
Chapter 9: Black Dragon Pet, Onyxia!

  As a Demon in the Endless Abyss, Abbott naturally knew what Magic Tide was.

  Magic Tide is, to use a metaphorical device, the equivalent of breathing.

  The breath of the endless abyss!

  When each round of magic tides came, the creatures in the Endless Abyss would become prone to berserking and become more aggressive than usual.

  Yet in such an environment, the advancement of all demons would become relatively easier.

  This is because the Magic Tide will bring sufficient magic power to make them grow faster.

  And after the tidal wave of magic power receded, the Endless Abyss would fall relatively silent and become calm.

  At this point the abyssal environment becomes relatively more suitable.

  That's why the Tide of Magic has another name, called the "Tide of War" by the demons!

  During this period, many demons would kill each other and then strengthen themselves.

  And that's not all.

  The tides generated by the Endless Abyss often also have compounded dimensional subsidence.

  A dimensional sink is an endless abyss that acts as a lower dimension and will capture some of the upper dimensions that are too close to itself.

  And the captured realms would be forcefully swallowed in part by the Endless Abyss to become their own sustenance.

  And with the advent of dimensional subsidence, there will be a large area of that dimension that can be linked directly to the Abyss!

  This is unfortunate news for the inhabitants of the Upper Planes, captured by the Abyss.

  But for the demons, it's an unbeatable killing feast.

  Not only were the souls of the higher beings delicious, but they were good rations in their own right.

  Countless demons would flood their world, destroying their buildings and killing their people.

  But relatively, that realm will also do appear fierce resistance.

  Enhanced by the will of the realm.

  Not only would the native beings be strengthened, but even the gods of their realm would become primordial.

  If the demons defeat them, then the realm becomes part of the Endless Abyss forever.

  On the contrary, if the other party held fast to their territory and cut off the connection with the Abyss, then they would be able to escape the capture of the Abyss.

  Re-entry into the arms of the Upper Planes.

  But the reality is that the winner, more often than not, is the endless abyss!


  Hearing Lilia's words, the crowd was also taken aback.

  Her men were actually able to surmise when the magic tide was coming in.

  "I know it's hard, so that's an approximate time, the magic tide will come in about a month."

  "In the meantime, I want you to join my army and make us a fortune!"

  "If a dimensional sink occurs on our level we go plunder that dimension, if not ...."

  Lilia's eyes turned cold.

  "Then we'll annex the surrounding areas and become the true masters of this region!"

  The crowd sucked in an inverted breath of cold air as they listened.

  They hadn't expected Lilia to be so bold, and at this point her ambition was surprisingly obvious.

  But the demons quickly responded to Lilia's words accordingly.

  They were going to fuck anyway after the tidal wave of magic came in.

  Whether it was plundering the wealth and souls of the upper planes or annexing the surrounding regions, they didn't care as long as there were benefits.

  In that case, they might as well follow the "generous" Lord of the City.

  Abbott, on the other hand, was a little hesitant; he had a vague feeling that Lilia had more ambitions than that, but he couldn't guess what the other man was thinking.


  Abbott left the town hall and returned to the One Eye Tavern.

  Putting the previous incident behind him, Abbott took out the one black dragon egg and placed it on the table.

  Then from the spatial ring, he found the life force spring water given by the previous sign-in.

  "I hope this really works!"

  Abbott thought, then opened the crystal vial and poured the life force spring water on the dragon's egg.

  I didn't expect this life force spring water to be absorbed by the dragon egg as soon as it was poured on it.

  The dragon egg reemerged with life almost instantly.

  Abbott put his hand back up and realized that it was really different from the dead air he had before.

  Not only did the shell of the dragon egg become elastic again, but there was also the sound of a heartbeat coming from it.

  "It worked, I wonder how long it will take to hatch!"

  Before the words were finished, the eggshell began to break a little bit from the inside.

  A tiny crack appeared on the top of the eggshell.

  A cute black paw poked out of it.

  And there was a puppy-like "whimpering" sound in the egg.

  Abbott's eyes widened as he watched the tiny being struggle to crawl out of the eggshell.

  Abbott, who had wanted to help, thought of what he had learned from his last book and left the other man to his own efforts.

  Uprooting is not good behavior.

  Finally, after an hour had passed, a puppy-sized baby dragon appeared in front of Abbott.

  It was dripping wet and had a pair of tiny fleshy wings on its back.

  The scales on his body had taken shape, but they were soft now.

  At this point it was slumped over the table grunting like it had used up all its strength.

  Abbott put his hand out, and the other boy good-naturedly rubbed his head against Abbott's palm.

  But it didn't last long, as the little black dragon suddenly began to scream.


  The screaming grew louder and louder, leaving Abbott scratching his head a bit at a loss for words.


  The little black dragon flapped its wings on its back as if it understood.

  Abbott took out the bread and jerky he had prepared earlier, but the other man just tasted the jerky and never ate it again.

  It didn't look like it was to his liking, and the little black dragon still flapped its wings and purred.

  But Abbott didn't have anything on hand to feed it at this point.

  Tried everything else and the little black dragon was a picture of I just won't eat.

  That is, until Abbott tentatively takes out the heart of the high-ranking demon he was given by the previous sign-in.

  I didn't expect the little black dragon to pounce excitedly like a dog seeing meat.

  That was a whole heart of a high level demon, placed on the table it was bigger than the body of a small black dragon!

  And as the heart was bitten off little by little, the little black dragon's body grew in size as far as the eye could see!

  It has grown a whole circle or more in a short period of time.

  And as his body grew, the scales of the little black dragon were gradually becoming hard.

  From the previous flimsy and random kneading change began to become like armor.

  Such a fast growth rate!

  It was worthy of being a black dragon breed that was known for its physical combat ability.

  Seeing this Abbott began to envy the strong talent of an epic level creature like a dragon.

  The thought of this being his future pet, or even mount, excited Abbott.

  When this black dragon in front of him grew to adulthood, it would be completely capable of physically fighting that giant abyssal worm head on.

  Petting the little black dragon propped up on the table with its belly, Abbott was satisfied.

  "By the way, let's give you a name."

  Abbott looked at the sex of the little black dragon.

  Well, there's no little hook, so it looks like it's a girl.

  Abbott has an idea.

  "From now on you'll be called Onyxia!"

  The little black dragon listened and rubbed his head against Abbott again, looking satisfied.