

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 50: creations and destructions stars.

Tian was devouring the star pills, like a black hole that has no limit, and these went on for three hours. Suddenly, Tian's scales appeared all over his body. Before, on each of these scales, there were only runes on them, but this time these runes have turned into stars, and each star is a small world that contains a huge amount of energies.

Tian did not stop devouring the star pills, and the more he devoured, the more runes turned to stars. After three days of devouring, Tian stopped devouring, but a huge energy wave exploded out from his body. This energy is vast, domineering, heavy, and very terrifying.

Tian had drawn back the energy into his body before he opened his eyes, and the universal heavenly eyes and universe destruction eyes now have more runes swirling around in them. He blinked, and his eyes returned to their golden and violet pupils.

He felt stronger, and he could feel the terrifying energies running through his veins. He clenched his fist and threw a simple punch forward, immediately the space in front of him trembled violently. Tian took a deep breath to calm his excitement, then he closed his eyes to get used to his newfound power.

He directed his senses to his Dantian; upon getting there, he saw a vast ocean of three different energies: one vast ocean of black-red destructive energy below, another vast ocean of violet-gold creation energy on top of it, and in between them, another vast ocean of chaos energy.

When Tian started studying them, he realized that the chaos energy balanced his destruction and creation energies; moreover, they are in thick liquid form, and a drop of each energy contained a terrifying amount of power, not to mention a vast ocean.

After studying these energies for two hours, Tian realized that he can only use this energy one at a time, and he can switch between the three energies in battle, but if he ever thinks of combining the three energies together, he will explode immediately. There won't be any medicine for regret if such a thing happens.

After that, Tian directed his senses to his body and realized that the runes all over his inner body had also transformed from just runes to stars, but these stars had runes covering their outside layers, and the color of the stars was violet-gold, which is his creation energy color.

Tian suddenly allowed his scales to appear, and immediately he was covered in dark-gold scales with bright dark-red stars on each scale, and each star also had runes all over its outer layers. He studied both stars for a few minutes.

Tian figures out that his inner body is filled with creation power, while his outer body is filled with destruction power, but also that these two balance each other; one can't do without the other, and moreover, there are 3,000 stars inside and outside his body.

Every organ inside his body has stars around them, while on the outside, his 3,000 dragon scales have stars on each of them. Tian felt too powerful, and he knew he wouldn't be helpless again while battling a peak divine realm expert; in fact, killing such an expert is possible, but at the same time, he will need to put in twice as much effort if he wants to achieve the feat of killing. As for the celestial realm expert, he won't think about it for now, at least not until he makes another breakthrough.

After studying himself for a while, Tian directed his sense to his soul realm, he realize that his chaos nascent soul was now more lifelike, and his comprehension of the first fifteen energy he comprehended has now broken through to the concept realm.

Moreover, his soul has become vaster. He talked to his chaos soul for a while and encouraged him to keep his focus on the 1,000 ways he had comprehended and try to bring them to the concept realm before they could start comprehending more ways.

Tian stood up and walked out of the pagoda. He saw Haoxuan and Mammut coming inside the pagoda. Looking at them, he realized that they'd changed a lot, even Mammut is now able to take a human form.

He pats them on the shoulder before he informs them to go to the third floor and face a life-and-death trial to stimulate their talent more. He left them after talking to them for a while, then walked directly toward the castle.

In the castle, he saw Lingyi and Maria sitting on the bench close to the garden, and he could hear that they were discussing the alchemy of Dao. He wasn't surprised much because Lingyi has always been interested in herbs and flowers from the beginning.

He approached them silently and hugged Lingyi from behind while winking at Maria. "Huh, young master, do you really have to do that?" She giggled before asking.

Tian was surprised that his cover was blown off so easily, so he asked, "How did you know it was me?"

Lingyi giggled mischievously. "Your smell", she said. Tian smacks his forehead after realizing how silly it was of him to hide in front of this fox.

Tian called out to Song Bao, and he had fun with his maids. He took time to relax his mind as much as he could before he went out again. The only time Tian feels comfort is when he is inside his soul world, but outside he feels danger even though he is not in danger at that specific moment.

after spending ten days in the soul world which was equivalent to a day outside, he left.

Tian appeared back inside the cave. He saw Lucien sitting at one corner of the cave, and he told him to return to the soul world. Then Tian left the cave to start exploring the secret realm, but first he wanted to search for Mu Chen.

Tian already dropped off Mu Chen, so he placed it on a compass he found in the treasure house inside the castle in his soul world. Immediately after he placed Mu Chen's blood on the compass, it reacted and pointed in a specific direction.

Tian follows the compass's direction. He did not encounter anybody along his journey, so it was peaceful. Tian took that moment to admire the nature and atmosphere of the secret realm.

After walking for a whole day, Tian arrives in a region filled with multiple lifeform bone corpses. There were also human corpses, and resentments Qi filled the air. Tian looked around this region without any fear in his eyes. He took a step forward and started walking deeper into the region.

He became curious as he went deeper and deeper inside this region, because he started seeing huge beast corpses, huge human corpses, and also huge lifeform corpses. Considering the aura these corpses give off, these lifeforms have a very high cultivation base when they are alive.

Tian's attention was abruptly drawn by the sounds of oncoming fights and several enormous explosions in the distance. He began to move towards the direction of the explosion as he grew inquisitive.

When he got closer, he suddenly felt an aura he was very familiar with—this is Mu Chen's aura. Realizing this, Tian rushed toward the battle with his top speed.

However, when he got closer to the battle zone, he found a situation that ignited his fury. Mu Chen was surrounded by the people of the barbarian evil corpse child; he was covered in blood from head to toe, and there were many large wounds on his body. Moreover, corpse children Xue'er and Li Wei were the ones leading the assault.

Also around Mu Chen, there are three hundred corpses of the evil dragon empire disciples that have been killed, leaving only five people around Mu Chen trying to protect him. But they were also in danger, and they couldn't hold on anymore against 900 huge barbarian corpses.

Not to mention the fact that those two evil corpse child have not participated in the battle at all. Even though Mu Chen and the rest manage to kill 100 of them, the loss is much greater than the gain.

Tian did not bother trying to figure out the cause of the killing. "You dare", he shouted loudly, and his voice resounded heavily throughout the whole region.

He took a step forward, and he appeared in front of Mu Chen. Then his weapon appears in his hand in the form of a huge saber. He swung it forward horizontally, and the saber energy sliced off a hundred heads of the barbarian corpse disciple.

"How dare you, lowly being, kill the people of my evil corpse empire". Xu'er screamed out loud before she took a step forward and immediately arrived beside Tian. She then swung her huge scythe weapon, aiming for Tian's head.

Upon seeing the coming attacks, Tian did not dare to be careless because this was an attack from a peak divine realm expert, so his eyes shone brightly. Then he threw a power punch forward; his fist was covered in scales, and all the stars on the scales covering his fist shone brightly while he also channeled his destructive energy to his fist.

Booom, a huge explosion rang out upon collision and Xue'er was sent flying back, while Tian took four step back. Immediately Tian order Maria to heal Mu Chen, and it only took few seconds before Mu Chen the remaining five member healed up and returned to their peak state.

But as for Xue'er, she became so angry after being sent flying away by Tian, and this happened because she underestimated Tian's power. In her earlier attack, there was no energy input; it was an attack based only on pure brute strength. But still, her attack was powerful enough to kill an ordinary celestial realm expert; even Tian was shaken by the attack.