
The Devils Panther

a assassin thats well known for taking down drug lords and evil men comes across a new challenge, taking down a city. follow her on the bloody path to victory and deceit, shuffled among the cards of fate and death, will anyone make it out alive? or will she end it all in one swift blow?

DaoisttGUAWA · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A new start

after finally settling down and getting to bed after checking all of the vents and crevices' of the apartment, I read a book of mine for a few hours before I go to sleep, the next morning I get up at four in the morning. great. swiftly throwing the grey covers off my body I shuffle to the bathroom, my fingers wrapping around the cool metal of the shower handle and turning and waiting for the water to heat up. steam starts to curl around the room and steam up the mirror as I strip of my sweaty nightwear and step into the hot water.

my fingers work restlessly through my thick dark hair, massaging my scalp as I scrub in my shampoo into my hair, humming softly as I feel the dirt and grime being rinsed off with each scratch of my nails. as I wash everything away I try and come up with a plan. this village is only guarded on the outside, anything beyond that is up for grabs so to speak. except for the emperors ninjas or workers as one would put it, so every secret he's been hiding is up for grabs if I'm careful enough. start from the bottom and work your way up, as with anything this also goes for information grabbing. I think to myself as I turn the water off and step out of the shower, wrapping the towel around my body, my hair wet and heavy as it hangs in loose wet curls.

"how annoying" I mutter as I dry my hair and do my routine. before long I'm dressed and sitting at my table, eating some white rice, feeling rather peckish at the moment as I glance out my window a few times. finally deciding I should go out and get a feel of the town, I place my dishes into my sink and grab a coat, stuffing my keys in my pockets as I walk out the door after making sure every window and drawer is locked and everything is in its rightful place before leaving and double checking my door is locked as I walk down the beige hall to the elevator.

finding myself in the lobby of the apartment complex, Shyla still at the desk, her blue eyes gazing blankly about before landing on me, she tenses as her eyes follow me out the door. I do nothing, letting her think I dont notice as I walk out the building. walking out onto the paved sidewalk I look both ways before finally deciding to go to the left, after walking for a few minutes I find myself at many booths and vender areas.

food being cooked at some and others baskets are being weaved and other such things. still continuing to walk past all of these thing i find restaurant and actual buildings, mentality mapping out the city as I walk, most every bush and building is in perfect condition, no garbage no scuffles happening, nothing. just peace as I walk silently through the city, before long I see a familiar face. 

"fancy seeing you out and about" Wyane says as he spots me 'great time to put on the nice face' I think as I give a smile and a wave "yea, I figured it'd be best to get out and look around" I say in a soft voice, trying not to give away my annoyance at his presence. he buys it. "Yea it would do you some good, say wanna join me?" He asks 'no I dont want to join you' I grumble in my head before smiling "I'd love too" I say as I walk with him down the paved walkway.

after some time of walking around with him, (Painstakingly slow and boring might I add) I had to act like a bit of a kluts, just to keep his guard lowered, making sure to 'trip' every once and a while or get in the way of strangers and have him guide me out of the way. "wow Chica, didn't take you to be this clumsy" Wyane smirks as his hand lays on my lower back, I would cringe if it wasn't for my self control. "hehe... yea I am" I say with a nervous chuckle as he guides me still.

"why don't we have dinner tonight? it's on me." he says with a smile, I recuperate. "Sure why not, all this walking has me hungry and tired" I say as we walk into a neighboring restaurant, the smell of stir fry and other food grace my senses and I let out a delighted hum, Wyane chuckles, amused. "that hungry?" he asks as we get seated "you bet I am" I say with a smile. before long we are ordering drinks and food and having a lovely chat. 

'I wonder how long this is going to take to try and find a weak spot' I think smiling as we get seated at a table, sliding into the worn down red booth with shitty lighting up above, Wyane continues to chat and smile for a while, as I look at the menu and hum and agree and add my two sense every once and a while. then the waiter finally comes over "hey! welcome to Perrys Diner! what can I get started for you guys?" the lady asks, "I'll have a IPA and..." Wyane looks to me as I fold the menu down and look at the waiter with a smile, "I'll just have a water please" I say as I lace my hands together as she writes it down then scurries away.

"really? just a water?" Wyane asks me as he looks at me with pensive eyes, I hum and go back to skimming the menu 'just making sure you dont poison me when I'm not looking, just so I can taste the difference in the water' I think as I smile and finally decide on a food to eat. "what are you getting?" I ask him to keep the conversation going, just for the meantime. "Oh I'm getting the carne asada" he says with a smirk, I mentally roll my eyes 'show off with the R roll there buddy' I think as I smile and nod. 

"I might get the same" I say as I fold my hands in my lap and place my menu at the end of the table. "so... what does the Emperor have you do for work?" I ask him as I try and keep the conversation going. and maybe get some info while I'm at it. "oh you know the usual strolls around the town and help a few civilians" he says as he brushes off the question. he knows what I'm doing so I have to be smart about this. 

"oh! like what kind of help? like carrying their groceries in?" I smirk as I make a jab at him, I can see Wayne's eye twitch as I say that, looking at him with crossed arms leaning against the table. "sure short cake." my smirk drops from my face as I roll my eyes "couldn't come up with a more creative one?" I ask him as I lean back into the red booth chair. he chuckled and shook his head "hermosa I could, but what would be the fun in that?" 

'great now he's flirting- wait, that makes it easier for me' I think as I force my cheeks to blush and I look away with a pout "rude" I say as I cross my arms and look everywhere beside him, and it boosts his ego, because he thinks that I am into him and he can get laud tonight. yuck. I see his chest puff up in pride as he smirks at me then leans closer. "say after dinner why dont we go to your apartment, and make Shyla the receptionist jealous?" he says flexing his biceps. 


this is going to be a loooooong night.