
The Devils Panther

a assassin thats well known for taking down drug lords and evil men comes across a new challenge, taking down a city. follow her on the bloody path to victory and deceit, shuffled among the cards of fate and death, will anyone make it out alive? or will she end it all in one swift blow?

DaoisttGUAWA · Fantasy
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6 Chs


'that should do it' I think as I slip the drug into his IPA while smiling as he watched a soccer game on the TV above the bar, leaning my head against my hand as I smile at him with "Lovestruck" eyes as he smirks at me in return, downing the whole IPA in one go before asking the bar keep for his bill. valerian is a hell of a herb, its mostly used for helping insomniacs fall asleep faster but in my case, it helps me get information faster, but only in a certain time frame. since I used a good amount I have a 40 minute time limit until he is knocked out cold. 

paying his bill we get up and walk out the restaurant, his hand on my lower back as he tries to whisper lewd things in my ear, before long I have to make it look like I'm not holding him up as he slurs his words in my ear, I forgot to note that Valerian and alcohol dont mix well, it makes you drunk faster then normal. I groan as I get into the silver district, he chuckles as he wraps his arms around my waist as I walk in my apartment complex, Shyla sees us and rolls her eyes and grunts, angrily starting to tap away at her phone with her acrylics nails. 'keep the act up' I tell myself as I giggle as Wyane whispers in my ear, his hands start to wonder up and down, disgusting. 

with hands on my hips I make it to the elevator, practically holding his whole body up, the door shuts as I relax, "pretty lady~" he slurs behind me as I roll my eyes before I begin to question him, better to begin now while I'm here. "what do you do for the emperor sugar?" I ask him, smile on my face, he looks at me and grins, blush on his face "I take care of people he doesn't want, and I gather infor- hick!- information~" he says as I set him down on the ground before we get to my floor. 

I tap my foot on the ground impatiently looking at the numbers slowly going up, I sigh "so you take people out, and get information, how long have you done that for?" I ask him, his slumped over form on the floor, his nice jacket wrinkled up as he leans over. 'seeing as he is pretty cocky with his actions I can only assume it isn't for long, or that could just be his personality' I think as I look at him long and hard before I reach over and grab his face, my fingers smushing his cheeks as he looks at me with glassy red eyes, I also feel his pulse, its slower, I've only got about 20 minutes now. Finally the elevator opens with a soft ding before I grab his arm and sling it over my shoulders, carrying him to my room, I sit him down at my kitchen chair. 

questions, questions... so many to choose from, and so little time. "first question, now that I know you are in fact, drugged. how many people would you say you have killed?" I ask him as I pace in front of him, he has a wobbly smile on his face as he looks at me before opening his grotesque smelling mouth, makes me wonder if he brushed his teeth this morning. "hehe... a lot *hick*" I roll my eyes but continue "and was this under the vallation of the emperor? did he send you after people to keep the quiet or get them out of his way?" I ask as I slowly circle his chair. 

"maybe~" he chuckles as he gives me a lop sided grin, tilting his head. my brows furrow "are there more of you?" I say trying to get more direct answers out of him, I see his eyes start to droop more and more, knowing I have little time left with him being conscious. "oh yea! *hick* there's a lot, like... three hundred of us!~" he says loudly, I cringe. wrinkling my nose in disgust at his almost proud look. a deep guttural noise comes from my throat as I wrap on hand around the front of his throat while the other holds his shoulder in place. "ok and what are their- sorry, the emperors weakness?" I ask him while looking into his eyes with a glare. he seems to shrink away, damnit.

"well, if you must know...*hick* its stairs! cause he's old! hahahah~" I could feel my eye beginning to twitch. "fine we will talk about this in the morning when you are more awake" I say leaving him in the kitchen chair (not before tying him up) then going to bed myself. waking up early I take a shower and get dressed, passing his still asleep form in my kitchen I make myself some coffee, as I brews I hear him groan behind me. "ah. its awake." I say as I turn around, leaning against the counter with my coffee in hand.

"what. the. fuck." he says as he looks at me wide eyed, I chuckle "you have quite the smart mouth when drugged" I say lowly with a grin as I take a sip from my coffee. "ok look you crazy bitch, I dont know what you want from me, but I can guarantee you can get it if you talk to the old man" he says starting to panic, I laugh as I set my mug down "haa all of you are the same. and I do wonder, why do you all call the emperor 'the old man' like he's family?" I muse as I cross my arms and relax. I can almost see the color drain from his face.

"a-all of us?" he asks me, his breathing picking up. I smirk "why yes, all of you! you scrounging little cockroaches! such little pests..." I say as I hold my mug back in my hands, my finger tracing the rim as I smile as I start to see him squirm in the chair out of the corner of my eye. "all the same really, the 'oh dont hurt me' and 'ill give you money' and oh my particular favorite! 'please I have a wife and kids' or a husband and kids really, depends" I muse before shrugging as he stares at me, mortified.

"w-why?" he stutters out "hmm? why what dear?" I ask him with a peppy smile and fluttering of my lashes, he swallows thickly before licking his lips and opening his mouth "why- why have you killed so many...?" he asks me in a meek tone, I laugh. setting my mug down and coming closer to him, i bend down at the waist, coming face to face with him "what is done in the dark, always comes to the light. and I am the light." I say with a smile as I hold his face in my hand, short hot puffs of air touch my skin as he hyperventilates, his eyes bloodshot as he sweats, his black straight hair sticking to his forehead as a look of panic washes over him. I let go and step back.

"now, I'm going out for a hour at most, now dont try anything. my whole apartment is set up with traps" I smile as I grab my purse and slowly walk out the door, just before the door shuts he yells help. I smirk and shut the door, his yell now nonexistent through the sound proof door I bought. "oops I guess I should have mentioned that" I shrug as I walk away down to the market for a bit. i need some... supplies.