

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 52: barbarian corpse empire losses.

Li Wei looked behind him to check on his subordinate situation, and he was surprised by what he saw.

There were hundreds of black-shadow creatures in human shape fighting the barbarians, and those creatures all look terrifying, each of their attacks is very deadly. They were killing the barbarian evil corpse member gradually and further ahead, close to the inheritance.

There were three more huge shadows with stronger auras guarding the mountain of corpses. Li Wei and Xue'er got angry; their bodies shook violently, seeing the losses that Tian had brought.

They both roared loudly, and the runes on their bodies shone more brightly, before they rushed toward Tian again and another destructive epic battle immediately.

Tian could feel their attack becoming more heavy and explosive, but he was still able to fight them equally considering the vast cultivation difference between them.

Suddenly the sky rumbled violently, the energy became chaotic, and the atmosphere became heavy. Tian immediately sensed a heavenly tribulation; he looked up ahead and realized that it was Mu Chen trying to breakthrough into the celestial realm.

Tian could feel the tribulations anger, and he knew heaven would always make things hard for people that were close to him or related to him. He became worried for Mu Chen.

However, he knew he couldn't interfere again, or else the same scene with Haoxuan's tribulations would repeat itself. Immediately after he made up his mind, he started drawing Li Wei and Xue'er away from the region.


Mu Chen stood valiantly on the mountain of corpses. After absorbing the barbarian devil blood essence left behind by the warrior, he got stronger and understood more about his race, even though they no longer existed.

Mu Chen looked up at the sky, and he frowned because his tribulations looked different and more terrifying. He felt a shiver run down his spine, but then his gaze turned firm after he thought of something.

Instantly, he raised his giant axe and flew toward the sky. All the runes on his body lit up, and devil Qi started circulating around his body. The axe in his hand is not an ordinary axe; he was holding a heavenly weapon Tian gave him, even though he can't activate more than 10% of its power.

He started battling His tribulations, he roared loudly and swung his axe up, aiming to split the sky apart, but his tribulations were also no joke; they rained down on him so hard and with terrifying force.

After twenty minutes, Mu Chen was in bad shape; cracks were all over his body, and his aura was at its lowest. But his gaze was still firm, without any fear in it.

Mu Chen has been with Tian since they accepted each other as brothers, and he has been affected by Tian's unyielding pride. Even in the face of heaven, Mu Chen was not scared one bit.

Suddenly, a dark-gold armor appeared around his body, covering him from head to toe, and a huge shield that was as heavy as a mountain also appeared on his left hands. These are all the treasures Tian gave him before they left the empire for the secret realm; moreover, all these treasures are heavenly treasures.

The last tribulations descend, with a vast tribulation wave layered on top of each other, all directed at Mu Chen, who was on the verge of collapsing.

He immediately threw a formation disc to meet the tribulations midway. The formation disc absorbed half of the tribulations power before being sent away, and then the rest descended on Mu Chen with a loud bang.

The whole mountain of corpses crumbled to dust, and Mu Chen was smashed to the ground, but he was still holding on. A crack appeared beneath his feet, and the whole earth around him rumbled violently. He channeled all his devil Qi into the shield and his armor without holding back, exhausting himself without leaving one bit of energy behind.


The fight between Tian and the two evil corpse children has reached its peak; with each attack collision, it brought an effect that made the devil wail and the gods cry.

Tian was now covered in multiple injuries, while Li Wei and Xue'er were not looking good either, but still, they were not willing to give up. Moreover, their aura has started dropping after reaching its peak stage.

"Heavy mountain corpse smash" Suddenly, Li Wei used his technique on Tian, who was busy fighting Xue'er. He was using a chain weapon against Xue'er's scythe, but when he felt the huge, powerful attack coming for his head, he knew he must do something or else this attack would cause much damage to him.

Because this attack contained too much Li Wei will and blood essence. He uses the long-range chain to smash Xue'er in the face, sending her flying away, then immediately switches the chain to a saber, then covers the whole saber blade with the nova fire before channeling a huge amount of destruction energy into it.

"Heaven-splitting strike" He made a draconic roar that reverberated throughout the whole devil's land, then struck forward.

He felt dizzy a little because he just used up all his destruction energy in one go, but before he could switch the energy, another attack arrived behind him. He frowned and made a swift turn. However, his body was weak for a moment, which was an opportunity for Xue'er, so he managed to pierce his chest with the scythe's sharp tip, aiming for his heart.

As for the attack, there was no explosion; instead, there was the sound of tearing as the saber tore through the very fabric of space and time with a terrifyingly sharp and explosive power.

It split Li Wei's attack in two, but the attack doesn't stop with just a start; it continues with great momentum toward him. Li Wei's face turned crazed, and he roared loudly, sacrificing a huge amount of his blood essence in order to resist this powerful attack.

Upon his sacrifice, a huge dark figure appeared behind him. The figure exploded with a powerful aura that transcended the divine world. He smashed his fist forward, aiming to smash the coming attack to pieces.

When the fist and saber strike collided, a huge explosion rang out, the sky split apart, revealing another clear sky above it, the space rumbled, and a wave of force rippled outwards from the point of impact.

Both attacks were now contesting, and suddenly the figure manifestation dimmed and its aura grew transparent. It was fading because Li Wei couldn't forcefully support it with his blood essence anymore or else it would damage his core foundation.

The saber attack power was now reduced to 20% before Li Wei's manifestation was smashed apart. Without anything stopping it, the saber continued slashing at Li Wei. Immediately, a bone armor appeared all around him before the strike arrived.


Tian's chest was pierced, and he felt sharp pain, but lucky for him, his heart was stronger than ever after he merged with the Battle God's heart, so the scythe was not able to continue to advance.

Surprise appeared on Xue'er face; she has used all her remaining power in that attack, but now it has failed. Tian looked at her with a devilish smile. He transformed his weapon into a sword and channeled a massive amount of chaos force into it, as well as a massive amount of multiple ways energy into it before slashing vertically at her.

She was helpless to do anything to stop the attack, especially at this close range. Before she could even react, she had been split in two. Her huge, giant body crumbled to pieces; even her nascent soul couldn't escape the attack, and immediately all of her existence was erased from the world.

As for Li Wei, he was smashed deep into the earth by the attack, and he lost one of his arms completely. Upon seeing the death of his colleague, he used a forbidden art to run away before Tian could shift his attention to him.

Tian shook his head helplessly upon seeing Li Wei's action, then immediately rushed back to check on Mu Chen's situation.

Who would have thought that a destruction devil like Tian would be worried about someone's safety and even be willing to sacrifice so much for someone he considers his friend?

Tian has always been a person with such a personality because of his creation bloodline, which makes him show compassion to those who value him and treat him well with their whole heart, while he will become the source of calamity to those who wish him bad or aim for the life of anyone he values.

As he was rushing toward the Mu Chen region, he said, "Heaven, if you dare kill my brother, I will make sure I destroy you sooner or later". He roared in his mind.

However, upon getting closer, he saw Mu Chen sitting in a meditation pose while his shadow demons were collecting their trophies of war, which are the soul and blood essence of those they'd killed. The whole place was silent, and only Mu Chen's breathing could be heard.