
The Disappearing Immortal

In the ancient times, sky demons descended upon the human world, unleashing an unprecedented disaster. Just when all hope seemed to be swallowed by despair, immortals appeared, defeating the sky demons with their extraordinary powers and preserving peace for humanity. However, the victory came at a cost: cataclysms weakened the spiritual energy of the world, and the immortals vanished without a trace, while the sky demons transformed into deities and silently infiltrated every corner of the human realm once again. Over 160 years ago, mysterious divine objects descended upon the world, heralding a new disaster. The once fertile Chippa Plateau and the invincible Panlong Ancient City were turned to dust overnight, leaving behind only endless mysteries and legends. In a world filled with mystique and legends, an ordinary young man accidentally gets involved in this ancient battle between immortals and demons. He is not a hero, nor a descendant of the immortals, just a common person desiring to uncover the truth and change his fate. By chance, he obtains clues left by the immortals and embarks on an unknown journey to unravel the truth behind the immortal-demon war and to reverse the predetermined destiny. This is an exploration across time and space, from the magnificent ancient cities to the mysterious ancient tombs, from the rejuvenating secret realms to the dark corners where sky demons lurk, every step is filled with the unknown and danger. Yet, the greater challenge comes from the fear and confusion within, and the earth-shattering secrets gradually uncovered. Along this journey, he will meet a diverse cast of characters, from loyal companions to cunning enemies, from lost descendants of the immortals to sky demons hiding in the shadows, each with their own stories and each story holding key clues. As the truth is gradually revealed, a grand narrative about immortals, demons, fate, and choice unfolds. This is not just a contest of strength, but a test of faith and will. On the path to seeking the tru

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18 Chs

Chapter 21: Beauty and Talent Combined

Would Year Commander dare to openly confront him with such fiery anger?

The two men stared at each other like roosters, but Hua Yue didn't care. Only Sun Fuping spoke up to defuse the situation, saying, "How could Year Commander be aware of the affairs of servants? He will inquire once he returns. How exactly did Young Master He get injured? It is a matter of great importance, so let's not speak ill of him."

He sighed, "It was almost fifty days ago when I went hunting in the Hulushan Mountains and was attacked by a sand leopard. I fell off a cliff and was unconscious for many days before waking up."

Hua Yue's eyes nearly shot flames of anger, "Why didn't you mention this yesterday? What's this pretense?"

Sun Fuping focused on the key issue, "What about the sand leopard?"

"It died, brought back with me. After I woke up, I ordered it to be dismembered. This creature nearly cost me my life, so I had it dismantled, and the parts were sold in the market." He gestured toward the east, "There are plenty of merchants here interested in the fur, claws, teeth, tongue, eyes, and inner organs of monsters, willing to pay a high price."

"We understand your intentions," He Yue timely interjected, "Yesterday, we learned that the sand leopard that ambushed my elder brother was wounded by you. Although my father hasn't made a decision yet, he has already sent people to search for the sand leopard's corpse."

These words carried a certain weight, but unfortunately, they landed on deaf ears as both Sun Fuping and He Yue were unimpressed. They doubted whether County Magistrate He would be able to find the leopard's body.

Could he really find it?" Sun Fuping questioned.

He Yue smiled, "Undoubtedly, he will give his all."

They were being polite, but deep down, they knew this was not a promise they could hold onto.

At the end of the day, these petty officials only sought promotion and wealth, not difficult to manage. He Yue commented, "Although the position of Imperial Investigator is only a fifth-grade rank, it allows for the supervision of government officials, a juicy job desired by many. In the past, I might have coveted it, but now..."

Sun Fuping scolded softly, "Don't speak nonsense!"

In the blink of an eye, the sky darkened.

County Magistrate He had not yet returned; he was genuinely busy. The diplomatic mission from Balin had arrived in Blackwater City, and the local officials were responsible for receiving them.

During this time, He Lingchuan made a trip to the government office and personally delivered the letter from the Grand Marshal into his father's hands.

Watching as He Chunhua burst into laughter, clapping his hands on the table three times. After over twenty years, he had endured hardships on the frontier, and now he was returning to the familiar capital city, the land of the He family's past glory.

He Chunhua even took out some hidden fine wine, selected two cups, and toasted his eldest son three times. It was better than any wine he had tasted during these years on the border.

He had let out an unrestrained laugh, "Stupid child, of course, we can't stay here." He spoke lightly and slowly, "I've endured hardships on the border for twenty years, waiting for this opportunity, the opportunity to return, to ascend!"

He Chunhua's eyes shimmered with an odd light, and it left He Lingchuan feeling uneasy.

"The He family can't stay in the border area, or their children and grandchildren will be nothing but frontiersmen." For generations to come, the He family would only be border folk if they remained on the frontier.

"One can only gain the opportunity to ascend when returning to the capital city." In his mind, He Lingchuan was still contemplating his father's intense need for him to maintain his current demeanor.

"Opportunity." His father had repeated this word several times.

What opportunity? What did he intend to do with this opportunity?

He felt like his father was counting on him to act this way, so even if he acted recklessly, his father would still have his back when it mattered.

Now, as night fell, He Lingchuan realized that no one at home would be waiting for him to have dinner. He decided to go to the kitchen to find some snacks to satisfy his hunger. The housekeepers always kept something delicious hidden in a low cabinet, and today, it should be apple pastries. He would sneak in and eat them; they wouldn't protest.

As he walked past his younger brother's residence, he noticed something. At this hour, He Yue would either be studying by candlelight or grading papers, but he rarely wandered around the He residence.

However, He Lingchuan could hear two men conversing in the bamboo grove.

Two men.

One of them was He Yue, and the other was...

"... There's no need for that, Year Commander," He Lingchuan heard his younger brother say.

Year Commander? He Lingchuan approached quietly.

Indeed, the other person was Hua Yue, and He Lingchuan could see that his cheeks were flushed, indicating that he had been drinking, "Why no need? There are countless noble families in the capital city, and the elites have high standards. Even if your father is promoted and returns, he will only be a fifth-grade official. When do you expect him to rise above the rest?"

He Yue moved closer with a smile, "You are both beautiful and talented. If my father could recommend you..."