
The Devil System.

An impending Darkness is upon the world. Creatures.....Monsters....Demons. The entire world is thrown into a frenzy after the first Demon War- in which many lives were lost. One of the lost was Dante, the father of a Young Boy named Damien. Humans have now awakened personal superhuman abilities they regard as "Systems", However- once Damien awakened his System, he finds out that there is a darkness within him that had also clouded his whole genealogy since its very beginning. Now with his newfound abilities, he must find out the truth of his abilities, his bloodline's secrets and the person his father truly was, whiles fighting to prevent a new Demon War from arising.

Jason_Antwi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

The Lightning Fiend.

" Listen to the rules of the game, this little test comes in 3 forms. " Strength " ,"Speed " and " Destructive Capacity ". For the first phase, "Strength", You will have to lift a this drum of the ground. As you can see, it's the size of a small building. That's why you must use your System in a creative way in order to bring out the best results. Now, onto "Speed", you must all constantly dogde incoming attacks from a special train machine we developed ourselves. The attacks aren't very dangerous, and in the worst case scenario, you end up with a little bruise. The attacks are at the speed of 90 kilometers an hour, but they can be set even higher. Now for the last phase,"Destruction" you must destroy a mech guard in under a minute with the help of your System. At the end, the scoreboard will tally all your scores and give you a power level at with you will steadily build upon when you enter this school. Now....let's begin"

Damien watched as many people went on the test. They all did incredible feats with their systems, but so far, No one had seemed to pass the power level of "10" and they began to whisper between themselves. "This test seems hard, doesn't it?" A boy standing next to Damien asked. His blonde hair was shimmering and he seemed so eager for his turn to come. He had brown eyes and his clothes were shabby. " I'm --" The scoreboard showed a name....." OH that's me! See ya!" He walked of to begin his test. Damien began to wonder about the boy" Carlos Edin?.....That name...is--!!" The boy failed the strength test since he didn't have any idea what to do. Damien began to think he was just a lost cause,but when he stepped up to the speed test, he smirked. "Turn it up to the highest possible speed!!" Every one gasped as the murmurs began. "Are you certain? The highest speed is 560 kilometers per hour.", Mr. Thompson debated,but the boy had made his mind. The speed was maxed out and the boy didn't falter at all. The attacks flew at him at a whirring speed, almost making contact when tendrils of lightning burst out of his body untamed. He began to weave through them so fashionably it seemed his very body had turned into lightning also. Damien couldn't believe it. "That's....incredible!" He eventually wore himself out, but ended up getting a solid 7. He managed to find his way back next to Damien. "You're an Edin, as in the billionaire family?" "That's right." "That's...incredible. How did-" It was at that moment Damien realized, that Liz's name was next.