
The Devil System.

An impending Darkness is upon the world. Creatures.....Monsters....Demons. The entire world is thrown into a frenzy after the first Demon War- in which many lives were lost. One of the lost was Dante, the father of a Young Boy named Damien. Humans have now awakened personal superhuman abilities they regard as "Systems", However- once Damien awakened his System, he finds out that there is a darkness within him that had also clouded his whole genealogy since its very beginning. Now with his newfound abilities, he must find out the truth of his abilities, his bloodline's secrets and the person his father truly was, whiles fighting to prevent a new Demon War from arising.

Jason_Antwi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


Damien began to violent shake his arm; trying to remove the claw from his own body. The book flew before him and the first page had formed. "Black Claw", That was the title of the page. The claw suddenly dispersed into the black mist and it returned into the book. Damien was very confused by everything that had just transpired but he was sure that he had also awakened his System. Just then the bell rang and Damien sprinted towards the door. A tall old man with Grey Hair and a scar across his face stood there with a beaming smile. He gestured them to follow him and he led them towards a large,black vehicle that seemed to hover above the ground. They entered and saw many other people there who were all being transferred to U.S.I as well. In the vehicle, the man stood firmly and introduced himself as the Principal of U.S.I, Carwell Thompson. " You lot will be trained in classes that best suit your abilities-- currently, no one knows when another war may arise-and that's why it is quite important to go through this process, at the end, you will have learned basic skills to help defeat demons and save yourself,your families and the world itself." The people began to murmur between themselves but Damien had no interest in saving the world. All he wanted to know was why his father had giving him this bizzare book and the powers that resided with it.

After a few minutes, they arrived in U.S.I and Damien's eyes widened as he held his Sister's hand. "This looks so extra~!" The whole school seemed like a city. The were so many buildings and the technology seemed to be way more advanced than the one's he was used to. Right infront of the main school building,A lot of people had gathered. " I guess it's some kind of welcome ceremony " Damien guided Liz to the entrance and saw Mr. Thompson standing there.He straightened his clothes and cleared his throat before talking. "Welcome to U.S.I. You are all here because you are about to begin your first year. We are here to assist you in all possible ways regarding your Systems and how to make you into a warrior capable of fighting demons. U.S.I is funded and works with the entire world government, so many of you students come from all around the world in different countries, but I hope you will all get along perfectly. Now we are have all your files and records, so we know every detail of your life, but there is one thing we do not know, your System's powers and abilities. So, right now we are going to have a little fun....", right after saying that, he smirked and the terrain of the school began to change. The main building seemed to split open, and the was a large dome like building behind it. " Right here and now! Show us the extent of your powers!!....Don't hold back even a bit", He grinned and it seemed somewhat.....scary.