
Chapter 10: The Magic Tide descends, and the war begins!

  A month passed quickly.

  Abbott lived a fairly quiet life for a while.

  After successive check-ins, he absorbed more and more demonic essence.

  At this time, his strength had increased quite a bit, and with another stable period of time he would be able to steadily advance to a high level demon.

  At that point, he was truly one of the strongest in the Abyss.

  The rate of advancement was getting slower and slower though.

  But Abbott is in no hurry, after all, depending on the amount of essence acquired determines the strength of the demons once they advance.

  During this time, Abbott was also involved in gladiatorial combat every other day.

  Not only did he obtain a considerable amount of soul coins, but his own combat experience was also getting richer and richer.

  The important thing was that the seal of the magic sword was about to be lifted.

  At this moment, the magic sword was laced with mostly blood-colored stripes on that black body.

  Not only was it getting sharper, but Abbott felt the magic sword getting more bloodthirsty.

  The little black dragon has also grown quite a bit, and its daily staple is demon hearts and tons of raw meat.

  The Devil's Heart relies on Abbott signing up for a supply on one hand, and on Abbott acquiring it in the gladiator arena on the other.

  Abbott, now in the gladiatorial arena, has become a master of mystery.

  In addition to being well-known when he strikes, he takes the heart of the loser every time.

  Thus Abbott has earned a title as well.

  Heart Eater - Nameless!

  Many viewers believe that Abbott got stronger by eating other people's hearts, not realizing that those hearts were nothing more than rations for Onyxia.

  It also set off a heart-eating craze in the Valley of Pain for a while, though only a fraction of the population followed the trend.

  After all, a demon's heart wasn't something that was easy to obtain.

  And as Onyxia got bigger and bigger, Abbott spent a lot of money on a pet-specific space ring for her.

  There were hundreds of square meters in size in the ring, storing large amounts of food and water, and Onyxia was comfortable in it.


  The days just rush by until ....

  "The tidal wave of magic is coming!"

  Abbott felt the change in his surroundings as the blood within himself began to boil.

  It gave him the idea of wanting to kill everything.

  The consciousness of the Endless Abyss also began to whisper in his ears, forcing him to kill!

  At this time, an indescribable feeling used his heart.

  It's not just him.

  All the beings on the fourth level of the Endless Abyss instinctively looked up.

  In the blood-red sky, a continent that could not be seen to the end appeared above the crowd.

  That would be the upper planes that were drawn in by the magical tides of the Abyss.

  At this time, a portion of that dimensional crystal wall in the air had been twisted and distorted, and was firmly controlled by the Endless Abyss!

  And part of that continent was getting closer and closer to the Endless Abyss.


  The dimensional gate, slanted against the abyss, opened!


  Something inside Abbott wants to fight, something that makes him a little less in control.

  But it was good that the Heart of Slaughter skill was activated, and a wave of cold clarity flooded his mind.

  In a matter of moments, Abbott came to his senses and the whispers of the abyss in his ears disappeared.

  On the contrary, the surrounding demons were all running towards the connection point of the Upper Plane with crimson eyes.

  Shitty demons, shapeshifting demons, demonic governors, witches ..... and other existences all surged forward like mad.

  Even the Phantom City Lord, Lilia, stood on the head of the giant Abyssal Worm and ran towards that side.

  And in the distance, countless demons laughed as they rushed this way, this was the root of the Endless Abyss being able to devour countless realms...

  Endless demons!

  Right after the first batch of demonic vanguards entered the connection between the realm and the abyss, only a bold and warlike voice could be heard.

  "Scum of the lower realms, get out of this realm!"

  A strike that shook the earth came, only to see a hundred-meter-tall, unearthly beastman standing there with a sword in his hand.

  Behind him, there were a dozen or so orcs of various colors and colors, holding up various kinds of weapons, and were massacring the demon hordes that had entered it.

  The backs of this group of orcs were shining with a golden color.

  It was the gods of the invaded realms!

  They formed the first line of defense in this dimension at this time.

  But this side of the Endless Abyss ....

  "Hmph, just you guys?"

  Only to see a gale blowing in the red sky in the distance, a two-winged demon, also a hundred meters in size, swooped towards a dozen or so orc deities.

  Lord of the fourth layer of the Endless Abyss, senior high-ranking demon, King of Lies and Deceit - Daxos!

  He fearlessly sparred with his opponent under the Endless Abyss's augmentation.


  Daxos' sharp claws and the Orc War God's sharp sword clashed together.

  As soon as the two sides met, they began to fight hard!

  And behind Daxos, dozens of high-ranking demons arrived one after another!

  Although most of the high-ranking demons were not as strong individually as the Orc Deities, they were superior in numbers and were not afraid of life and death.

  After the group of deities exchanged blows with the high level demons, the demon army in the Endless Abyss got a chance to catch their breath.

  As a few trumpets sounded, an army of local orcs arrived at the battlefield.

  The two sides immediately rushed together and killed each other!

  Demons fight for their advancement and for their instinct to kill!

  The orc army, on the other hand, was fighting for the realm they depended on, for their loved ones and friends!

  Both sides will fight to the death in this battle!

  Abbott made it to the edge of the battlefield though.

  But instead of striking out, he calmly waited for his chance.

  He looked behind the orc army and realized it was a very beautiful world.

  Green water and mountains, and a floating island floating in the air.

  The dazzling sunlight shone on the armies of both sides, coloring them a golden yellow.

  But the earth beneath their feet had now long since flowed with blood and turned a deep red color!

  The battle between the orc gods and the high-ranking demons was over quickly.

  The Orc Deities had fallen by five, but the High Ranking Demons had fallen by a dozen.

  Daxos' wing was half chopped off, while the orc war god he was fighting broke an arm.

  The high-ranking demons retreated into the abyss, allowing it to heal their wounds for them.

  As for the Orc Deities, they returned to their home realm's divine kingdoms to recover their energies and injuries.

  Now, it was a contest between the mid-level demons and imps and the orc army!

  Seeing this, Abbott gripped his magic sword, which he was about to hold back, and joined the fray.

  A two-meter tall green orc with a steel warhammer in hand knocked out a mid-level demon with a single blow, and was just about to catch his breath.

  When he looked down, his own chest was barrel-pierced by a black and red magic sword!

  Not only is his own flesh and blood being consumed by the demonic sword, but his limbs are growing weak as he sits on his knees and cranes his head to see that it is a mysterious demon in a cloak - Abbott!

  Abbott yanked out his opponent's heart as soon as he could and threw it into the space ring where Onyxia was.

  "Your realm is beautiful, but unfortunately, when two worlds collide together, only one will survive!"