
The Demon King of the Manga World

The protagonist obtains the treasure box system, starts a two-dimensional journey, and beats all dissatisfaction.

Supe3rman1234 · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Chapitre 26


Author: Yun Dian丨Mengxin Liulian

However, the young girl in front of me is the girl who will accompany him all his life, Riku quickly calmed down.

"Brother, I can't take it anymore, hurry up and turn me into a woman...!" Staring at Liku, after ten seconds, the young girl from the mech armor suddenly spoke, her voice was crisp and tender, but she said Ling People are dumbfounded.

"No." Riku said without hesitation, looking directly at the mechanical girl in front of him.

"[Question] Brother is unwilling to accept this machine's show of love, is it because this machine has no profit?" The young girl of the armor type said again.

"Why are you so sure that I will play the violin to a young girl of the mecha-type? Besides, you don't have a 'hole', right?" Riku covered his forehead and couldn't help but complain. Although he does treat the girl in front of him as an important person, this is this, that is that...

"[Affirmation] Big brother really dislikes this machine. [Doubt] It is obvious that he has a friendly attitude towards this machine, but he doesn't I'm willing to accept this machine." The young girl in the armor type said slowly, lying on Riku's body.

This kind of tone of speech is very mechanical, but it has a different feeling from ordinary machinery.

"You haven't answered my question, why are you following me?" Riku didn't want to dwell on this issue, and instead asked.

Although he said that he already knew everything about the girl in front of him, he still had to ask, otherwise the conversation could not go on.

"[Answer] I want to parse the independent language that humans communicate with each other." The young girl of the mecha-type replied without hesitation. "[Explanation] An independent language called 'heart' by humans."

"[Question] You were an ordinary human before, but now you have the power to rival the orcs? [Question] Not only that, why do you have the ability to space? I can get rid of this machine." The little girl of the armor type said lightly.

"There is no comment on this for the time being." Riku said calmly.

"[Dissatisfaction] It's not fair that you didn't answer, although the machine explained it." The young girl from the machine armor said suspiciously.

"It's not fair." Riku rolled his eyes and looked again at the young girl of the mech armor who was staring at him, making the overlord stubbornly bow. "Can you get up from me?"

"[Rejection] No way. [Urgent] Please immediately perform an act of understanding with this machine. [Request] Stick to each other's skin and use an independent language that touches the skin tissue. It is presumed that the armor type does not 'Heart' behavior. [Judgment] If you imitate the same action, you can judge that this machine can also read 'heart'." The little girl in the armor type put her small hand on Riku's face, and said in a hurry.

"If you can read the heart just by combining, then the heart is really worthless." Riku shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice.

"[Question] According to the exploration of this machine, this should be correct." The young girl of the machine armor kind defended in anger.

"How can I put it, even human beings can't see through their inner 'heart'. Let alone using this method. However, if you want to talk about the heart, you already have it." Riku said slowly.

As a machine, but want to seek 'heart', read 'heart', as long as you have this idea, it is equivalent to having a soul.

"[Unintelligible] Why do you say it? It is precisely because this machine has not yet understood its heart, and there is an error, it will be unlinked from the [connector]." The young girl of the armor type said silently. Although there is still no expression, but there is still a bit of confusion in the eyes of the pair of rubies.

"[Brilliant] This machine has already explained so much. Please have an in-depth communication with this machine immediately. If you are not satisfied here, this machine can look for other places." The young girl of the armor type urged again.

"The obsession is really deep." Riku shook his head slightly. It seems that simple persuasion will not work, so let's take it with you first. "Riku Jin's eyes flickered, and he did not answer the young girl of the armored kind, but pondered. In order to

avoid any accident because he was looking for him everywhere, running around everywhere.

"————! "Seeing that Riku didn't answer the question, the young girl in the mech armor suddenly lowered her head and snatched Riku's mouth, causing Riku's golden eyes to widen a little.

What's this...

"[Doubt] I've clearly made contact, but I still haven't understood the 'heart'." The young girl in the armor type stood up again, poked her mouth, and muttered to herself in a daze.

"It's said that this method won't work." Riku said angrily, covering his forehead. This kind of thing, he should be happy, why is there a deep sense of absurdity.

"Forget it, my name is Riku Dora, just call me Riku. Then, what's your name?" Immediately, Riku said again.



She didn't answer Riku's question in an instant as before, the young girl in the armored kind seemed to be in a tangle, staring at Riku silently.

(ps: Please collect, give a reward, Huahua, support with a very good evaluation ticket, ahem~)

Chapter 40 ShuVi and Liku! (3/5 asks for everything!)

"Say your name." Riku raised his brows and said again.

"[Answer] - uc207pr4f57t9." The young girl of the mecha-type finally came to her senses, and said that she had the same code name.

"uc207pr4f57t9....It's too ugly, change it to a human-like name." Riku shook his head.

"[Dissatisfaction] The name of this machine is not ugly." The young girl of the armored kind said suspiciously. This tone, in Riku's view, was quite cute.

"Change it. Don't you want to understand the heart? Let's start with learning about humans. First give yourself a decent name." Riku said calmly.

"[Answer] - Terraka needs to be pulled." Hearing this, the young girl of the armored kind fell into deep thought, her little hands intertwined with her black hair, and finally said full of entanglement.

"It's still too non-human, and it's too ugly. Well, your name will be ShuVi from now on." Riku raised his brows and settled down.

"[Unintelligible] My name was rejected... [Dissatisfied] Why didn't you just name me... [Conclusion] Riku is playing with this machine." ShuVi twisted around Riku's body While moving, he glared at Riku and said. This look is very human and very cute.

From Riku's point of view, this is proof that ShuVi has a heart.

"Okay, ShuVi, don't be so entangled. Anyway, let's get rid of the mechanical prefix. Otherwise, others will see it at once." Riku smiled slightly and said as if he changed the subject. ShuVi was right. He did tease ShuVi a little bit just now.

"Hmm... brother...is that so...is that right...?" ShuVi pondered for a while after hearing this, a little bit of data flashed in her ruby-like eyes, and finally a smiling face suddenly appeared, her index fingers on both hands. Pointing on both sides of the face, she said very delicately.

"...!" Seeing this scene, Riku's eyes widened a little, and he was a little stunned. Well, this is really cute. It's just that this change is too big for people to react to.

"Based on the heart muscle, skin... reaction, Riku was excited just now. He was very satisfied with ShuVi's model just now. It is assumed that this template should be used." ShuVi said slowly.

"Cough, just be normal." In response, Riku couldn't help touching his face and said embarrassedly.

"Okay, can you get up from me now?" Riku immediately said again.

"No... Riku hasn't explained the 'heart' yet." ShuVi shook her head.

"In terms of 'heart', you need to feel it for a long time, and it can't be explained verbally." Riku shook his head and said. "In that case, do you want to make a deal with me?"

"Trade?" Shu Vi slightly tilted her head and asked in confusion.

"Well. You stay by my side, and I will accompany you to slowly feel the 'heart'. On the contrary, I want your combat power to end this crazy war of gods and pull the god of war down from the altar." Riku's His expression finally became serious, and he said slowly.

"According to the comparison of the combat power of the two sides, the gap between the two sides is too large, and the chance of Riku's victory is zero." ShuVi said without hesitation.

"No, the probability problem is not absolute. Zero now does not mean zero in the future. Besides, it is not necessarily zero now. The comparison of the data on the surface is not absolute." Riku shook his head slightly and denied without hesitation.

"[Question]...[Unintelligible]...[Question]...[Contradiction]..." Hearing Riku's words, smoke rose from ShuVi's head, causing people to worry about whether she would short circuited.

However, in the end ShuVi returned to normal, stared at Riku, and finally opened her mouth slightly.

"The deal is done. Regardless of the outcome, ShuVi will follow Riku until his demise."

"Yes." Riku also showed a sincere smile, stretched out his hand, and touched ShuVi's head.

When Riku touched her head, ShuVi's eyes flickered slightly. I have a strange feeling in my heart.

"ShuVi, get up first, you've been sitting on your body for so long, most people are already sore." Riku teased.