
The Devils Salvation

Slight frights Grave fates Twined by the strings of despair Her demise was their personal entertainment Her blood they thirst for Her agony they craved And her pain brought them peace Her tears they strived to achieve Ever so close, yet so far Her release was inevitable And that was the only thing They wished they could control Slowly, yet painstakingly they strived to pull the devil out They punished her for things she never did Starved and whipped her And as she breath her last A new era was born For the devil they south after Awoke in a calm tremor That shook the earths very core And they scrambled to find shelter For they knew the world could not face his wrath Yet their guilty hearts shun like fireflies in the dark Seeking attention from their impending doom Ever so lightly his lips twitched With a calm deep breath He pulled them into his personal hell And their screams of agony and pain Brought immense joy to his soul Delicately he caressed her soft ample skin Tracing every curve on her face Her luscious lips and those pretty eyes He smiled warmly at his little angel For the first time in centuries Pain tugged at his heart Although unfamiliar with the feeling He embraced it For he knew his angel was gone Albeit painful His dark empress would be born And with a soft kiss to bade her farewell from her life of pain and suffering She awoke in a new light For she was now his demonic angel His dark empress His happy place She was his salvation, His addiction, His only obsession! Similarities to people and places are all coincidental! Happy Reading.

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Once shy, twice hidden{6}

The garden had hundreds of flowers and shrubs and tiny bunnies hopping around and some bushes even had wild berries growing on them but just to be safe I didn't taste anything. Well it's not like I could even if I wanted to. "Come child. Let us have a chat at the ursine shadowlocks. They're a pretty relaxing kind of flower, one of a kind. In fact it's only found In our kingdom throughout the whole world no other place can grow this. Trust me many have tried countless times and used disturbing measures but it was all for naught because I made these flowers specially for my son. They help him relax and keep calm whenever his mind is in extreme turmoil. He's grown so possessive of those flowers that no one else is allowed at that part of the garden, not even his father knows what they look like and he tends to them personally. So with that said you should understand that only three of us know what it looks like and those who saw it and tried to recreate it died from the poisonous toxin it released after they stole its seeds for harvesting. Come sit beside me child for I am very interested in you. There is something about you that just peeks my curiosity to a disturbing amount. Never have I felt soo...intrigued and oddly enough I can't quit put my finger on what seems soo strangely powerful yet soo peaceful and fulfilling although I do sense some negative swirls around your heart it's nothing to be worried about seeing how much you have control over it. You're doing quite well for someone of your kind"

"Someone of my kind? I don't understand what you mean by 'someone of my kind' aren't I human?" Her words confused me to say the least but I was curious about what she meant by what she had said.

"Hmm. It seems you're quite oblivious as to what you are. Tell me child, isn't it strange how you just appeared in this place? You don't wonder how that happened? Does it seem like what any ordinary human could do? Sounds unlikely doesn't it. Let me enlighten you a little of the world you're in right now. This not so little world of ours consists of magical and supernatural beings that disrupts the laws of nature but for some reason our existence is keeping its balance because if we're wiped out humanity and any other kind out there will fall and so will the world you see it's very complicated even for an eight hundred thousand year old woman like me" wait what? Eight hundred thousand years? If she's soo old and looks this young then that only means she might be an immortal, Right?

" Now I won't bother you with the details of every single kind of beings and creatures that exists out there for even I haven't found all of them even after living for so long. But you my dear are a rare kind, a fiend of some sort from what I've observed so far although I'm not completely sure I think you're what we call a sleybeghye. I still think it's highly unlikely though because on one part you seem like a complete human but on the other hand you seem like a broken godhead of some sort. As if you've not awoken yet and I wonder how that is possible seeing as you're twenty one summers of age. Tell me young one. Do you have a lover, a child, a husband maybe? If not when do you plan on having one? You're quite beautiful and your children would definitely look like a divine work of art. I'd love to see them." She was asking so many questions I felt like I'd explode if she doesn't stop. Wait where'd this talk about children come from? I'm only twenty one years old how does she expect me to have a child? I don't even know how to make a child. Do you carve it out of wood or mold it out of clay or you will it out of water? Do I even want one right now? "Ma'am I don't have a child as of yet and I don't have a 'lover too"

" you say the word lover like it's something you've never heard before. Why is that?" She looked at me intently while waiting for my answer. Not gonna lie I was kinda embarrassed for not knowing what a lover is but you don't learn by pretending you know what you don't so I'm just going to be honest with her. Not like I have much of a choice though seeing how she picks up anything weird so quickly. "Well ma'am. That's because I don't know what a 'Lover' is." I looked down at my thighs after answering her because I was kinda ashamed for not knowing what it meant.

" Now now dear its nothing to be ashamed of. It's actually quit good that you're not familiar with these things yet though inevitable the later the better because then you'd know what you want and not toy around with all the bone-headed young boys out there. Take my son for an example, he's a hot headed two hundred year old man that's needs a lover to at least calm his wild tendencies and outbursts of anger yet he beats up any female that approaches him with an intention that isn't pure"

"An intention that isn't pure? Do you mean they try to hurt him?" Her words were supposed to be simple yet they sounded so complicated. "Don't worry about what those intentions were. My son might look like a child approaching his teen years but trust me when I say he only likes keeping that form because it helps him roam around the place without people to bother him. I'm sure he'd love to meet you although there is a chance he'd want to dissect your body if you got too close be rest assured that he can not touch you seeing as you're not from this era.

Sleybeghey pronounced as Slay-Beg-he

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