
Chapter 16 This is Love! _1

Translator: 549690339

Koi Luck Skill activated; through Shen Wenqian's aura, Ruan Qi saw some images.

In the scene, Shen Wenqian hurried to the actress's room.

The actress opened the door, her face was tear-streaked as she threw herself into his arms.

Shen Wenqian sat on the couch comforting her for a while, and then the actress went to the kitchen to bring out a glass of orange juice.

As she walked over to Shen Wenqian, about to sit down, her hand suddenly trembled, and the orange juice spilled all over Shen Wenqian's head.

Shen Wenqian quickly went to the bathroom to wash his hair.

After washing his hair, he left.

From start to finish, less than ten minutes.

Ruan Qi's attractive peach blossom eyes flickered.

He was indeed wronged.

Shen Wenqian felt uneasy under her gaze.

He shifted uncomfortably and reminded her, "Miss Ruan...?"

Ruan Qi withdrew her gaze and hummed in acknowledgment.

Shen Wenqian looked at her expectantly, "Miss Ruan, about what I was saying just now..."

Just as Ruan Qi was about to speak, suddenly her phone rang.

She made a 'wait a moment' gesture and picked up the call, retreating to the bedroom.

Only Shen Wenqian and Xu Xiangyang were left in the living room.

Xu Xiangyang fiddled with his phone for a while, then suddenly stood up. He dialed a video call and headed towards the kitchen.

Both siblings, one on a call and the other on a video chat, left Shen Wenqian, the outsider, hanging in the living room.

Knock knock knock—

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Shen Wenqian glanced at the closed bedroom and kitchen doors, hesitated for a moment, then went and opened the front door.

"Hi, Miss Ruan—" Bai Yuchen's smile froze, swallowing the word 'sister' back.

He looked at Shen Wenqian, bare-chested, and his mouth slowly formed an "o".


Shen Wenqian sat on the couch, his soul nearly ascending.

He looked at the three people before him with confusion and fear.

Head of the Imperial Capital Qin family, Qin Guozhi, the Bai family scion, Bai Yuchen, and... Ninth Master Xi, Xi Jiu.

...How could these three bigwigs appear here?

Was he going crazy or was the world going crazy?

Shen Wenqian's life was in turmoil, and Bai Yuchen wasn't faring much better.

To his left, Qin Guozhi seemed relatively calm, but Ninth Master Xi on his right had an aura so chilly it felt like it could freeze.

Bai Yuchen cautiously glanced at Ninth Master Xi out of the corner of his eye and hissed inwardly.

That was one ugly look.

When the Third Branch of the Xi Family had forced Old Master Xi to hand over power, Brother Jiu's expression was probably the same.

...Could he actually be smitten with Miss Ruan?

Bai Yuchen's mind was abuzz with wild gossip, and then he turned to Shen Wenqian with a fake smile.

"Sir, may I ask if you are Miss Ruan's..."

"I'm Miss Ruan's patient. Was just getting acupuncture," Shen Wenqian hurriedly explained.

He clambered into his clothes in a flurry and said to the three, "Miss Ruan is on the phone. Please wait a moment."

So he was a patient.

Bai Yuchen breathed a sigh of relief.

He peered at Ninth Master Xi accidentally and noticed the latter's grim face lightening considerably.

Though still looking frosty, Bai Yuchen had grown up with Ninth Master Xi—how could he fail to see his current mood was one of great pleasure!

At this, Bai Yuchen was genuinely baffled.

Driving someone home, terminating cooperation with Fengyu Group for their sake, getting angry because there was a man in their house...

All these actions—damn it, they were clearly out of love!!!

When Ruan Qi came out, what she saw was Bai Yuchen alternating between frowning, smiling, and looking confused.

Ruan Qi: "...Mr. Bai, are you here for treatment of facial twitching?"

Bai Yuchen: "..."

Bai Yuchen felt wronged.

As Ruan Qi appeared, everyone sitting on the couch stood up.

Ruan Qi's gaze swept over Qin Guozhi and Bai Yuchen, and upon seeing Xi Jiu, she exhibited a flicker of surprise.

"Mr. Xi?"

The Qin family came to express their gratitude, so why was a member of the Xi family here too?

In the face of Ruan Qi's questioning, Xi Jiu was as composed as ever.

He nodded at her, "Miss Ruan."

Bai Yuchen covertly covered his face.

"Everyone, please have a seat," Ruan Qi waved everyone back to their seats, and then she headed into the kitchen.

Shortly after, Xu Xiangyang followed behind her with a tea tray.

"Mr. Xu is here too?" Bai Yuchen said.

Xu Xiangyang responded with an elegant smile, "My sister had an accident just yesterday. I was worried about her, so I came over this morning."

There was a moment of silence.

Leading the way, Qin Guozhi put the prepared gift on the coffee table.

"Miss Ruan."

He stood up, faced Ruan Qi, and bowed deeply, ninety degrees.

Shen Wenqian, who had been like a ghost, nearly knocked over his tea cup in shock.

Who was Qin Guozhi?

A man often seen in official news!

The current leader of the Qin family, one of China's three major families!

Countless people were dying to get associated with this mighty tree.

Yet now, this towering tree was bowing his noble head to a nineteen-year-old girl.

Who would believe such a tale if told!

Shen Wenqian watched Ruan Qi with trepidation, then witnessed an even more astonishing scene—

Ruan Qi sat nonchalantly on the couch, her smile as serene as she accepted Qin Guozhi's gesture!

The expression on her face, oh so composed.

So composed that Shen Wenqian began to feel a twinge of irritation.