
The Demon King of the Manga World

The protagonist obtains the treasure box system, starts a two-dimensional journey, and beats all dissatisfaction.

Supe3rman1234 · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Chapitre 25

Chapter 25

Author: Yun Dian丨Mengxin Liulian

"Actually, there's something else I want to tell you." Riku touched his face, hesitated, and finally spoke up.

Whether it's power or other things, these things can't be hidden. It's better to say it earlier, give Coronet, and give other humans a psychological preparation.

"What's the matter?" Coronet asked curiously.

"Actually, I'm married." Riku smiled apologetically.

"Ha!" Hearing this, Coroney couldn't help but stunned, and exclaimed directly.

"Married? With whom?" Corony asked anxiously. I feel a little lonely.

"Princess Hatsuse Fia of the orc race." Riku said slowly.

"Orc race...Princess...?" Hearing this, Coroney was stunned and murmured, her face full of incredulity.

She thought about who Riku was married to from another human tribe, but she didn't expect it to be with the orcs! There is no precedent for a human being to marry an orc race.

"No wonder you smell like a woman, so it is. I just didn't expect it to be an orc princess. You make me a little confused." Coroney said with a complicated face covering her forehead.

"Uh..." Riku was stunned when he heard this. After having sex with Fia, he took a shower, and he was actually asked.

"Don't underestimate a woman's sense of smell and intuition, idiot." Coroney glared at Riku and said dissatisfiedly.

"Sorry, sorry. The reason for this is that I have a good impression of Fia, and the second is to form an alliance with the orc race." Riku explained awkwardly.

"Alliance with the orcs? They actually agreed? They even married the princess to you? This doesn't seem like the way of the orcs." Coroney frowned. All other races are high above the existence, how can they look down on humans.

"I defeated Fia, and they were convinced. Moreover, for the future of the two races, Fia bet the orc race on me. So the alliance is my dominant position." Riku explained earnestly.

"Hehe, in this case, I suddenly want to see that sister-in-law." Hearing this, Coroney was silent for a while, and then said with a smile. "You have such a good eye, you can see your potential and charm at a glance."

However, although Coroney was smiling, the bitterness and joy in her eyes were actually intertwined with comfort, which seemed very complicated.

"Ke'er, what I said before I left will be fulfilled, so don't think about it." Coroney's strangeness was naturally seen by Riku, so he directly released his scumbag declaration.

(ps: ahem, the next chapter, Shubi, will come out, please collect it, give a reward, Huahua, and support it with a lot of comments~! Actually, this chapter is a bit small, it took twice as long as usual, it hurts.. .)

Chapter 38: The Young Girl of the Machine Armor~! (1/5 asks for everything!)

"Riku, are you frankly declaring that you want to open a harem?" Corony was taken aback by Riku's words, and then stared at Riku with a half-smile, humming. "This is a declaration of a scumbag."

However, although Coroney said so, her mood improved. Apparently Riku still remembers the promise of marrying her to her satisfaction.

"I'm still conscious of this. However, for girls who have a good impression, if they give up directly because of these reasons, I think it's a soft act." Having said that, Riku calmed down and said seriously.

"Pfft, what do you mean, whether it's humans or other races, as long as you have a good impression, you'll go after them? That's really a lot of effort." Coronee said stunned.

"Maybe. Some situations are beyond my control." Riku shrugged, neither admitting nor refuting.

"Riku, I feel like you've changed a lot. I think you're a little strange. It's been half a month since I've been out, and my cute little brother has actually become a sweetheart..." Coroney said with a tangled face.

"This world is originally crazy. I have been suppressed for too long before, but now I have gained strength, and with the possibility of ending this crazy war of gods, I have naturally returned to my nature. If I keep suppressing it, I think I will go crazy." Rikukin's eyes flashed and he said slowly.

"That's right..." Hearing this, Coroney smiled bitterly and nodded. The previous Riku was so depressed that she was worried that she would collapse. Now this may be the best way.

However, Coronet didn't know, not worried about whether it would collapse, but already collapsed...

"Okay, let's talk about it here, I'll wait for Riku to marry me. However, you Don't be in a hurry. Go ahead and start your plan, I will always support you." Then, Coronet stood up, holding the telescope, and said slowly. "Now, I'm going to remodel this thing."

After that, Corony opened the door without waiting for Riku to say anything, walked out, and closed the door along the way.

"What an understanding elder sister." Seeing Corony's back, Riku touched his face. He can accept this kind of rhetoric, and he doesn't ask him about his hidden things. It is conceivable how understanding Coroney is.

"Speaking of which, did the little girl of the mech armor finally come back here? It seems that I left her too far." At this time, Riku narrowed his golden eyes and muttered to himself.

Just now, a subtle elf reaction appeared near the human colony. With this kind of elf reaction, there are only other races besides him, and since she has no malicious intentions, Riku can naturally guess who it is.

It should be said that when he left the colony from the beginning, Riku knew that a young girl from the mecha-type was following him, but he had no strength at the time and could not find it.

Later, I used Shangri-La to transfer several times, and this young girl of the armor type had been thrown away.

In Riku's guess, it is estimated that if this young girl of the armor type can't find herself anywhere, she will return to the colony and wait.

Now it turns out that his guess was right.

"It's time to meet. Now, I just have time." Riku pondered and muttered to himself.

After the words fell, Riku had already motivated Shangri-La and disappeared from the room.


Outside the human settlement, a black-haired waist-length girl with ruby-like eyes, a delicate and lovely face, and snow-white skin, who can definitely be called a top-level beautiful girl, is standing quietly on another mountain, silently scanning the human settlement. ,in silence.

Although she is a beautiful girl, her mechanical headgear and the two tail-like mechanical cables at the back all describe her identity, a different race. To be more precise, it should be the type of armor.

——The "Ex-Machina" is a very special race even among monsters related to wars.

The mechs are, first and foremost, a race made of machines, not even living beings, but they are connected and act by a group called a "cluster".

In other words, the discovery of an individual is equal to the discovery of the race, and entering a state of hostility with one of the individuals is equivalent to entering a state of hostility with the entire race.

It is a very special existence among all races.

Not only the action mode, but also the abilities. It can analyze the attack of the other party in a short time and copy and store it.

Whether it is the breath of the dragon spirit, or the magic of the forest spirit, or the technology of the goblin, or the sky strike of the Flügel, as long as it is seen, it can be copied.

It can be said that it is an extremely difficult race, a race with infinite possibility of becoming stronger.

Coupled with the combined action mode, no race dares to provoke it easily.

Right now, it is an individual among the mechs, the little girl of mechs, staring at the human colony that she can't find anywhere with inexplicable eyes.

"Young girl, are you looking for me?" A magnetic voice sounded, causing the mecha-type girl to turn around slowly, her red eyes flashing, and then... rushing over...

( ps: I want to collect, give a reward, Huahua, and vote for it very much~!)

Chapter 39 The mechanical girl without a 'hole' (2/5 ask for everything!)

The sudden charge of the young girl in the armor made Riku stunned.

It was just this shock that the young girl in the armor type pushed Riku to the ground and straddled him.

Of course, this was naturally because Riku knew that this young girl of the mecha-type would not hurt him, otherwise, Riku would not be so careless.

It felt a little delicate to be pushed down all at once...

Riku's golden eyes and the ruby ​​eyes of the mecha-type girl sitting on his stomach looked at each other, and his heart was a little messy.