
The Devil of One Piece

A descendant of the devil is taken in by Silvers Rayleigh. eventually he sets out to get revenge for his ancestor against the Celestial Dragons and their leader Im. to get his revenge he will change the world and fight against those who oppose him. ( Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its characters only the OC. I do not own the book cover)

Draeko · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

The Devil's plan


clarification : I want to clear up something that some of you might be worried about. the new power that Samael has gained from Lucifer is a buff that enhances his body to a certain extent and can influence devil fruits but in no way will it make samael op enough to win every fight. I plan on him training and fighting to grow his powers to gradually be able to fight admirals and yonkos.

If you have any other concerns about the story just comment because I want to make this story as good as possible.


It's been a week since meeting my ancestor who is the actual devil Lucifer. Since then I've been going through all the information I stole from the armoury in the auction house which at most has been nothing of interest to me so I'll sell them on the black market but there have been some interesting things like I found out that one of the 7 warlord pirates is actually the owner of the slave auction house from correspondence between the marines and doflamingo saying that his subordinate called Disco is in charge.

Then the next interesting piece of information I found was that a different warlord pirate Boa Hancock is actually a former celestial dragon slave along with her two sisters who escaped thanks to another person called Fisher Tiger who freed many other slaves, the marines are keeping this secret to use it as blackmail to keep Boa Hancock in line in case she starts to rebel.

The last information that interested me was that the marines have heard rumours of a devil fruit that has appeared on top of a volcano on the unspecified island but haven't got any solid confirmation about it yet. The thing that interested me was that the devil fruit has horns coming out of it and is shaped like a skull , when I read that I wondered if it had any connection to Lucifer.

After I recovered from exhaustion which took 2 days because I used conquers haki without prior training and awakened Lucifer's power at the same time which I found out haven't given me any new abilities which I was disappointed with but it did enhance my body so after recovering I tried some training I found out it increased my overall performance by 50% so I increased the difficulty of my training by a large margin so I could push my newly enhanced body with things like 300 push ups, 50 mile run and 250 sit ups. I've also started to include sparring sessions with Rayleigh.

While I was sparring with Rayleigh " Samael when you blew up a part of the auction house you've caught the attention of the celestial dragons which will most probably want revenge for the destruction of their favourite slave auction house so that means they'll hunt for you using the marines which means eventually you'll have to leave the island".

Since then I've been wondering what to do because Rayleigh is right about the celestial dragons but I'm wondering what island to train on. I asked rayleigh about this but all he said is " there's a island I've got in mind but I'll let that be a surprise for you gua hahaha"

The only other significant thing that has happened is Shakky was able to save Helen's life and now Helen and Stella are on their way to meet up with their husband/father. when I was on my way back from sparring with Rayleigh where he kicked my ass I checked in on her "I've fully healed now thanks to shakky" I chatted with her for a bit and went to leave until she grabbed my arm "Samael I can't thank you enough I know you didn't free me for Stella or any selfless reason but still thank you". I told her it wasn't necessary but if she wanted to repay she could become an informant and go to alabasta.

She was eagerly ready to accept on the terms that I never put her or her family in danger which I agreed with.

The reason why I'm asking her to do this is that I plan to dismantle the world government then the celestial dragons and finally their leader Im. my plan is to go after the 7 warlord pirates that the marines employ to keep "order" , I'm going expose any criminal activities they've conducted which the marines have turned a blind eye to then once I've done that I'll defeat them. It doesn't mean it will be easy I'll to beat them because there's a reason why the marines choose them so I'll have to train harder than before. At the end of this I'm hoping of making the public to start distrusting the marines.

If I can accomplish all that then I'll be going after the marines by first destroying their reputation like disclosing crimes they've committed then blamed on pirates but I'll need to gather a lot of intel first. After their reputation is destroyed I'll attack their pride by publicly beating their strong fighter or destroying their bases, I'll never be able to fight all of them on my own so I'll gather allies that hate the world government like me or distribute information to groups like the revolution army so they can attack the marines as well.

The only problem is if the marines are destroyed then many pirates and criminals will come out of the woodwork and cause too much chaos so I'll only go after the marines that are corrupted so then only the good ones are left to actually serve and protect the people. I believe if the right people are leading them they can become a real symbol of justice and peace.

Then if I'm able to accomplish that to the point where the marines are no threat to me I'll go after the world government itself which includes the 5 and the Cipher pol. This however will be extremely difficult because they hold so much power so by the time I confront them I'll have to hold as much power as them to stand a chance of defeating them.

I've started to devise ways to make that come to fruition but at the current moment it's not possible so I'll have to start to weaken their power which first will be the marines and next will be their support from world nobles.

The celestial dragons and their leader Im is an entirely different matter because I've got no information on how the really operate or their power so for now I'll just collect information.

I've got all these plans but not the strength or information to stand a chance so I'm hoping that Lucifer can help by telling how the world government came into power and what happened to the gods and him.

I've tried many times this past week to contact Lucifer by different means but he has not responded as of yet. To keep my mind occupied I've been preparing to depart for my training which according to Rayleigh I will be away for 6 years which means by the end of it I will be 16 years old. we've worked out that I'll keep contact with Shakky through a transponder snail which is connected to her one, Rayleigh explained that he'll be with for half my training and the rest I'll be on my own to teach me to survive in the wild.

So the night before me and Rayleigh set sail to go his mysterious island me, Rayleigh , Shakky, Helen and Stella have a great party which was really fun but at the same time a bit depressing because it's the only time me, Rayleigh and Shakky will be in the same place for a long time.

When I drifted off to sleep I meet a familiar figure "so you've been trying to contact me I wonder why?". I realised it was Lucifer which I was happy because now I can finally get some answers from him " yeah I've been trying to contact you for the past week".

Lucifer just grunts in return "I know but I'm technically dead so I don't have to answer your every call I could just rest". To be fair he's right it must take a lot to talk from beyond " you're right I apologise I just need answers to two question". When Lucifer hears me he just smiles " good you've apologised for its great that you haven't got arrogant ever since our last talk".

He walks forward and summons two chairs for us to sit down " well what's your two questions I'll try to answer them seeming as you apologised for being a d*ck". I take a seat on their chair opposite him " first I've discovered some information about a devil fruit that has horns and is shaped like a skull. My first question is does it have any connection to you".

He looks amused at my question " Of course it does didn't the horns give it away hahaha". I sit there waiting for him to continue " when I died my power was too potent and great in size to just disappear so it became a devil fruit because when a god dies if his power is too powerful and starts to affect the world it is turned into the devil fruits that you humans claim as your own power.

I'm still in shock that the devil fruits are forms of gods powers but then " how did the god's powers get turned into devil fruits and how can humans wield them". Lucifer is clearly enjoying my confusion " well that's simple we gods didn't just appear out of nowhere, we were born just like you humans but the difference is that we were born with a power that we grew by training and fights but when we die our powers were absorbed into the earth but because it was too potent they never disappeared so eventually they reappeared in the forms of devil fruits but had restrictions on them so humans can't fully wield the power unless they've "truly awakened". Nature is all about balance so it gave the devil fruits a weakness which was seawater".

Listening to his story fascinated me " if that's true does it mean I'll have all your powers if I eat the devil fruit". Lucifer stands up and starts walking around " no you will not because when it was absorbed into nature a few of its powers changed and if you eat it your blood will change it in ways even I don't know so it will practically be your own power which you'll have to grow."

I never thought about if my blood could affect it but before I can think more about it Lucifer asked about my second question so I just responded " what can you tell me about the celestial dragons and their leader Im like what powers they have because I plan to kill them in the future but I can't fight an enemy I know nothing about".

Lucifer just gives me a massive smile "well if you want to know then get comfortable because the devil is going to give you a history lesson."