
Chapter 6 War in the Valley of Pain!

  Abbott finished his advance and was ready to leave.

  On the way to the Valley of Pain, Abbott notices the smell of blood in the air.

  There's fighting nearby!

  And the smell of blood got stronger the closer he got to the Valley of Pain.

  Looks like a massive battle up ahead.

  So he immediately took cover and slowly made his way to his destination.

  As expected, he found a number of bodies along the way.

  These corpses include a number of cultists and witches in addition to demons.

  It looks like there's an alien demon army preparing to wage a looting war on the Valley of Pain.

  Abbott soon arrived at the entrance to the Valley of Pain, and realized that the entire defense line was densely packed with dead soldiers from both sides.

  This is the norm in the Abyss!

  The demons were fighting for a simple purpose.

  Looting and promotion!

  Loot more resources and fight each other before ascending the ranks.

  This time, however, it was assumed that the nearby demons were preparing to come and take the city by carrying their own armies.

  It was important to realize that although the Valley of Pain was not as prosperous as a human city, it was a rare treasure in the midst of this chaotic abyss!

  So in the Abyss, even cities where trading is possible are often not peaceful.

  The very nature of demons dictates that it is in their nature to conquer and kill each other.

  And Abbott just hides in the corner and slowly makes his way back to the city of Pain Valley.

  And the city was already on fire.

  There were roars of anger, fighting, and screams.

  Abbott saw a number of local merchants already taking up arms against the intruders.

  Instead, they cared more about the well-being of their city than the hobos.

  One of the witch merchants was holding her wand up and releasing low level magic, viciously attacking the intruders outside her store.

  Fireball and Poisonous Mist, which were low-ranked but effective skills, gave the invaders a big headache as well.

  And the witch laughed at the sight.

  "Come on, you cowards, how dare you attack my store, I am the Black Witch of the Talos Forest! I'm going to have all of you flayed and disemboweled, and then made into my soul puppets!"

  With that said, another fireball hit one of the cultists, setting him ablaze from head to toe.

  All the while making oozing, miserable noises.

  "Knock, knock, knock!"

  Unfortunately, the old hag wasn't happy for long, only to see a Demon Dude charging forward on 4 legs.

  That 5 meter tall body with huge muscles made the witch's skills useless to unleash.

  Then the Demon Governor swung the iron rod in his own hand and slammed it down!


  As if crushing a bug, the giant stick was raised again.

  All that remained where the old hag had been was a puddle of blood.

  This demon's strength was surprisingly so terrifying!

  And Abbott stood by, a little hesitant to get involved in the fight.

  But the magic sword gave him the answer.

  The magic sword trembled slightly, as if urging Abbott to hurry up and join the fight.

  And without further hesitation, Abbott jumped right into the fray with his magic sword raised.

  Tackle the thief!

  Abbott's first target is this Demon Dude.

  The Demon Dude is an enemy that has just entered the Intermediate Demon level, with a strong constitution and courageous strength.

  They tend to be the offensive force in demon armies, as well as being somewhat of a command candidate for smaller units.

  A Demon Dude who continues to advance becomes a Demon General, then a Demon Warlord with greater individual strength and command of a larger army!

  Seeing Abbott rush over, Demon Dude immediately sensed something was wrong.

  Hurry swung his bat down and hit the ground hard.

  But Abbott jumped out of the way with much more agility than his opponent, then raised his sword to counterattack!


  Abbott swings hard and lands a nice shot to one of his opponent's legs.

  Only to see that leg instantly chopped off.

  The opponent screamed miserably, and for a moment he was a little unsteady on his feet with a broken leg.

  He was also fuming, swinging his crowbar horizontally toward Abbott.

  Abbott dodges again and ducks right down to avoid the killing blow.

  Then jumping high, he plunged his sword into his opponent's heart, stirring it up in the process!

  The Demon Governor roared with unwillingness, but unfortunately, he couldn't resist the fading of his own life.

  While the magic sword resting in the opponent's chest was excitedly sucking the opponent's flesh and blood, the flesh of the 5-meter-tall corpse was shrinking as far as the eye could see.

  At this moment, the few cultists and imps on the side saw the situation and wanted to escape.

  But how could Abbott give his opponent a chance to escape.

  A sword, cleaving through several cultists, and the imps, realizing they couldn't run, simply turned back and tried to fight Abbott.

  The magic sword in Abbott's hand cut them as if they were vegetables.

  Whoever these minions are.

  It's all one cut!

  After the battle, Abbott stood in the street covered in blood.

  As if a god of war.

  At this moment, he looked towards the Magic Sword and realized that the red dots on the Magic Sword had increased quite a bit, and it looked like this level of combat was able to get it unlocked faster.

  At this time, the battle within the city was still continuing, and it didn't look like it had subsided at all.

  "This is a good opportunity, I just need to pick those fallen elite demons to start with, what a benefit for nothing!"

  With that said Abbott threw away his tattered cloak and took a simple suit of armor from the old hag's stall earlier.

  He was prepared to change his appearance during the battle to save himself from being recognized by someone who wanted to.


  On the other side, a Dread Demon King who was close to the level of a high-ranking demon was commanding his troops in the center of the battlefield.

  He suddenly sensed people disappearing within his unit one after another.

  And the ones that disappeared were those with commanding or fighting talents.

  It felt wrong to him.

  "Could there be an expert in the city?"

  He didn't have time to manage the rear of his troops at the moment, though, instead focusing on his current objective.

  The City Lord's Mansion in the Valley of Pain!

  He knew that if he won this battle, then with the supply of resources from the Valley of Pain, he would be able to advance to a high ranked demon without any worries, and even if he was a bit stronger, he would be able to contend for even the layer master of the fourth layer of the Endless Abyss!

  Thinking of this, there was an indescribable fervor in his eyes.


  Abbott is happy as a clam at this point.

  The discipline of the demon army was particularly poor, and often the troops would start burning and looting before the battle was over!

  And a scattered army of demons is simply defenseless here in Abbott.

  He picked the right target and exterminated the opponent one after another.

  The Magic Sword was also very satisfied with this state, and the red dot on the sword body was getting bigger and bigger, and it was already the size of a fist!


  A shapeshifter's body was thrown to the ground by Abbott.

  At this point, he had already killed almost 20 intermediate level demons, and his own combat experience was much richer.

  And just at this time, only a deafening roar could be heard coming from the City Lord's Mansion!

  Abbott turned his head and found a sight that surprised him.