
The Devil of One Piece

A descendant of the devil is taken in by Silvers Rayleigh. eventually he sets out to get revenge for his ancestor against the Celestial Dragons and their leader Im. to get his revenge he will change the world and fight against those who oppose him. ( Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its characters only the OC. I do not own the book cover)

Draeko · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

The Devil shall help you

I woke up the next morning and went down the bar to ask Rayleigh could he continue training me in the use of haki but he said he will only if I give a good reason why he should help me.

So I was thinking for a few moments until I finally decided "ever since you told me how you found me I've always hated the world government because they preach about peace yet they cause most of the suffering in the world so I want to become so strong that I can go against them and any others that want to try to threaten, coerce or kill me just because I won't bow down to them "

Rayleigh just looked at me then laughed " very well but be sure about the path you've chosen because it will include a lot of pain and suffering but if you actually pull it off you will change the world, my son."

I gave him a hug as thanks and after that my training time in the forest quickly became my haki training mixed with strengthening my body because Rayleigh said if I want to use haki to the full extent I would have to train my body to withstand the constant use and demand of haki.

During one of our training sessions, Rayleigh said I should ask Shakky for help when I asked why he said if I wanted to truly fight the world government using only strength wouldn't be enough I would also need to know how to gather information and use it for my benefit.

So when I asked shakky she said " of course sweetie all you need is to ask". My new routine for the day is wake up help shakky behind the bar while she gives me pointers on why information can be lethal when used right against your enemies.

Then when it comes to my training with Rayleigh he's still only training me in the two haki but I don't mind each training session gets harder like keeping my armament haki active longer while other times trying to coat more of my body parts. Then for my observation haki, he keeps increasing the frequency and speed he hits me while I sit on the ground blindfolded.

Even though it's only been a short time I can already tell the difference Rayleigh training has made I have more stamina so I don't tire as easily from before and I'm starting to understand haki more and how to apply it.

When my training is done I go back home and Shakky teaches more about different ways of gathering information and the history of the world because shakky believes that history can teach you a lot of lessons and learn from them. She taught me I can get information by setting up networks made of people that are widespread across the grand line and new world so that I can gather lots of information that can later be used.

Today Shakky teaching me how to build a network so I'm going into town to find potential candidates with her help of course.

We've been walking around talking about ideal ones to recruit I suggested a bartender as he interacts with many people every day which shakky agreed with a proud smile.

we decided to separate while she goes shopping for some supplies I'm going to different bars to find my potential candidates. After checking out most of them I'm slowly losing hope they're rather stupid or just greedy and you can't trust people like that. As I'm reaching my final candidate I stop just outside and see that a little girl crying while kneeling on the ground

I decided to see what's wrong because if I help her she could help me in return. "what's wrong why are you crying" I asked trying to look sympathetic.

The girl looks at me with pure anger and sadness in her eyes so I kneel down and ask again then starts sobbing " my mommy and daddy are gone and I'll never see them again"

I look at her trying to see if I can determine what she means gone as in dead or missing? "what do you mean gone"

she tries to look at me but her tears are clouding her vision "they got taken as slaves by the celestial dragon"

soon as she mentions those fat f**ks I can feel my body trembling with anger because they think they're better than us "humans" so they take and kill whatever they want but the marines do nothing and claim they can because they have the birthright.

I've been meaning to take a look at the auction house so I guess this is a good time as any.

"Just because your parents have been taken doesn't mean they can't come back" while looking directly into her eyes so she knows I'm telling the truth.

"I'll go to the auction house to find your parents if I find them I'll try to free them so don't worry kid" I'll have to gather information first like the layout and the times of guard's break and changes.

While I'm formulating my plan the girl looks at me in astonishment because she can see I meant every word I said fully believe it. she gets off her knees and starts moving towards me " mister why would you go against the celestial dragons for me"

I look at her in amusement " make no mistake little girl I have my own reason for doing this, helping you is just an added bonus"

So I make my way to find Shakky to ask for any information she got on the auction that I can use.

When I finally find her I explain my situation "my you want to free those people what a brave little man but can you actually pull it off?"

What she means really is have I got a plan "I'm planning to find where the slaves are kept before the auction and what time the auction starts so I can get a timeline for my assault"

She looks at me with some hesitation because she doesn't think it a good one "before you ask I plan to get to them by creating a massive explosion to draw most of the guards away so the little that remains I can take them out my self"

Her face changes as now she's starting to believe my plan can work but is still unsure "your plan is solid except there are three problems:

1- how do intend to sneak anything explosive into the auction?

2- there are some high ranking marines there which are skilled in close quarters combat and may even have devil fruit abilities

3-if you pull this off how do you plan to escape

Those questions are valid except I've already planned ahead for those situations " I'll sneak in three barrels of gunpowder with the weekly shipment of rum and alcohol that are also transported in barrels but I'll mix the barrels of gunpowder in the alcohol so they don't look out of place"

I move to the wall behind here and destroyed it without using haki

" you don't need to about the marines I can take low-rank ones without a problem, mid level should be okay but the high ranking ones will be a problem so I'll try to avoid and in case I run into them I'll have a plan."

Shakky looks at the wall *I didn't think he was that strong my Samael is surprising me still to this day* Then I point my arms to the sea

"I'm hoping to bribe some ship captain to smuggle them because even if I agree with them the marines will just go back to their home and capture them again."

Shakky agrees with the plan and decided to help me with it by getting the barrels of gunpowder and switch them out with a couple of barrels on the delivery cart. She is going to also bribe a ship captain she knows who's is trustworthy.

After sorting out the plan and looking at the information Shakky said it would be best to strike at midnight as many guards would be tired and lazy. There's only one tiny detail I've forgotten which is what to do with the little girl who found earlier I completely forgot about while I was planning so I asked Shakky who agreed because she couldn't leave the little girl alone.

"Hello little girl can you tell me your name is, mine is Shakky and my son who you've already met is Samael"

The girl decides to answer because these two people she has just met has comforted her when shes was in despair while others just walked on "my name is Stella nice to meet you, I don't have a home could I stay with you tonight pretty please" while giving her best puppy dog eyes."

which of course worked because my mother has a heart of gold

We head back home and inform Rayleigh of what happened back in the town "GUA HAHAHAHA of course you did my son and I expect you to give them hell tomorrow"

as I walk away to go to bed "don't worry HELL is exactly what I'm going to give them.

meanwhile in the bar ...

Shakky sets down a pint of beer for Rayleigh "I'm worried about him when he faces those high ranking marines"

Rayleigh just drinks his beer " if anyone should worry it's the marines because if they try to corner him they'll see exactly what he's capable of".