
Chapter 8 - Black Dragon Eggs and Life Force Spring Water!

  The Phantom Lord, Lilia, led the crowd to her "treasure trove".

  That was where she usually kept her loot.

  After opening the door of the warehouse, the crowd found that there were quite a few weapons, armor, and treasures on display.

  Many are fine and rare grade weapons.

  The kind where any piece can fetch a high price on the black market.

  It seemed that the Phantom City Lord was satisfied with their performance in this battle and was prepared to reward them with a large sum of money.

  Or trying to enlist this group of people with growth potential.

  The chimera are not a race with any combat expertise, and while seduction and diplomacy they are a handful, waging war is still up to this group of savage demons with more muscle than brains.

  "You can pick as many as you like, one for each of you, and come back when you're done."

  Lilia's wonderful voice came again.

  A nod signaled that Abbott and the others could now go in and pick out as much of this gear as they wanted.

  The group of demons had long been green-eyed at the sight of the room full of equipment, and cheered as they ran in to pick out the weapons and defenses of their choice.

  While treasure is also tempting to demons, demons tend to favor gaining more power.

  Unlike the vulgar demons, Abbott lost interest after just a general glance at the treasure trove.

  With the magic sword in his hand, he naturally couldn't look at these "ordinary goods".

  So he headed deeper into the treasure trove.

  The gold and silver treasures all over the ground couldn't even enter his eyes, and the weapons and equipment were nothing more than floating clouds in his opinion.

  He wanted to see if there were any treasures that interested him.

  "Wait, what's this?"

  Just as he was checking out the treasure, an egg with black scales appeared in his vision.

  Abbott takes it down and realizes it's a necrotic dragon's egg.

  The black scales were etched with fine lines.

  It feels good in the hand, but it's clearly missing some life.

  As if to indicate that the creature that laid this egg was unusual.

  Just as Abbott was examining it, a tantalizing, ethereal scent came from behind him.

  "You have a good eye, this is a black dragon's egg, if it can hatch you'll be able to obtain a juvenile black dragon."

  It's Lilia, the Phantom City Lord, who notices Abbott.

  As someone who owns a giant Abyssal Worm as a pet, she collects quite a few powerful creatures as her spare pets on a regular basis.

  This time the two were close enough that Abbott could see some of his partner's facial contours through the veil.

  I have to say that chimeras are natural beauties.

  This Lilia in front of her at the moment was even the best of them.

  The soft blonde hair and snow-white skin paired with that euphonious voice made Abbott a little lost in thought for a moment.

  Looking at the demon in front of her staring straight at her, Lilia didn't get angry.

  As a woman, knowing that you have charisma is something you don't need to be ashamed of.

  She giggled and placed a pair of jade hands on the black dragon egg.

  "But unfortunately, it lost its vitality when I got this dragon egg, and it's hard to hatch it out even with my skills."

  She stared at Abbott, trying to see through the man covered in a cloak.

  From the moment she met Abbott, she had a strange feeling.

  It wasn't a heartbeat, but some inexplicable heartbreak, which surprised her greatly.

  It was important to know that not only was she wearing defensive treasures all over her body as the City Lord, but that the Abyssal Worms were on standby just below the City Lord's Mansion.

  She couldn't figure out why this person in front of her could give her a feeling of being threatened.

  So she came by Abbott's side under the guise of explaining the dragon's egg to find out what was going on.

  But unfortunately, the aura that Abbott exuded was nothing more than a freshly advanced intermediate demon, and although his lineage couldn't be seen, from the greatsword on his back it could be seen that the other party was a demonic species that excelled in combat.

  After testing Abbott's strength, Lilia then seemed to lose interest.

  "I suggest you exchange it for a different treasure, this dragon egg is worth less than a set of shields right now."

  After that, he turned and left.

  Abbott frowned, the other man had a point, a dragon egg that couldn't hatch didn't meet his requirements.

  At this stage, improving combat power was the most important thing.

  "Ding, the cooldown time for signing in has been restored, may I ask if the host would like to sign in?"

  As soon as Abbott heard the system's voice, he didn't hesitate and chose to sign in directly.

  "Ding, the host has successfully signed in Lilia's treasury, congratulations to the host for obtaining a bottle of Vitality Spring Water!"

  A bottle of liquid encased in clear crystal appeared in Abbott's hand.

  Life force spring?

  Abbott looked into his hand and found that this bottle of life force spring water had a light golden color, and it seemed to have life in his hand, giving people a very comfortable feeling!

  The system went on to give an introduction to the Vitality Spring.

  Vitality Spring: This is a spring that has been blessed by the god of creation, if ordinary creatures drink it, they can change from an old man back to their youngest state and increase their lifespan, those who have been seriously injured can drink it to instantly recover from their injuries and gain the blessing of the vitality spring, and hatchlings such as dragon eggs that have lost their vitality can be revitalized and accelerate hatching after using it!

  Good stuff!

  If this bottle of spring water were to be sold to the upper realms, I'm afraid that quite a few powerful monarchs would fight to the death over it.

  Even start a world war!

  But Abbott got the bottle of spring water and then looked at the necrotic black dragon egg!

  Stuffing the life force spring water into his spatial ring.

  Abbott held the dragon egg next to Lilia, the city's lord.

  "I'll take that one."

  Although she didn't understand, Lilia respected Abbott's choice.

  The other demons laughed when they saw Abbott holding a "badass".

  "Did you see that, that fool picked a dead dragon egg!"

  "He's not still thinking he can hatch, no way no how!"

  "Hahaha, there are still people who can be so stupid!"


  Ignoring them, Abbott laughed out loud on the inside.

  "You fools, I'd love to see your faces when I hatch this black dragon."


  Seeing that the crowd had picked out the treasures of their choice.

  Lilia then stood in front of the crowd and said.

  "Now that you've all picked out your favorites, there's something I'd like to say to you before you all leave."

  The crowd that was just about to leave immediately turned back when they heard Lilith's words.

  "This invasion didn't cause much damage, and I didn't take it to heart."

  "But just a short time ago, the soothsayers under my command deduced another great event!"

  "That's the magic tidal wave coming soon!"

  Lilia's playful face clouded over with seriousness.