
The Deity

The Deity is about two souls becoming one. A human and a young deity intertwining to become the best version of itself. Follow their humble adventure, as they seek to grow their religion and bring prosperity to all those who respect and worship them.

The_FBI_god · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter Fifty: Welcome

The pressure that had been crushing Jasmine lessened, as the being said. "So he still lives, tell me, why do you seek my power? Even when you've seen how they treat our kind?" it asked, curious about Jasmine's decision.

Jasmine, who dared not lie, told the truth. "Me and my friends and family are facing extinction by a swarm of orcs! I need power to save them and myself; you came to my mind at that point!"

"Why not, if you survive the first backlash from gaining a fraction of my power, you can be called worthy." it answered. But Jasmine wasn't done asking questions.

"Wait, who is Vex Marth and Sable Marth?" she asked, unaware of both's significance.

"I find no reason to tell you that, pesky insect, begone!" it stated and Jasmine lost consciousness once more.

Just as Lenart neared the orc once more, moments after the branch leader's death, he saw a familiar face. A bearded man missing an arm, rushing forward with a spear in hand.

"Take this!" Rolf yelled, as his spear stabbed towards the orc's hide-like skin. Of course it did no real damage and only managed to scrape the skin slightly, but it did take the orc's attention.

When the orc turned to Rolf to kill the annoying bug, Lenart charged himself and the spear in lightning and pierced the hide, sending a current of electricity into the orc. For a fraction of a second the orc was stunned, giving Rolf, the brave man time to run.

Harold also capitalized on the rare opportunity and fired some full powered arrows. Each striking true, causing mediocre damage.

The small frame it was out, the orc dropped its weapon. This small fact came to save Lenart's life, when he suffered the blunt force of the orc's fist. It ruptured several organs and broke many bones. His internal bleeding became profouse and the damage was heavy, but he was alive.

Rolf seeing this made a break for it, hoping to save Lenart from the follow up attack that would claim his life. Thankfully, the orc cared more about picking up its weapon than finishing Lenart and thanks to that Rolf made it in time.

He threw himself and grabbed Lenart, managing to move the two four meters away from the ax. But neither managed to move away before the ax hit the ground and the two of them were sent flying from the explosion made by the impact.

Lenart was barely conscious now and was phasing between both forms. He struggled to stay awake just long enough for Rolf to notice his circumstances and shake life into him. Then, together they retreated back, trying to avoid a orc rushing towards them,


Fallen brethren as far you could see. In the wake of the destruction caused by the orcs, many were left behind. Friends, family, none were spared. Few remained, those who deserted and somehow got away, or the remaining few fighting.

The city was in shambles, the wall broken and many dead. The archers were met by the frontline, as the falken foot soldiers' numbers dwindled and the orcs fully broke through, leaving few behind.

Those lucky enough to survive quickly joined the battle once more. The luxury of rest had long since been stolen from them. All they knew was death, pain and exhaustion. Only the knowledge of what's to come if they rest, keeps them awake.

Five, six meters tall orcs were left, each one was now inside the city. Harold and Lenart were fighting the strongest orc, so was Rolf, Jasmine was unconscious and the branch leader dead. Meaning they were facing the orcs alone.

Five visible trails were made by the orcs, trenches filled with corpses littered around their descent to the village. Later on becoming a path of rubles, filled with broken structures from their rampage inside. Finally the orcs could take out their frustration at the archers who'd been filling them with arrows since the beginning.

A hectic battle was taking place inside the village. The still standing buildings were filled with falkens. They hurled rocks, shot arrows, doing anything to stall, or hurt the monsters. On the ground the untrained men, who didn't join the frontline were fighting the orcs.

The problem was, they were up against five peak tier zeros. Not something to scuff at, especially for the current people in the city who would struggle against just one.

Now, when they were so close to the orcs, the archers were able to do more than tickle the orcs. But the injuries were too light and caused no serious harm to the five killing machines.

"Take this bastard!" a suicidal manic screamed after watching his childhood friend get stomped to death in front of him. They had migrated to the village after the first monster wave and lived a new life here. Together with their two families they had supported each other and got a stable grip again. But now he's dead.

The man's fragile attempt was stumped just like his friend, as the orc walked forward, The sword that had slashed against its leg not even leaving a scratch. All that remained of the man was a blend of flesh in the form of a puddle.

The man's place was taken once more, as another came forward to stall the orc. They all had one goal, a single hope, something they could not afford to lose. The last wall and those they were protecting, they were still alive and they would give everything to keep it that way!

"Hello, hello, welcome, welcome!" a cheerful voice sounded bringing Jasmine out of her daze. In front of her a four armed, skeleton faced, limb creature was smiling at her. It came off as menacing to Jasmine though, as the smile was hideous and sent shivers down her spine.

"Welcome to the Kingdom Of Death, one of the many separated realms of the soulscape!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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