
The Devils Salvation

Slight frights Grave fates Twined by the strings of despair Her demise was their personal entertainment Her blood they thirst for Her agony they craved And her pain brought them peace Her tears they strived to achieve Ever so close, yet so far Her release was inevitable And that was the only thing They wished they could control Slowly, yet painstakingly they strived to pull the devil out They punished her for things she never did Starved and whipped her And as she breath her last A new era was born For the devil they south after Awoke in a calm tremor That shook the earths very core And they scrambled to find shelter For they knew the world could not face his wrath Yet their guilty hearts shun like fireflies in the dark Seeking attention from their impending doom Ever so lightly his lips twitched With a calm deep breath He pulled them into his personal hell And their screams of agony and pain Brought immense joy to his soul Delicately he caressed her soft ample skin Tracing every curve on her face Her luscious lips and those pretty eyes He smiled warmly at his little angel For the first time in centuries Pain tugged at his heart Although unfamiliar with the feeling He embraced it For he knew his angel was gone Albeit painful His dark empress would be born And with a soft kiss to bade her farewell from her life of pain and suffering She awoke in a new light For she was now his demonic angel His dark empress His happy place She was his salvation, His addiction, His only obsession! Similarities to people and places are all coincidental! Happy Reading.

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Sweet daisies{7}

We had been talking for a very long time. Granted she did most of the talking while I listened. The more she spoke the bigger my respect for this woman seated close to me in this field of strange enchanting flowers grew. I didn't even realize we had spent the whole day there until it started getting dark and then she turned to face me.

"As much as I would have loved to keep chatting with you my husband is getting frantic. He would have come here to drag me back to our private chambers hours ago but I insisted on having some private time with you instead. And my son is not any better at being worried for me even though they both know I can very much protect myself, those two will give me grey hairs before I start getting old. Now I need you to listen very carefully to what I'm saying Sam. From the looks of things you are from an era far into the future from now and I don't know what brought you here yet but I want you to stay strong while you are here. In the current era where you are from I'm in a deep sleep with my husband but a fragment of my soul is still conscious and that is the only reason I was able to sense something off from what had happened in our time. I need you to promise me that no matter what you see while you are here till you can finally leave this place you will NOT react to it. You were brought here for a reason and I might not know what it is yet but till the time comes I'll have to trust the fates.No matter how gory or disheartening or painful it is to watch, you must never shed a single tear, never make a sound when in the presence of my son. I can not tell you the reason for now but with time everything will reveal itself. Something is holding back your powers and your true self although I don't know what it is, I can still tell you how to get rid of the seal. Once you leave this place, you must find the howling river at all costs, lay in it for three days and two nights. On the third night you must leave that river and go to the land of Daraphin and look for these flowers. Take tree of the truest ones and two black roses from that same land. You will extract the nectar from these flowers and the oil of the black roses and mix both substances into the silver river, slit your palms and hold a little of the remnants of both flowers and the rest you shall swallow. On no account should you leave the sliver river till the guardian beasts approves of you. The night after you get their approval you need to look for a mountain with the highest peak that looks like a cross between a Phoenix and a dragon. you will sleep naked on the mountain and when night comes you shall jump off and let yourself fall freely While you whisper the name Samael. Now be careful when you go to the land of Daraphin for it's inhabitants can be very cunning, greedy, selfish and deceitful dangerous people so you must thread with extreme caution and when you find the flowers you have to speak lightly with your heart and souls and call out the name Elias Ainsworth because if you don't, you will die immediately you step foot in the field of flowers. Once done you need to stay in Daraphin and train yourself. Ask for a man named Gideon and if they ask you for a price give them a flower from the fields. They might live in Daraphin but the flowers are deadly to them if the curse of the flowers are triggered. Tell Gideon that Elias and silverline sent you. The rest will be up to Gideon till the times comes for you to take what is rightfully yours. Now i know everything might seem confusing right now and I can't answer your questions but remember my warnings. NOT A SINGLE REACTION OUT OF YOU WHILE YOU'RE STILL HERE. I have to go now child. I will see you around and you can sleep in my sons chambers. There's a spare room there. Take care young one." As she spoke of everything I needed to do while I was still here and after I'd gone back her face remained stern and serious and I was tempted to tease her for a moment but I changed my mind. "Good night senpai" I whispered as I watched her walk away. Sighing heavily, I was thinking of how to locate the princes chambers because frankly this place is huge and I wouldn't want to get lost but as I looked up I found myself in front of the princes chamber. I'm kinda getting used to appearing in places now. Sighing softly I walked through the door like it wasn't even there and headed straight for the spare room, well until I saw the prince standing by the window and looking like he had had the worst day in history. He was speaking to himself and frankly that seemed kinda crazy cause he was laugh and crying at the same time. I was puzzled on how he managed to keep up the conversation with himself effortlessly till I saw what he was looking at or rather who he was talking to.

The prince was talking to an exact replica of himself but the other ones eyes where white and black each. I couldn't hear what the other one was saying but I could guess what it was because I heard everything the prince said even though he spoke in short sentences and words that were too hard from me to even pronounce . I stood there and watched him converse with his lookalike till it was past 3am and the lookalike turned into a black beam that shot itself right into the princes chest. I had thought the other one was a look alike but it seemed like the prince had a counter part of some sort. It was confusing to say the least but I let it be because I know I wouldn't get answers besides the queen had warned me to never speak in the presence of the prince. I finally went in for some sleep when the prince vanished from the room like he was never there in the first place. And so for the next couple weeks I watched the prince appear and vanish from his room after talking to his other part for hours and nothing seemed off. I hardly left the princes chambers until the evening of the sixth week. I was waiting at my usual spot, five more minutes and the prince would be here to talk to his other part. But as the prince appeared I was yanked out of the room by an invisible force and landed hard in a dark stone room that creeped the fuck out of me. Remembering the queens words I waited patiently for whatever was about to happen. For a while there was no movements or sign of any life in there when the place lit up suddenly and a second later there was a flash in the middle of the room and six hooded people stood there silently staring at each other until a woman broke the silence when she slammed her fist into the man by her left. Sighing softly one of them whispered "here we go again"

"Matilda calm down. Fighting ourselves won't solve the problem at hand. I don't know how he's doing it or what he's even doing but the prince has been interfering in our plans in plain sight. I was personally watching him the last time we had tried the summoning but he never left the palace and yet he still managed to stop us even without the queens knowledge. We need to come up with a plan to stop the prince from interfering with the summoning." The man that had just been punched didn't even look bothered while he spoke. " the only way we can stop him from the summoning is if we use the queens blood as a distraction. Now hear me out before you start disagreeing. We all know the crown prince is the last pureblooded immortal after his parents and his brother isn't close to half his powers. We only currently know about four abilities of the prince and also we know he's impervious to magic and he's currently the strongest person in terms of magic. There's nothing we can do to distract the prince other than using the illusion from his mother's blood powers although there's a high risk of failure we still have to give it a shot." The others contemplated the only option they had for a while until they finally agreed that it was their only option that might work.

*Third person point of view*

Another flash was seen and one of the six hooded people were gone form the place and a minute later he appeared with a small vile in the shape of a Phoenix with a silver-black liquid in it. They took out a small carved knife from a compartment in the wall and they each slit their wrists letting the blood drop on the very ground they stood. As the vial was opened a tiny silver winged Phoenix flew out of it and circled the vial before retiring back to the bottle and after it had settled the man holding the vial looked around at his comrades as if to check again if anyone wanted to back out but when no one spoke he sighed and tilted the bottle and as the blood flowed from the vial onto the ground at the middle of the six blood points on the floor they all began chanting.

"Usted ves crasumë" (spirits of the earth)

"Szem qvest semevs" (listen to our call)

"Usted ves vresdo" (spirits of the air)

"Mnesumè crev tum" (grant our desires)

"Kral prevsñ ukno" ( the Prince's betrayal)

"Ukna crevs snemod" (pain, deceit awaits)

"Jus ves kral unskino gbuk shengoi kin kraves frëž imnorai xor nebodeba ekubidai skexz yez shemtumedai extenz grevs condesx" (grant us this once the power to deceive the god of darkness and summon his captor)

As the chanting went on the place started trembling and strange sigils began forming a strange pattern on the ground, slowly connecting the six blood points to the one in the middle a black glow shot out from the ground . A cracking sound was heard and as the six people joined their slit palms together, a heavy wind began spinning the room, a wind so heavy and thick it picked all six of them from the floor into midair. A whirlpool formed on the ground and as the chanting grew louder a head was seen coming out of the whirlpool. Slowly the neck and shoulders of a woman emerged and finally a woman that looked exactly like the princes mother stood in the middle of the room. The chanting died down slowly and the wind slowed down till it stopped and the blood on the ground was gone leaving no trace of the sigils that had been drawn. The six people floated down till they touched the ground and stood firmly, staring at the woman who's eyes were completely black. One of the six people, a woman it seemed, stepped up to the queens replica and gave its instructions on what was to be done but after speaking for a while the queens replica remained standing.

While they waited and tried to figure out what would trigger the queens replica they heard a strange voice. It didn't sound like the voice of a man nor that of a woman. "If you want my help then you have to offer me something in exchange.

Puzzled they all stared at each other wondering what the voice would want but speculation was never going to give them the answer.

Where did the voice come from and what do you think it would ask for? Who are these people and what do they plan on doing? How did they get the queens blood?

Samaelia_Mccarthycreators' thoughts