
The Demon King of the Manga World

The protagonist obtains the treasure box system, starts a two-dimensional journey, and beats all dissatisfaction.

Supe3rman1234 · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Chapitre 24

Chapter 24

Author: Yun Dian丨Mengxin Liulian

Since the Flügel can kill the elves. Then Riku, who was rated as stronger than the Flügel by Hatsuse Fia, could naturally do it.

At the same time, they are also very fortunate that they also have a princess Hatsuse Fia, who can be combined with Riku, otherwise, even if they are combined, there is a high chance of being used as a chess piece.

For a time, the top of this group of orcs had a lot of thoughts in their hearts, and their loyalty was even higher.

"Don't worry, Lord Riku, leave this matter to us." The orc patriarch and the group of orc elders exchanged glances and said firmly.

"No, this matter is left to Fia to take full responsibility." Riku said calmly.

"My concubine understands. I promise to complete the task." Hearing this, Hatsuse Fia said enthusiastically. She is very happy to be able to work for Riku. Because this is proof of trust. She is not a vase, just for viewing.

"Well, that's fine. As for the goblin seed, you can discuss it yourself." Riku touched Hatsuse Fia's head, pinched her ears, and said softly.

This kind of thing, he has seriously considered. The elves are on the run, if Jibril or other powerhouses are chasing and killing these elves, the orcs will only end up being killed in seconds.

But if it was Hatsuse Fia, even if he met Flügel and couldn't win, he would definitely not be defeated in a short time. If he wanted to rescue, it would be very simple.

Hatsuse Fia didn't know what Riku was thinking, she was just sticking to Bai Zhi's knee, twisting strangely, her face extremely rosy. The ear is one of her g-spots.

Afterwards, Riku marked the general location of the goblin and elves' nests. In addition, there are other races. Among them, the areas where dragons, giants, flutters, and demons are distributed are the key points to distinguish, warning not to approach thousands of miles nearby, it is extremely dangerous.

This kind of thing, the orcs naturally understand, but still nodded solemnly.

An hour later, when the meeting ended, Riku left a space coordinate on Hatsuse Fia's wedding ring, and a space coordinate on other important items of the orc high-level, and then he said goodbye and left here.

Children love long, now is not the time.

"Husband, my concubine will definitely complete the task you entrusted to me." Looking at the place where Riku left, Hatsuse Fia touched the wedding ring and muttered with a ruddy face.


On the other hand, after leaving the orc tribe, Riku pondered for a while, and finally chose to return to the human colony first.

He has been out for more than half a month, and if he wanders outside again, it is estimated that Ke Er and the people of the tribe will really think that something has happened to him.

He is the backbone, and he must go back to appease him first.

As he said, Liku went directly through Shangri-La and transferred to the spatial coordinates marked not far from the human settlement.

If it had just come out, Liku wouldn't have dared to play like this. After all, this kind of long-distance transfer is extremely physical, and when it was an ordinary person, such a transfer would only end up being drained.

However, now, it doesn't matter.

After a while, Riku held the binoculars in his hand, changed back to the outfit he had when he came out, and walked towards the human settlement.

The entrance to the human settlement is a hidden cave at the foot of a steep rocky mountain. From the outside, this is just a beast's lair.

Going down the cave, Riku pondered. Do you want to transfer the humans to the orcs? Seems like this, the safety factor will increase a little.

However, after thinking about it, forget it. If possible, first find a way to increase the strength of human beings. This is the best way.

After coming to the door, Riku knocked on the door a few times with a certain rhythm.

Soon the back door creaked and slowly opened from the inside, and a boy in a fur coat showed his face and peeped.

"Riku, welcome back, hard work!" The young man said excitedly with an expression of ecstasy when he saw that it was Riku outside the door.

For more than half a month, Riku's life and death were uncertain, and everyone was worried. Now that I see the safety coming back, I am naturally excited.

"Yeah." Nodding to the boy, Riku walked in. And that boy just followed Riku's side, looking left and right, he wanted to ask something but he didn't ask.

After walking through the dimly lit cave, the vision finally opened up.

"Everyone, Riku is back!" After arriving in the empty space, the boy shouted with joy.

"The leader is back!"

"That's great! The leader is fine!"

In an instant, a group of working people put down their work and gathered around excitedly.

Riku was a little moved by this. After all, I cared so much about him before. At this critical juncture, the people here are not as sinister and stabbed in the back as in the movies Riku has seen, but are so united that they can even die for Riku without hesitation.

This is especially precious. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Riku is willing to protect them.

(ps: Please collect, give a reward, Huahua, and vote for support~!)

Chapter 37: Scumbag Manifesto! (5/5 for everything!)

When Riku greeted the group of companions one by one, he also noticed that Coronet ran over with joy on his face, and he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Riku, it's great that you're safe and sound!" Coroney said excitedly, pushing the crowd away and hugging Riku with tears in her eyes.

Trust is one thing, but how can you not worry. After all, human beings are fragile. If you act alone, you will die even if you encounter the lowest demon species of cannibals.

"I'm fine. By the way, I brought the telescope." Riku patted Coronet's back and said softly.

"Yeah!" Hearing this, Corony couldn't help letting go of Riku, and looked at the big thing in Riku's hand with admiration.

With this thing, human beings are much safer. Can be forewarned in advance.

The others were also looking at the telescope in surprise. As long as this thing is transformed into a prop that does not need to be used by elves, there is no need to worry about it all the time in the future.

As long as you find other races appearing from a distance, and then think of countermeasures.

"Ke'er, I have something important to tell you, come with me." Looking at everyone's expressions, Riku shook his head slightly, and finally looked at Coroney and said seriously.

"Huh? I see." Hearing this, Corony was stunned for a moment, and then nodded seriously.

Then, the two walked side by side towards Riku's room. Everyone else showed ambiguous eyes.

"Riku, did you discover other important things when you went out this time?" Corony asked aloud after entering the room.

"Yeah." Riku looked directly at Corony, nodded, and then said slowly. "This time I went out, for some reason, I became stronger." As

he spoke, Riku twisted the knife beside the table gently with his hand.

"————!" Seeing this scene, Coronet couldn't help being stunned. This kind of power, only other races can do, how can human beings break the blade.

Afterwards, Coronet hurriedly took Riku's hand, and seeing that there was no harm in it, her face couldn't help changing, showing a look of uncertainty.

If she hadn't been with him for so long, she knew everything about Riku, and she thought it was a disguise by another race.

"How strong are you now, Riku?" Coroney was silent for a few minutes, but finally restrained what happened to Riku, and turned to ask. "Is it possible for other humans to become stronger?"

"Probably stronger than the Flügel." Riku pondered, and finally explained. "As for the others, I'm not helping them to become stronger now."

"So, Riku, you've become so strong, it's great." Coroney was slightly disappointed, but still said with great joy.