

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 51: two against one

Tian stood firmly in front of Mu, Chen, and the five other members. He looked coldly at Li Wei and the angry Xue'er that had now flown back to Li Wei's side, along with the remaining hundreds of members.

"You dare kill the people of my Evil dragon Empire?", Tian said out coldly.

"Humph, why should we bother about killing them as long as they are in our ways?" Li Wei took a step forward, arriving in front of his members, before he replied coldly. His voice contained unimaginable power, and his huge, giant body was as stable as the mountain, while he radiated a very oppressive and confident aura.

"You bastard, you dare to justify your shameful act", Mu Chen yelled back at Li Wei. He was now completely healed by Maria's energy, so he was back to his peak. He turned to Tian. "Brother Tian, while I was searching for treasure, I heard a calling in my mind, so I followed my instincts, but I ended up arriving in this devil's land. The platform behind us was created by a strong expert of the barbarian devil race before he died, and the call I received was from him. It turned out that this expert left his inheritance here, but these shameless people also arrived here since they have the barbarian blood within them…." Mu Chen explained.

But Tian stopped his explanation since he could visualize the rest of the story himself, and then he turned to look behind him. He saw a tall mountain created by countless lifeforms corpses piled on top of each other.

And on top of this mountain was a huge giant figure with black patterns all around him. He was sitting on a black throne. This giant figure was sitting majestically on the throne while one of his hands was holding a giant axe. Even though this figure has been dead for many years, his body was still intact, and the aura he gave off was beyond anyone's comprehension.

Tian couldn't help but praise how terrifying the barbarian devil race was in his mind. He shifted his gaze between Mu Chen and the expert, realizing that this was Mu Chen's fortune, but at the same time he couldn't help but think what kind of war could have happened for this terrifying expert to lose his life.

Then Tian turned back to his opponent, saying, "None of you will be getting close to this expert", Tian said before he turned to Mu Chen, "Go ahead and receive the expert inheritance; since it's an expert with the same bloodline as yours, all his treasure and inheritance are rightfully yours. Go ahead, brother, and he will protect you and not let anyone disturb you, so take your time".

Mu Chen nodded his head before he started walking toward the mountain of corpse.

Li Wei and Xue'er frown immediately. "You deserve death, and since you wish for it, I shall grant it to you" Li Wei spoke out in anger before rushing toward Tian with his huge hammer. After seeing the exchange between Tian and Xue'er earlier, he knew Tian was not an enemy to be underestimated, so he attacked without holding back.

Xue'er also rushes toward Tian; she doesn't want to be left out. Tian's sneer and a devilish smile appear on his face. He has always been a battle maniac, so how can he not be happy to see two powerful opponents aiming for him?

Tian order Arthur, Selene and Lucien to come out and protect Mu Chen while they also makes sure to kill everyone of this barbarians.

Then he flew upward to meet up with Li Wei and Xue'er's attacks. He has been able to fly without using his wings ever since he broke through to the starry creation realm.

Tian moved forward with lightning-fast speed; his weapon appeared in the form of a saber, sweeping through the air, while Li Wei and Xue'er were not slow either considering their huge bodies; in fact, they were fast, and their movements were very flexible, not one bit rigid.

Li Wei smashed his huge bony hammer forward, while Xue'er threw his whip forward, and Tian also slashed his saber forward; they all made loud roars.

Upon collision a loud deafening explosion rang out, the space around them shook. A wave of powerful force rippled outward from the point of impact, making the whole land tremble.

Tian was forced back, taking ten steps back, and with each step he took back, the space beneath his feet rippled violently, while Li Wei and Xue'er only took three steps back.

A smirk appeared on Tian's face, and his battle intent erupted. The same was true with Li Wei and Xue'er; their gazes became firm and they became more serious because, after the collision, they realized how strong Tian truly was.

They locked eyes on each other, and it was like they had an agreement. Immediately, they rushed toward each other at the same time.

The battle began with a deafening clash of multiple attacks, their weapons blazing with a powerful energy that seemed to ignite the air around them. They launched vicious attacks on each other, and each attack was intended to kill. Li Wei's and Xue'er's movements were quick as they worked together in sync, aiming to overwhelm Tian.

However, Tian was just as deadly, especially when it came to group battles; he really is too experienced in that. He dodged and weaved, his movement fluid and graceful as he countered their every move with lightning-fast strikes.

Despite their overwhelming power, Li Wei and Xue'er were beginning to grow frustrated. They were used to dominating their opponents, but Tian was proving to be a formidable challenge. The more they attacked, the more they realized that he was holding his own against their combined might.

Each of their attacks was becoming more powerful, and their aura was growing stronger instead of weaker. With each attack collision, the space would shake and the whole region would tremble continuously, while multiple energies crackled in the air.

After exchanging thousands of attacks, Li Wei and Xue'er started blazing with fierce determination, they began to prepare for a devastating collision of powerful attacks.

The runes all around their bodies lit up, corpse Qi surrounded their bodies, their eyes turned pitch black, and their aura grew more explosive.

Tian also did not back down; scales appeared around his body, and each star on his scales was shining brightly. A huge destructive aura was radiating around his body. Tian switch to his destruction energy as he was using the creation energy to battle them earlier.

he rushed toward Li Wei, and smash his spear forward, his attack is now very deadly and destructive. Li Wei did not backdown he took a step forward and smash his hammer forward.

Bang, Li Wei was thrown back; upon collision, Tian did not follow up; he immediately counterattacked Xue'er vicious attack. His spear switched to a saber, and he slashed it backward.

Bang, his saber collided with Xue'er's scythe attack, and she was also thrown off balance. Tian quickly followed up with a slash aiming for her neck, but Li Wei suddenly appeared in front of him, so his attack ended up colliding with Li Wei's hammer.

Instantly, Li Wei and Tian exchanged hundreds of attacks within a few minutes. Suddenly, Tian sensed danger from behind him, and Xue'er appeared like a reaper. She swung her scythe, aiming to cleave Tian in two from his waist.

Tian sneer seeing the coming attack, he use his space-time concept, with that he escaped the attack, then he appeared behind her, "Desolate meteor strike", he roar loudly and strike forward with his spear aiming.

However, Xue'er was not just an ordinary expert; she is a heavenly genius, so her reaction was quick; she made a quick turn with her scythe, which was accompanied by her death and darkness concept.


A loud explosion rang out, the space crackled, and Xue,er was thrown directly to the ground from the sky, smashing directly deep into the earth. The impact created multiple cracks on the earth, like an earthquake.

Before Tian also could take a breather, a huge black hammer image created with, strength and gravity concept came smashing on his head.

Tian immediately responded by using his destruction energy to lead the hundreds of ways he had comprehended to form his "Nova annihilation fist". Immediately, a huge image of a fist appeared, and then Tian threw it to collide with the coming attack.

Tian fist technique is now much stronger than before because there are more ways energy present in it.

Booom, a huge explosion rang out, and Li Wei was throw meters away. When he regain his balance, he throw up blood, he had suffer some injuries from the attacks, but his aura is still as strong as ever.

He wiped up the blood in his mouth before he stood up. He looked at Tian with hatred and malice, but he was not willing to back down. Xue'er also appeared back in the sky; her clothes are now worn out, and she looked battered.