
The Digital Detective Hero: Cyber

Takumi, Yuuko, Yuugo, Arata, and Nokia have finally defeated Suedou, preventing his plan of using the power of eaters to create a dull world and saving both the Physical and the Digital World. All was well. Yuugo and Takumi would finally return to their bodies, the Eaters would be ejected from both worlds, and everyone could live happily ever after. Unfortunately, life had other plans. Due to Takemi's overexposure to Eaters, his Half-Cyber body was being worn down slowly. Just as they were about to make it back... Takumi vanished into nothing but small bits of data, leaving only the four adolescents in despair to go back to the Physical world. But this is not the end to Takemi's story. After a few weeks pass, Alphamon, Mirei Mikagura, and all of his digimon salvaged as much of Takemi's mental data as they could. Although they salvaged only a little, not even enough to send him back to his own world in fact, it was enough to bring him back to consciousness. It was then they offered him a deal.

MelWritesThings · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The Hero of Two Worlds.

Silent and Dark. That's how Takumi would describe his environment right now. Though it would be more appropriate to say that it has been his environment for what felt like months now. His body felt stiff and unmoving. Probably due to the fact that his body was nothing but scattered data. Honestly, he was getting used to the peace and quiet. It was a much needed break from everything.

'Though, it is really lonely around here.' Takumi thought solemnly.

He thought back to his friends. What he wouldn't give to see everyone again, god only knows. Kyoko, Nokia, Arata, Yuugo... Yuuko... Mirei... Especially Mirei. He was quite open about his adoration of Mirei. She was the perfect girl to Takumi. Even with this, he knows he will never see them again. He would never see her again. Takumi could only mentally sigh at his misfortunes.

Just before he could get back to wallowing in his sorrows, he was suddenly blinded by a bright flash of light causing him to raise his arm in front of his eyes and closing his eyelids.

'Wait... I can see? And I have my arms...!' He thought in surprise.

He looked downwards. He could see himself! He had a body! He couldn't believe it! At least not at first. He began to pat himself. He needed to know if it was real, and sure enough, physical contact. No longer is he numb. No longer would his mind be corrupted by an ever-eternal darkness. Just as the light of the Digital world blinded him, the light of happiness invaded his heart.

"Oh good, you're awake." A voice spoke out. It was a mix of a feminine and a semi-masculine one. Despite this, he could instantly recognize the voice.

"Kyoko... No, I guess it's Alphamon now, isn't it?" He asked to the black and gold knight. They simply laughed in amusement at his question.

"Have you forgotten? When I possessed Kyoko, our memories merged. That means that I became her, and she became me." Kyoko/Alphamon explained to him.

"How... How am I here?"

As glad as Takumi was to be among the living again, he was definitely confused. He basically got deleted, yet here he is.

"That's a good question, my dear Watson." They crossed their arms before beginning to speak once more. "When you disappeared in the digital network, your mental data was scattered all across the digital world. We simply picked up the pieces of your fragmented mental data is all."

Takumi couldn't see her face, but he could tell she was smirking.

"Wait... What do you mean 'we'?"

"Turn around, Takumi."

This confused Takumi, but he knew it would be fine. He trusts Kyoko with his life, and by extension, Alphamon. He turned around... And what he saw was...

"You guys..."

His heartstrings were being pulled. All of his digimon were there. From his main eleven, to his digibank, to his digifarms, even the three PlatinumNumemon, and in the middle them all was a beautiful Lilac haired girl with glasses holding a laptop in her arms.

"It seems that fate doesn't want to let go of you just yet, Aiba." She says, pushing her glasses up with her lips curving upwards only slightly.

"Mirei..." Takumi says with a small pause coming immediately after, being that he was still in shock of the sight in front of him.

"ChaosDramon... Ciel... Ouryumon... Everyone...!" Tears began to well up in his eyes. Every single one of his friends were in front of him right now. Friends he never thought he'd see again.

"Fufu, what a heart warming reunion!" Alphamon said in a slightly teasing manner. "This is what I meant by 'we', Takumi. All of your digimon helped in the effort to restore your data."

"Thank you so much... Everyone..." Takumi sobs before running towards his digimon and embracing them as best as he could. His emotional outburst caused his own digimon to reciprocate by doing the same. A wonderful reunion of a person and his precious digimon. Two halves to a singular whole.



"Are you done with your reunion?" Alphamon asked in a soft tone to the now less emotional Takumi.

"Y-Yeah... I'm good now..." Takumi wipes his tears off his face and breathes deeply before looking up at the tall black knight.

"Good. Now, I have a question for you," Takumi simply tilts his head in confusion which prompts Alphamon to continue. "Good news or Bad news first?"

"Uh oh... I don't like where this is heading..." Takumi sweats as nervousness takes over his body. "But I'll take the bad news first." He says with a hesitant tone.

"...Although you may have your data back, it's still just a Half-Cyber body..." Alphamon speaks with regret as they clench their fist.


"... Your body in your physical world is dead." Mirei says regretfully while keeping her head down.

"What...?" Takumi couldn't believe he heard that right. His body...? Dead?

"And due to your nature as a Half-Cyber being, that half of you is dead..."

"Th-Then that's a good thing, right? I can just go back?" Takumi's despair is more evident now. An obvious desperation is in the tone of his voice.

"...I-I'm afraid It's not that simple, Aiba..." She says with a lump in her throat. She bit her lip before continuing on. "As you know... Parallel dimensions do exist... Within those parallel dimensions contain a being simply known as 'Kami' who manages all life in both the Physical and the Digital worlds... And by having two of the same exact being in the same world will alert the Kami to erase your existences entirely..." Despite Mirei's past stone wall, unreadable behaviour, Takumi could clearly see the depressed state of the girl.

"Well, I was able to be in my own world just fine, right...? That should mean-" He said before getting cut off by Mirei. "No! That's not how this works!" Takumi has never seen Mirei this upset before. The sudden outburst shocked him into silence. "When your physical body died, the Kami registered your soul as dead. If your Half-Cyber self went back to your own world, the Kami would recognize you as a paradoxical object... And it would delete you..."

This was definitely a revelation for the Cyber Sleuth. He can't go back to his world. He can't see any of his old friends anymore. He can't see his mother anymore. No tears were shed by him. Only sadness with a somber expression on his face. A depression which would've lasted a while longer had he not heard a quiet sniffle from Mirei.

'Mirei's... Crying?' He thought. A quick observation of Mirei told him everything he needed to know. She was trembling. He could see tiny droplets of water falling from her face.

Mirei felt horrible. She did everything she could to keep Takumi's body safe and sound so he could return back to his old world. Yet despite her efforts, Takumi still died. Not just once, but twice. Once when his mental data dispersed on the way to the real world, and another time when his Physical body flatlined. 'What a guardian I am...' Before Mirei could berate herself any longer, she felt two loving arms surround herself, accompanied by headpats.

"There you go, Mirei..." Mirei's heart warmed in Takumi's arms.

"I... I'm sorry Takumi!" Mirei embraces back, burying her face in his neck. "I did all I could to save your physical body! I failed! I'm sorry!"

"No need to apologize Mirei. You tried your best. That's good enough." Takumi's words of comfort reached into the deepest depths of Mirei's digital soul.

"...Th-Thank you, Takumi..."



"We-Well, I apologize for that... unsightly behaviour..." Mirei says.

"Heh, don't worry about it Mirei." He says as he raises his gloved hand and waves it in a dismissive motion.

"Ahem." A cough came from a certain royal knight which took the attention of both Mirei and Takumi.

"If you two lovebirds are done, I'd love to get to the good news." At this, Takumi blushed and looked away, while Mirei simply giggled.

"Hey!" Takumi playfully punches the knightly digimon and bursting into a giggle. "Yeah, you can tell me the good news now."

"Because of your... Circumstance, we've decided to give you another chance at life." Alphamon's words confused Takumi a bit. "You may not be able to your world now, but you can still go to another. One where you don't exist."


"If you were to enter a world that already has a 'Takumi Aiba', you'll be considered a paradoxical existance, thus causing the deletion of both 'Takumi Aiba's... But... If you went to a world where you don't exist..."

"I'll be able to get past Kami./You'll bypass the paradox deletion." Takumi and Alphamon said in unison.

"There's my Watson." Alphamon said with pride and a smirk appears on her face as she chuckles.

"Thank you, Alphamon. Mirei." A sweet smile appears on his face.

"Ah, right. I have one final gift for you." Mirei grabs his gloved hand with her free hand who did... something(?) with his glove. "There, it's finished."

"So what did you just do?" Takumi questioned her, though he shouldn't really be surprised at whatever she did with his glove. After all, when she installed Stealth Hide and Conversion, she did the exact same thing.

"I think it would be much easier to explain if you were to just use it." Takumi immediately deadpanned.

"But... I don't know how to use it, Mirei." Takumi said back to her before one side of his lips curved upwards into a smirk. "Or did you just use that as an excuse to touch my hand?" Mirei simply crossed her arms and looked away in a 'Tsundere'-ish manner. "Hmph, I'm glad you're well enough to be flirty again, Aiba."

"Anyway, raise the back side of your hand and say 'Digilab Access.'." With no hesitation, Takumi followed her instructions. He raises the dorsal side of his hand and says- "DigiLab Access" What appeared before him were 4 panels. All of which looked INCREDIBLY familiar.

"No way..." It was the four stations available to him during his days as a cyber sleuth. The DigiFarm, the shop, the healing terminal, and the DigiBank. He did notice something was off though...

"Why's the DigiBank empty?"

"The world you'll be going to is... too far away for the data of digimon to transfer to alone. By the time their data were to reach that world, their data would already be equivalent to ashes at that point." Before Takumi could ask another question, Mirei began to speak again. "As for the purpose of the DigiLab Access upgrade, I added something extra for your glove's new feature to make it a viable tool."

"Actually... I did notice that. My DigiConvert feature got changed to DigiSummon. What's with that?" Takumi asked. Mirei chuckled slightly before answering.

"DigiSummon is a feature so you are able to take your digimon to the other world. Instead of DigiConversion, which simply takes gradually copied data and Converts that data into digimon, the DigiSummon feature will show you a catalogue of all the digimon you had with you on your journey. Using this catalogue, it can send your digimon from the Digital world to that world accompanied with a Digital forcefield to protect them from the riptide of the Digitile Line." Takumi perked up at this fantastic news. After all, he can take his Digibuddies with him, there's no way he couldn't be ecstatic.

"Unfortunately, this forcefield is only strong enough to transfer a MEGA digimon for now. The force field only mitigates the riptide. It doesn't completely block it. This forcefield will mitigate just enough so that your MEGA digimon can pass through. But... It does cause them to turn back into baby digimon as a side effect of their data being ripped off of them." Mirei's tone turned a bit regretful after that last line, but Takumi was quick to catch up on that. He patted Mirei's head. "Good job Mirei." Mirei's cheeks began to heat up and her heart began to race.

"Well, thanks for everything, everyone. I'm ready to go now." Takumi waves and smiles with a wide grin towards all of the digimon friends he made throughout his whole journey. "I appreciate everything you all did for me!" He turns back towards Mirei.

"I'm ready now, Rei." Takumi says softly. Mirei once again for what seemed to be the thousandth time that day, blushed.

"D-Don't call me that..." She says as she elbows him lightly and earning a chuckle from Takumi. She then turns after she recovered from her blushing fit and extends her free arm forward.

"Mastemon!" Upon her call, Mastemon appears from behind her, posing in the exact same way as Mirei. "Yes, Madam." Mastemon said in a domineering and solemn voice as a portal appears in front of her. Mirei steps to the side, now facing Takumi. "Go ahead then. Let's meet again sometime."

"Heh, yeah. See ya around, Rei." He said, as he walked forwards towards the portal, going ever closer, but he stops just before entering. "But I can tell by your face that you wanna tell me something else? Maybe a-" Before he could finish teasing the Lilac haired beauty, she embraced him by the neck and kissed him deeply. A kiss only a madly in-love couple would share. At first, Takumi was in a frozen state of shock, but he quickly recovered. He slowly closed his eyes and let his instincts do the work. He embraced her at the waist and kissed back. This is a moment both of them would remember for a while. It lasted for only a few moments, but it felt like an eternity to the two Tamers.

"Wow..." Takumi was amazed. "You're a good kisser, Rei." Takumi teased. However, his teasing would end up being ignored by the Lilac maiden. "I'll make sure to visit you... Okay...? So..." She said before going up to his ear and whispering something.

"Huh?! Uh- Okay?!" Whatever she whispered to him had flustered him greatly. His face was beet red. Which had Mirei laughing at his reaction.

"W-Well, in any case. I wanna get going now. So..." Takumi leans in to kiss Mirei in the forehead, to which she just giggled.

He turned back around, waving his arm as he entered the portal. "Goodbye!"

What adventures did fate have in store for him next? Who will he meet? Only time would tell. A new world awaits. A new beginning for the future-

Digital Detective Hero: Cyber!

First time writing on here! Have a bit of mercy! But also, constructive criticism is appreciated!

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