides, we're in Jinzhou now, and no one dares to be our enemy. If you seek revenge now, it will only cost you another life."

"Wait for another ten days, and the chances of revenge will increase threefold or more." He urged Hao Shu, "Just wait, and when the opportunity arises, Father and I will definitely help you. Our opponent is Master Sun, a weapon of the state. Going for revenge now would be too hasty."

"By the way, does Father know?"

Hao Shu shook his head. "I came to find you first."

He Lingchuan took off his sheep-fat jade ring and handed it to Hao Shu, along with a string of pearl necklaces. "Take three days off. I mean it—take a good rest." He genuinely commiserated, "Don't drink too much. If you need anything, I'll call you at any time."

The sheep-fat jade ring had a large ruby on it, exclusive to the wealthy, and each pearl on the necklace was as big as a quail egg, of uniform size, making them valuable treasures.

Hao Shu accepted them, nodded mechanically, and then turned to leave.

Once he had left, He Lingchuan sat down slowly on a stone bench in the garden. This was indeed trouble coming from heaven.

The harpy Xiao Hui had gone missing last night, which meant that before Niansong Yu and Master Sun came to the He residence, they already knew about the clue that the He family possessed. Today, when they came to the door, could it be that they intended to use diplomacy before resorting to force?

Ignoring the differences in their identities and statuses, could He Lingchuan dare to defy their words from the Eastern Mansion? But if they could use both coercion and incentives, what did the He family have to fear?

His father...

Thinking through this, He Lingchuan stood up and patted his buttocks. There was no need to scare himself; there was no need at all.

He Chunhua was in the middle of writing quickly and stopped when he heard his eldest son's words.