
Chapter 17: Diagnosis Fee, Two Million

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"Many thanks to Miss Ruan for saving my father and daughter," Qin Guozhi stood up straight, his face filled with gratitude. "If it weren't for Miss Ruan, yesterday's joyous occasion might have turned into nothing."

"This is a modest gift, please accept it with a smile, Miss Ruan."

He pushed the gift forward.

A pure gold fortune cat, international brand diamond jewelry, and many other expensive teas and tonics etc.

Shen Wenqian glanced at them and fell silent.

All these items together must be worth at least a million or more.

He suddenly thought of the hundred thousand that Ruan Qi had asked him for as a consultation fee.

A hundred thousand compared to a million...

He suddenly felt like he had made a profit.

At that moment, Ruan Qi spoke up.

"I appreciate the sentiment, Mr. Qin. However, there's no need for so much."

She picked and chose from the gifts, then pushed the teas and tonics back, keeping only the pure gold fortune cat and the diamond jewelry.

"As a lively young lady, I still prefer gold and diamonds," she said, holding the fortune cat and smiling broadly.

Even Qin Guozhi, who was as slick as an old fox in the business world, was charmed by the girl's frankness.

This little girl was really straightforward and adorable.

What's so bad about liking gold and diamonds?

A nineteen-year-old girl naturally loves pretty things.

Bai Yuchen and Shen Wenqian also showed kindly smiles.

Xi Jiu watched the pure gold fortune cat in Ruan Qi's arms, thoughtful.

"If Miss Ruan likes these, I'll bring you some more good ones when I come across them in the future," Qin Guozhi said.

Ruan Qi shook her head, tapping the top of the fortune cat's head, "No need. I was generous in saving lives yesterday, and this consultation fee is already enough. Now, let's talk about the patient."

When Old Master Qin was mentioned, Qin Guozhi's expression turned serious.

"Miss Ruan, my visit this time is to request your help in curing my father's illness. The consultation fee is not an issue, as long as my father can be cured, even if it means ruining myself financially."

Shen Wenqian from the side: ???

Was Patriarch Qin out of his mind?

What disease could a nineteen-year-old girl cure?

Shen Wenqian looked at Qin Guozhi with confusion.

Qin Guozhi nervously rubbed his hands together, "After we brought my father to the hospital yesterday, the doctors said that given his condition at the time, he probably couldn't be saved. Miss Ruan, you're really a miracle in the medical world!"

Shen Wenqian: ???

"Patriarch Qin is too kind," Ruan Qi accepted his praise calmly.

Then she changed the subject, "As for Old Master Qin's health, you must be aware. It's impossible to completely cure him, given Old Master Qin's age. I'm a doctor, not a deity."

Qin Guozhi nodded repeatedly.

Ruan Qi: "I can help stabilize his condition, with careful management. As long as there are no accidents, living another ten years shouldn't be a problem."

Qin Guozhi was overjoyed.

The doctors had said that for the Old Master to even last a year would be a miracle.

And Ruan Qi was guaranteeing him ten years!

Qin Guozhi could hardly contain his excitement.

If it weren't for some remaining rationality, he would have knelt down and kowtowed to Ruan Qi.

"Thank you, Miss Ruan! With your word, I am reassured!" Qin Guozhi promptly switched to an honorific address.

"Don't rush to thank me yet, Patriarch Qin," Ruan Qi said, her smile greedy like a little money fiend, "My consultation fee is quite expensive."

Qin Guozhi immediately responded, "Of course, it should be. Miss Ruan's medical skills are astonishing, no price would be too high. Please, name your fee."

Ruan Qi held up two fingers.

"A fixed price, two million."

Shen Wenqian: ...