
Chapter 4 A Battle That Shocked the Audience!

  Abbott made his way to the Colosseum in the Valley of Pain.

  It is the busiest place in the region and the most well-known entertainment venue in the surrounding area.

  He and the slave market both cooperated with each other, one providing qualified slaves and the other providing exciting fights.

  These two things combined together make them a lot of money!

  Once inside, Abbott heard the excited chants of the entire crowd and the roar of the two demons fighting on stage.


  A red-skinned demon with a battle axe in his hand in the arena viciously slashed his opponent in the abdomen.

  The audience on the stage became even more excited at the sight, and even many demons could not control themselves somewhat at the sight of blood.

  And the red-skinned demon, seeing the effect, raised his axe and gestured at the stage.


  "Cut him down!"

  "Let's see some blood!"

  Listening to the chants of the crowd, the red-skinned demon chopped off his opponent's head with an axe and threw it into the audience.

  The audience boiled over like a frying pan with water, and they all wanted to grab that head.

  And from the other side jumped a well-dressed shitty demon, grabbing the red-skinned demon's hand and declaring victory.

  Shouted toward the stage.

  "Today's victory belongs to our Red Slaughterer! It's currently on a 3-game winning streak with a whopping 1,000 soul coins in prize money!"

  Then the shitty demon looked down at the stage.

  "Is there anyone who would like to have a match with our Red Slaughterer, and the winner will take the 1000 soul coins!"

  Unfortunately, the audience isn't buying it, they're just here for the thrill.

  Forget it if you're competing, after all, this Red Slaughterer is also a new gladiator who has recently gained notoriety.

  "I've heard that this Red Slaughterer is on the verge of advancing, and how would any newcomer dare to seek him out!"

  "Yeah, those newbie demons are cowering, it's no fun!"

  Below the stage, the weaker demonic gladiators knew that the difference in strength was there, and simply gave up their challenge.

  And Abbott saw this and went straight backstage, finding the stewards and stating that he wanted to be in the corner.

  The other man glanced at Abbott and realized that the other man had a tattered cloak covering his face, and it was impossible to see who he was.

  This doesn't affect the duel though, because here you just have to be able to get up and fight, and there aren't many rules for demons.

  "What's your name?"

  The imitator pulled out a thick book and prepared to register Abbott.

  "Call me... Nameless will do."

  Abbott said the resonance of his name, which also made it easier to hide his identity.

  "Nameless? Interesting, go ahead, are you going to bring this weapon on the field?"

  Said sword is the magical sword on Abbott's back, which at the moment is wrapped in a bunch of rags and strips of cloth, so that there's no sign of its original horrific appearance.

  "Yes, I'm going to bring it on."

  Joking aside, how could he come to the dueling arena just to let the Magic Sword and himself meet blood, and not bring it on.

  "Okay, registration is complete, who do you want to challenge?"

  After saying that, the other party took out a thick roster.

  "No, I'm going to challenge this Red Slaughterer!"

  As soon as the words came out of his mouth, everyone in the room looked at Abbott with the eyes of a madman.

  "What an insouciance!"

  "Yeah, I think he's going to get chopped up by his opponent as soon as he gets on stage."

  "I'll bet 10 soul coins that he can last 5 minutes!"

  "Deal, I'll bet him 3 minutes."

  And the Shitty Devil on the stage is aware of Abbott's presence via backstage and learns that Abbott is ready to challenge the Red Slaughterer.

  "Good news, my fellow demons!"

  "A newcomer will challenge our rising star, and his name is... Nameless!"

  The crowd cheered, another fight to watch!

  Cheering they ran to place their bets.

  Unfortunately, though, Abbott is clearly the unheralded side, with the ratio of bets between him and his opponent actually reaching a horrifying 60 to 1.

  Abbott saw this and bet 10 soul coins directly on himself to win.

  The move clearly angered the other, and the red-skinned demon snarled at Abbott.

  "I'm going to chop your head off and crush it in front of everyone!"

  When he finished, he raised the axe in his hand with hatred.

  Abbott ignored him and instead walked slowly up to the stage and into the arena.

  "Ahem, spectators, the match is about to begin!"

  "It will now be the newcomer - Nameless - against our rising star, Red Slaughterer!"

  "I wonder how long he'll last under his opponent's hand? For those who want to bet, please hurry up and place your bets on the match... Start!"

  After saying that, the Shitty Demon hurriedly jumped out of the gladiatorial arena.

  "Kid, while you still have a chance, kneel down and kiss my feet, and this Demon King might even let you go!"

  Abbott didn't reply, but took the magic sword off his back.

  Sensing the upcoming battle, the magic sword trembled slightly at that moment, as if it was somewhat agitated!

  The red-skinned demon makes the first move, slashing at Abbott with an axe that looks ready to kill him with a single blow.


  The two weapons clashed together.

  The red-skinned demon froze a bit, with his power this move was often unbeatable, now it had no effect.

  So he immediately backhanded and slashed out again, this time with even more power than the last.

  He was confident that his opponent would never be able to defend against it!

  But once again, the opponent easily blocked the strike.

  "Enough testing, now it's my turn!"

  Abbott, whose face Cloakman couldn't see, said to the red-skinned demon.

  "Sh... What!"

  Abbott snapped, the greatsword in his hand slashing at his opponent without stopping.

  On the contrary, his opponent was in a sorry state, desperately trying to fend off, Abbott's stormy attacks making him unable to catch his breath at all!

  It turns out that previously Abbott was just testing the Heart of Slaughter skill that he had acquired prior to the test.

  After testing, sure enough, Abbott doesn't feel any emotions like fear or exuberance at all when the skill is on.

  Instead, he took every attack from his opponent with all calmness.

  And now that he'd tested enough, he wasn't going to dilly-dally any longer, and was ready to finish off his opponent and walk away with his reward.

  Under Abbott's frantic attack, his opponent can only grit his teeth and hang on for dear life.

  Hoping that Abbott will be able to run out of steam and give up his offense.

  Finally, the opposing defense made a mistake.

  That's the one mistake that Abbott caught.


  The sharp magical sword was used by Abbott to cut off the red-skinned demon's head with a single blow using brute force.

  The opponent's head flew up and eventually fell to the ground.

  The Devil Sword also took this opportunity to drain the opponent's blood qi, causing the opponent to shrink in size quite a bit.

  And Abbott is feeling a hint of growth in his Heart of Slaughter, so it looks like it's the right place to be!

  At this point, the entire room was shocked.

  These battles are long to say the least, but they actually happened in just a minute.

  This newcomer Nameless actually managed to take out Red Slaughterer in under a minute!

  "The victor... Is... It's Nameless!"

  The crowd then cheered, despite the loss, they finally got to see a new powerful gladiator!