
Chapter 5: Advancement to Intermediate Level Demon!

  Looking down at the excited crowd on stage, Abbott didn't wave.

  Instead, he turned low and went down to the stage to collect his reward.

  1,000 dazzling soul coins, plus the reward for betting on yourself to win.

  A total of 1,600 soul coins!

  A whole sack of soul coins was laid out in front of Abbott, who fumed.

  Because it's just not a good idea to take so much money with you.

  Just as Abbott was fretting, that shitty demon who had hosted on stage earlier saw it and hemmed and hawed.

  Took a ring right off his finger and threw it at Abbott.

  "Use this, a spatial ring that can store items."

  Abbott took the ring and put it on, and found that there was a two cubic meter sized space inside!

  "How much? I'll take it!"

  Abbott, who had wanted to buy the ring, saw Shitty Devil waving his hand, signaling that he didn't want the money.

  "Welcome to the next time, this nameless little brother!"

  The well-dressed shitty demon looked at Abbott, his eyes glittering with gold coins.

  These small things were worth a hundred soul coins at most, but making the heart of this gladiator named Nameless was worth a lot.

  After all, a small portion of the tax revenue of the entire Valley of Pain was in this Colosseum.

  They're not afraid of running out of money, they're afraid of running out of people.

  Abbott came along and made them think they had found a good prospect, and that their investment at this point could yield ten times a hundred on Abbott!

  It is important to realize that all demons are beings who are aggressive by nature and love to see blood.

  Watching jousting is the greatest and most comfortable form of entertainment for them!

  Abbott nodded, not rejecting the other man's kind offer, and he knew that the other man was trying to take advantage of him.

  And why wouldn't he take advantage of the other party, using such a battle he could quickly increase his strength.

  It could also speed up the speed of the Magic Sword's unsealing, a two for one thing.

  There's still money to be made!

  Taking the ring with him, Abbott prepares to leave the gladiator arena after putting the money in the storage space.

  He continued to wear his cloak so that no one could see what he looked like.

  Then seven twists and turns to get out of there.

  Once back at the hotel, Abbott put his head down and got ready to rest.

  Ordered a couple meals and drinks at the front desk and had the chimera bring them into the room.

  Not long after, that purple-skinned demonic charm twisted her waist and brought in the meal.

  Phantom was just about to open his mouth to seduce Abbott in preparation for some extra money.

  Instead, Abbott just took the meal and then closed the door to his room.

  Exasperated, the chimera rolled her eyes at the door.

  "This new demon looks like a poor guy who just entered the city with no money! I'm so tempting him and he can't even hold back... I'm so mad at you!"

  Unfortunately what she doesn't realize is that Abbott is holding the 1600 soul coins she just won, if only she knew.

  She definitely used her whole body, and would never leave the room easily.

  Unlike the rest of the demons that relied on physical strength and skill power, Phantoms relied on their face and body to eat.

  When they were weak, they exchanged their chances of survival by clinging to demons that were stronger than them.

  And after becoming a bit stronger, they could awaken their bloodline abilities.

  Charming spells!

  Not only can this skill charm creatures a little stronger than them, it's not just limited to demons.

  Human, Devil, Blood and even Wraith.

  All can be overwhelmed by their charms.

  Become their "puppet" or lover.

  It largely depends on the intensity of the charmers' use of the charm or their mood.

  On top of that, stronger chimeras will have more strength and will have other bloodline abilities, though they are too rare in number.


  Time flew by and Abbott had stayed in the Valley of Pain for over a week.

  In the meantime, he got a lot of stuff for signing in.

  Intermediate Demon Essence X3

  Primary Demon Essence X2

  High-ranking Demon's Heart X1

  Apart from the heart of a high-ranking demon, which was a material that he didn't know how to use for the time being, the rest of the essence was absorbed by Abbott.

  Abbott sucked in the last of the essence, feeling the changes in his body.

  At this point Abbott felt that he had reached the limit of his current strength.

  He's ready to advance!

  Truly a mid-level demon now, and the realization that the Abyssal Consciousness had passed through was obvious.

  It's pushing Abbott to advance faster!

  One must know that to evolve from a beginner's imp to an intermediate imp requires several deadly fights and the ability to take the essence of the opponent in its entirety in order to do so.

  The time spent in it, not to mention the risk of these battles would be enough to send most imps up in smoke.

  And a fast and steady progression like Abbott's is unheard of.

  Unless those extremely special Sons and Daughters of the Abyss had a chance.


  Sneaking out of the Valley of Pain, Abbott found a secluded area with no crowds.

  Abbott picked this place to prepare for his advancement because he didn't want people to know about his ascension.

  After all, if this secret is known to others.

  It's sure to attract greedy eyes and unsuspecting prying eyes!

  At the moment in this secluded place, everything around was quiet.

  Abbott began indulging the storming blood and qi within him, allowing them to take over his body automatically.


  Like the sound of bamboo shoots drilling into the ground kept appearing as Abbott's body evolved.

  Not only was the strength of his physical body getting stronger, even his body was becoming taller and stronger.

  And behind him, a pair of black fleshy wings appeared, which was the sign of an advanced intermediate level demon!

  Instead of being the slightest impediment, Abbott's progression was unusually smooth.

  He could feel his life level rising.

  And he felt a new wave of power bursting through his heart!



  Evolution complete!

  Abbott managed to advance to Intermediate Demon and gained his first ability as a demon!

  The Demon Physique (Rare) : Your body has reached the basic requirements for a rare demon, you have stronger flesh, more agility and superior recovery, continue to grow and you will become stronger!

  Abbott saw the new ability, and while it wasn't a superpower or anything like he wanted, the ability was one of the strongest.

  Demons themselves possessed a remarkable physique, and the appearance of The Demon Physique would make their bodies even stronger.

  A growing physique could not only go from rare to epic, to legendary and lore level later on, but even end up being able to become a god-level demonic physique!

  By that time The Demonic Physique could really be considered one of the strongest abilities.

  At this point Abbott tried out his new body after his advancement.

  He swung a few punches in front of him, and the wind of the punches appeared directly in front of him, which looked to be quite powerful.

  And trying his speed, he realized he had become more agile.

  Unlike those bulky demons, he was more flexible and could make quite a few moves out of it.

  The test completed, Abbott clenched his fists.

  "This feeling of being full of power, it's so good!"