
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Another year passed

(Time skip one year. 3rd years.

Damien 15, Jackson 15, David 15, kenshin around12-13)

During the past year many things have happened. First off, Damien has gotten a lot closer to Nemuri. During this year Damien has grew taller and and his face is a lot more defined. Due to this Nemuri has started to tease him and try and seduce him a lot more.(sadist side coming out of Nemuri)

Another thing is that Damien has progressed with his quirk. Damien made a new move called 'dark dimension slash'(Yami is badass) This attack is so strong it can distort space. He has also created a new move where he could control another person by controlling their shadow. He called this 'shadow puppet' (shikamaru the goat).

Damien was not the only one who has progressed with his quirk as Jackson was now able to enhance his strength and speed by controlling his blood flow. Not only that but he now had enough co troll to make blood bullets which he could launch at incredible speeds.

Also, the group has taught Kenshin about assassination as they already told him a couple of months after he started training with them. During this time David has taught Kenshin how to wield a katana. David was impressed as he saw that he was very talented u. The way of the sword but what impressed him the most is how monstrous he was when he used a bow. Kenshin now was an expert swordsman and a master at using the bow. David and the group called a man who made top quality hero gear for heroes and asked him to make a weapon for Kenshin.

After he put in the order they waited for a couple of months and when it arrived David gifted it to kenshin as he was now officially apart of the Akatsuki. The weapon was a red katana but it had a button and when pressed it could transform into a bow. Kenshin also got their signature Akatsuki robe and got to pick a mask out of three which were a red demon, a white shadow clown, or a black playful doctor mask. Kenshin chose the red demon mask and was given a mission David took for him.

Kenshin did the mission and got his first kill and was congratulated.

——end of recap——-

Damien and his group walked into the school building and were greeted by many of the girls. The three were known as the three princes and a fan club. During their time at school the three didn't talk to many other students other than when Damien and the group didn't finish their homework. Damien was tasked to ask a girl in their class for it and that girl happily gave it to them.

When they walked inti their class they sat down beside each other as the teacher never cared if they sat near each other since they were top of the school.(David =1,Damien=2 and third Is Jackson in grade rankings)

After going through the day it was already the last period. Their last period was history and they learned about the civilization before quirks and how they operated. Damien found this interesting as he wondered how the world would be if quirks never existed. 'Would everyone get along more? Would there still be discrimination?'. These were the questions he thought of and those thought disappeared after the teacher spoke.

"So class as you know after this year you guys would have to choose your occupations" the teacher said handing out a future plans sheet. After handing it out Damien and his group quickly filled it out and gave it to the teacher.

"Huh, UA. You guys have very powerful quirks and I do believe you guys could make it. Work hard and you can do it" the teacher said.

"Wow did you hear the princes are going to UA" random girl A said.

"I'd expect no less from them" random girl B said.

The trio sat back in their seats and waited for the bell to ring. After the bell rang Jackson asked them "what do you guys wanna do?"

"I have to go home Nemuri wants me to go shopping with her" Damien said walking out of the school. Along the way he stopped at a convenience store to buy a snack. After buying it he teleported home. He got home and Nemuri got startled as he appeared out of nowhere.

"What. You should stop doing that Damien" Nemuri said puffing her cheeks.

"Now, now Nemuri no need to be like that. I just wanted to get home since I thought you missed me but I guess that wasn't the case" Damien said walking away acting like he was disappointed.

"W-wait, I did miss you so don't be like that" Nemuri said walking towards him.

Damien smiles towards her which made her blush's little bit and said "me too one~san~".

Nemuri and Damien kept talking about their day and then damienwent to change his clothes. He put on a pink shirt and blue jeans which matched his long black hair and red eyes.

"You ready Nemuri" Damien asked as they were about to leave to the mall.

Nemuri turned to him and said "ya wait a minute watch this" Nemuri said showing him the news.

On the new it showed a scrawny kid with green hair running to try and help a kid stuck in a slime monster.

Damien turned to nemuri and said "so what am I supposed to be impressed by".

Nemuri looked at him like she saw an alien and said "look how heroic he is. Woah it alright look".

Damien looked towards the tv and saw All Might having to save them. He was very disappointed as he thought people praise All might too much. 'Ya he save a lot of people and all but what will happen when he retires. David, Jackson and I won't be finished studying at UA so I can imagine how many villains will pop up' .

They then turned off the tv and went to the mall. They bought many clothes and even bought a game console.(ps4)

They went home, set everything down and started playing mortal Kombat X. Let's just say Damien found out he was not good at something.

Hey guys hope you like it. And for those who say Damien is getting close to Nemuri too fast I think 3 years is plenty enough to trust someone. I already have an idea to have them start dating but it will be further down the road. And about kenshin a weapon it’s a hero society so for those who think it unrealistic think about what world they’re in.

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