
The Demon King of the Manga World

The protagonist obtains the treasure box system, starts a two-dimensional journey, and beats all dissatisfaction.

Supe3rman1234 · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Chapitre 23

Chapter 23

Author: Yun Dian丨Mengxin Liulian

"Idiot old man! Shut up for me!" Hatsuse Fia said angrily. She is very dissatisfied with this old man who sold herself.

"Hehe, I shut up, I shut up." The orc patriarch did not look angry, but nodded happily, looking very satisfied.

The other orc elders also looked relieved.

"I don't know why Riku-sama called us here this time?" Afterwards, the orc patriarch and elders became serious and asked repeatedly.

"I'll leave later to find an opportunity to become stronger." Riku nodded and said slowly.

As soon as these words fell, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet, Hatsuse Fia's body also froze, and she pursed her lips. Although I was already mentally prepared, it came too soon.

"This, Master Riku won't stay for two more days?" The Orc Patriarch hesitated for a while, and finally asked.

"Don't be so nervous," Riku said slowly, touching Hatsuse Fia's head. "I have space ability, it's easy to come here."

"Space ability?" Hearing this, everyone gasped and looked at Riku in shock. In this world, the most outstanding space ability is the Flügel. So Flügel was extremely difficult to deal with. Not to mention the strength, chasing and escaping are also unmatched by any race.

Unexpectedly, in addition to being powerful, Riku also has the ability to space.

"Riku, you didn't tell your concubine." Hatsuse Fia also raised her head and pouted. Although she looks dissatisfied, if you look carefully, you can see the joy and happiness in her eyes.

Well, if you look at the fast wagging tail, it's a little bit clearer.

"Yeah. I called you here this time to let you do one thing." Riku nodded, not explaining his spatial ability, but said with a serious face.

"What's the matter? Lord Riku, please tell me. If we can do it, we will try our best to do it." Hearing this, the orc patriarch also became serious and said in a deep voice.

"I know the general location of the nests of other races, so I want to inquire about the enemy's situation. I want you to form an elite team and explore specific information." Riku glanced at the crowd, and finally said in a deep voice.

"What!" Hearing this, all the orcs gasped, showing a shocking expression.

The location where the race is hidden is extremely important. After all, if the old nest is known, it may be caught in one pot, which is extremely dangerous. So many races are deeply hidden. Now that someone has told them that they know the general location of all the races, this news is too exciting.

(ps: Seek collection, reward, Huahua, and support with very good comments~)

Chapter 35, Goblin Seeds! Forest elves! (3/5 ask for everything!)

In this world, in addition to power, intelligence is also extremely important. Riku's words directly caused all the orcs including Hatsuse Fia to be upset.

"Riku, is what you said true?" Hatsuse Fia was the first to come back to her senses and asked in shock.

"Lord Riku, are you kidding me?" the Orc Patriarch also asked in disbelief.

"Do you think I would joke about this kind of thing?" Riku said calmly.

"My concubine believes in Riku." Hatsuse Fia said without hesitation.

"Uh. I suddenly understand why you can find us so accurately." The orc patriarch smiled bitterly.

After that, the hearts of all the orcs became hot. Sure enough, marriage was the right choice. With this kind of amazing information, the odds of winning have greatly increased. Even if they can't win for a while, they can greatly increase the probability of survival.

"In that case, let's continue the meeting." Riku glanced at the crowd, and finally said slowly.

Hearing this, everyone held back their excitement and listened to the following quietly.

"Although I know the general information of all races, it is extremely unrealistic to investigate all races at once. So we have to come one by one." Riku knocked on the table and said calmly.

"Riku-sama is right. However, which race should we target first?" the orc patriarch pondered.

"Riku, I suggest finding a way to find out the information about the elves." Hatsuse Fia said seriously. "If we can get the information of the elves, and then find a way to conquer them, it will be of great benefit to our alliance. The magic of the elves will be of great use to us."

"Hehe, Fia's idea is good. ." Hearing this, Riku patted Hatsuse Fia's head in admiration as a reward.

And being praised by Riku and killed by touching the head, Hatsuse Fia couldn't help but narrow her eyes, showing a cute look like a small animal, looking comfortable.

In this regard, the elders of the orcs also looked at each other and smiled. It's really nice to get along so well.

"In addition to the elves, there is another goal. That is the goblin. The technology of the goblin is also very useful. The other races don't matter, but these two races must be closer to the alliance." Riku knocked on the table, said seriously.

"Goblin species. So it is, I understand." The orc patriarch and the elders looked at each other and nodded.

"If the goblin species is concerned, please rest assured, Lord Riku, we have the means to avoid the goblin species' detection." The orc patriarch said confidently, stroking his beard.

Among all races, the high-tech detection methods of goblins are extremely troublesome and can be said to be the number one enemy, so the orcs naturally have means to deal with them.

"Yeah, that's fine." Riku nodded with no surprise.

"Bring a map." Riku then ordered.

In response, an orc patriarch carefully took out the map. This was what Riku had reminded when he asked the maid to inform them. They were still confused at the time, but now they understand why, they are naturally extremely cautious.

"The map is from a long time ago. There should be some wrong places now." The Orc Patriarch said embarrassedly.

There is no way, this planet is often fighting, the terrain changes in various ways, and it is too difficult to obtain accurate information on time.

"It's fine, I'll just change it." Hearing this, Riku calmly shook his head and picked up the pen.

Subsequently, the system map was also opened.

However, after opening the map, Riku's expression stopped slightly, and he frowned.

"Riku, what's wrong?" Noticing Riku's strangeness, Hatsuse Fia pulled the corner of Laliku's clothes with her little hand and asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, I suddenly know something, and plan to change it." Riku's mouth curled slightly, and he said happily.

"Change the plan?" Hearing this, Hatsuse Fia and the others showed a puzzled look.

"Well, the kingdom of the elves should have been wiped out by the Flügel, and they are now in a state of flight. You send people to look for them, and if you find their leader or something, follow them." Riku squinted. Eyes, said slowly.

That's right, when I opened the map just now, the red dot of the capital of the forest elves had disappeared. This can only explain one point, the country of the forest elves was wiped out before they disappeared from the map.

There are many people who can do this, but Riku has a vague feeling that Jibril killed him.

Unexpectedly, because of his arrival, there was a butterfly effect, which directly brought the event forward. Although he was upset that Jibril made him so embarrassed before, he didn't expect this belligerent slut to help him unintentionally.

Whether it is fighting against the elves, or acquiring platinum-level treasure chests, the difficulty is reduced to a minimum.

"Even all the forest elves have been wiped out by the Flügel?" Hearing this, Hatsuse Fia couldn't help being surprised and said in surprise.

The same goes for other orcs. The elves, who were stronger than them, were actually wiped out like this...

For a time, the orc patriarch and elders suddenly felt a kind of sadness. Although it is said that the two clans don't like to see each other, but the big clan said that if they were destroyed, they would be destroyed. The reality is really cruel.

(ps: Please collect, reward, Huahua, and support the votes very much~!)

Chapter 36 The lucky orcs! (4/5 for everything!)

Thinking of this, the orc chief and the elders all looked at Riku with happy eyes. They are also the lair found. It's just that Riku didn't take extreme measures to kill them all.