
Chapter 15 Mr. Shen, Please Conduct Yourself with Dignity_1

Translator: 549690339

The atmosphere in the living room was somewhat awkward.

Shen Wenqian lay stiffly on the sofa, not daring to look at Ruan Qi or Xu Xiang Yang.

Xu Xiang Yang lifted his head, glanced at him, and shook his cellphone at Ruan Qi.

Ruan Qi finished inserting the last needle and took the cellphone.

The scandal of Shen Wenqian harassing a female artist under his wing had been causing an uproar recently. Related topics had hung in the top ten hot searches on Weibo for several days.

Because the female artist's released evidence was so irrefutable, netizens were furious, and they took their anger out on Shen Wenqian.

Shen Wenqian's account had been completely overrun; any Weibo post he opened was filled with comments cursing him.

Ruan Qi casually clicked on the irrefutable evidence the female artist had released.

The evidence was a surveillance video from a hotel corridor.

In the video, Shen Wenqian, wearing a bathrobe, knocked on the female artist's hotel room door after one o'clock in the morning.

After the female artist opened the door, Shen Wenqian went inside, and an hour later, he left with wet hair.

The video abruptly ended.

Ruan Qi didn't lower the volume while watching the video, and the audio came through from the cellphone.

Shen Wenqian was all too familiar with that track. He shifted uneasily, like a fish on a chopping board.

"It's full of holes."

Ruan Qi suddenly made a comment.

Shen Wenqian looked up sharply.

Ruan Qi, "This video is obviously edited. But the techniques used are quite advanced, not easily seen by most. Even experts would have a hard time distinguishing it."

She handed the cellphone back to Xu Xiang Yang, walked over to the couch, and began to remove the needles.

Shen Wenqian looked at her, his expression dazed, "You... believe me?"

"Mr. Shen, it's not you I believe, but my own eyes," Ruan Qi tapped on the cellphone, her tone somewhat coy, "This level of editing technology can't fool me~"

Xu Xiang Yang smiled adoringly.

Shen Wenqian looked at Ruan Qi incredulously.

After the incident occurred, he had sought out several well-known industry experts.

The final analysis was that the video showed no signs of editing.

Shen Wenqian was on the verge of madness.

Did he not know whether he had harassed the female artist or had any improper relations with her?

Unless there was a second Shen Wenqian in the world, that video was definitely fake!

But there was no evidence.

Because of this incident, his reputation was ruined overnight. His company had to give him a long vacation to stay out of the limelight.

It was because of this incident that he went to City-Guarding River last night, distressed, and ended up fainting from stomach pains and falling into the river.

As if resurrected, Shen Wenqian sprung up from the sofa.

He grabbed Ruan Qi excitedly.

"Miss Ruan, since you can tell the video is edited, then surely you have a way to analyze whether it's been fabricated or not?"

Ruan Qi stumbled as she was grabbed.

Xiang Yang's expression darkened, and he tightly grasped Shen Wenqian's wrist, gradually applying pressure.

"Mr. Shen, compose yourself."

The sharp pain in his wrist calmed Shen Wenqian down.

He saw Ruan Qi's arm turn red from his grip and showed a look of guilt.

"Sorry, I was a little out of line."

"It's okay," Ruan Qi withdrew her hand.

She put away the medicine box, and under Shen Wenqian's expectant gaze, she slowly began to speak.

"I indeed have a way to analyze that video. However, I have not yet decided whether or not to help you."

Shen Wenqian, "Miss Ruan, whatever your conditions are! As long as I can manage it, I'll do it!"

Ruan Qi did not speak.

She tilted her little head, her gaze falling on his face.

A pale golden light shone within, coupled with a light shade of gray, enveloping Shen Wenqian.

That was his aura.