
The Devil System.

An impending Darkness is upon the world. Creatures.....Monsters....Demons. The entire world is thrown into a frenzy after the first Demon War- in which many lives were lost. One of the lost was Dante, the father of a Young Boy named Damien. Humans have now awakened personal superhuman abilities they regard as "Systems", However- once Damien awakened his System, he finds out that there is a darkness within him that had also clouded his whole genealogy since its very beginning. Now with his newfound abilities, he must find out the truth of his abilities, his bloodline's secrets and the person his father truly was, whiles fighting to prevent a new Demon War from arising.

Jason_Antwi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

The Devil within

"Dad!!!, What's going on?! What's happening?, Where are you going?!!!, DAD!!!",His father couldn't bring himself to stare in his eyes."Damien...there isn't anytime to waste, it's already begun....Here take this!",He suddenly

shoved a large, old looking book into his hands."You will understand everything when you get older! I have to go now! Make sure to take care of your sister!!!...",With that, he disappeared......


"It's November 11th,2032. Ten years ago, the first war against the demons had happened, leaving the world completely shaken. A quarter of the world's population had been slaughtered by them,including my father, Dante Hashiwaltz.... even though most of the humans around that time had mysteriously awakened unimaginable abilities, father was unable to survive....", Damien thought to himself in the middle of the night whilst staring into the darkened skies." I shouldn't be thinking about this now. Tomorrow is Liz's birthday.... I should just think about that!"

"Damien? Are you going out today? Do you think you can---" " Happy Birthday Liz!!!", Damien said taking her by surprise." I told you, you don't need to do anything special for me! It is just a regular day like any other. ", But Damien brush it off. " I'm going to get you a cake and everything! We're definitely celebrating you!" Liz giggled and guided herself down the stairs towards the table. She began to pour out some juice into a glass but soon the glass shattered and pieces of glass pierced her feet."Liz!!! What..happened---?...." Damien then noticed something Bizzare. the half of the table that Liz had been sitting on had disappeared....or just exploded. Unable to comprehend it, he came up with a conclusion. " You've awakened a System!!!"

He helped his sister up, treated her wounds and then ran upstairs to dial the emergency contact. "---Uh yes Hello?, Yes, this is Damien Hashiwaltz! My sister just awakened a System ability! She has to be taken into U.S.I now, right?...Do you have facilities to care for her, you see my sis, She's blind...Uh yeah, address! KD67 on Pearl Street....Thank you!" Damien ran to get Liz packing. A new life awaited her at U.S.I.

As he was doing so, he noticed a red shimmer underneath so of her clothes. He quickly dug into them and pulled out the item." I remember this! This is that book Dad left me when I was younger? I never figured out what it did. All the pages were blank too". Just then the book forcibly opened with a force great enough to knock down a tree. A sudden red aura filled the room and a black mist erupted from within the book and made it's way into Damien's body. The dark mist got assimilated into him within a span of a minute. He suddenly fell face down, whiles breathing erratically. "What-what was----that?!!" He reached out for the book and saw something horrendous. His arm had been transformed into a dark, monstrous demonic claw.