

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 49: stars tribulation.

Immediately Tian broke through to the starry star creation realm, Mo Li stop his attack and gaze at Tian that was now looking at him, with a Machiavellian smile on his face, he felt something is wrong, he could feel a dramatic shift in the atmosphere around him.

Suddenly the sky grew dark and tumultuous, with storm, clouds gathering on the horizon. Lightning flashed in the distance, illuminating the sky in flashes of dark-red that struck fear into Mo Li heart.

He looked at Tian with terror, " you madman, you are going through tribulations, while you are not breaking through to the divine realm?," he asked Tian while he pointed his saber at Tian, but he did not have the calm demeanor on him anymore as his whole was now trembling in fear and terror. " Even the heaven want you dead, but why must you fucking drag me into this, you bastard". He yelled at Tian angrily.

However, the air grew heavier and oppressive, filled with a sense of foreboding that made it difficult to breathe. The wind picked up, carrying with it the scent of ozone and the sound of distant thunder.

Mo Li felt like he was locked on by something, and immediately he knew that the tribulation has locked on him also, there is no escape for him anymore, feeling this his hatred for Tian grew more, cause he was ready for any tribulations.

As the moment of the heaven wrath' descent drew closer, the changes in the sky and atmosphere became even more intense. The cloud grew larger, darker and more ominous, combine into a massive vortex that seemed to draw all the energy of the world into its center. The air crackled with energy, and Tian could feel a palpable sense of danger in the air.

Also Mo Li became more afraid upon seeing the level of this tribulation, he felt like even a celestial realm expert Weill die to this tribulation, he felt great danger that can take his life and despair appears on his face.

However Tian smile grew larger seeing the despair on Mo Li face, " hehehee, now you know fear?, hahahaha, don't you want my life ?, don't you see me as an obstacle? Well then don't blame me for being cruel". He said sarcastically to Mo Li.

Suddenly the first wave of the tribulation descend, it was a wave of raging storm of black lightning and thunder. Bolt of black electricity lashed out on both Tian and Mo Li from all directions, each one striking with the force of a world. The air crackled with energy, and Tian could feel his body being jolted and shaken as he fought to remain standing, while Mo Li was not looking any better.

Mo Li had to withstand the attack with all his strength without holding back at all, he is not someone like Tian who has a terrifying indestructible body.

The first wave lasted for twenty minutes, and after it ended, the sky rumbled more loudly and the atmosphere grew much heavier. Moreover, Tian and Mo Li look too tired, and both are breathing heavily. Mo Li was not looking any better, and his aura had dropped drastically. While he was trying to catch his breath, suddenly he sensed danger, and he quickly swung his saber behind him.

bang, upon collision Mo Li was thrown twenty steps away, and behind him, he could understand what was going. A huge axe image came crashing on he knew what was going. He also acted quickly, and a golden battle armor quickly covered his whole body.

Boom, a huge explosion rang out, and Mo Li was thrown away, like a shooting stars, smashing to the ground heavily.

It only took few seconds, before Mo Li appeared back in the sky standing some meter away from Tian, he was now covered in blood and his aura has dropped more.

"You bastard," Mo Li yelled at Tian, but the reply he got was the second wave of tribulations.

In the sky, huge meteorites, composed of pure destruction descent, and each meteor carry the power to annihilate a whole world.

Mo Li was shaken to the core upon seeing this; in fact, he doubted that this was a heavenly tribulation because there is no fairness in this coming tribulation; it was a pure destruction tribulation meant to annihilate everything.

He turned to look at Tian, and he figured out that Tian was not surprised, nor was there any form of fear on his face; in fact, there was a huge battle intent radiating around him, with a devilish smile on his face.

Mo Li finally felt fear in him; he couldn't help but think to himself, "This devil, where did the Empire find this devil? Fuck, fuck, why did I have to go against a devil? Fuck me". He yelled in his mind.

As for Tian, he ignored Mo Li's existence for now and focused on the coming danger. He wielded his weapon in the form of a spear before changing upward with a terrifying explosive flash that made a boom sound.

He collided with the first meteor above him, smashing it into multiple runes, that was immediately absorbed by his body.

Tian fought a battle with the meteor, and with each collision there was a loud explosion that made the space shatter.

Mo Li also started attacking the meteor, and each attack was more fierce and relentless than the last, and he knew that there was no room for error if he wanted to keep his life intact from this tribulation.

The battle raged on for three hours, but to Tian and Mo Li, it felt like an eternity. Finally, the second wave ended. Tian stood alone amidst the battered remnants of the tribulation, his body bruised and battered but his spirit unbroken.

As for Mo Li, he only managed to keep half his life; his body is now full of cracks; he can barely keep himself floating in the sky; and his life aura is feeble, like a fire that can be extinguished with a small breeze. He looked at Tian.

Tian smiled at him, although he was also not in a good state. His aura was climbing up with each passing minute; he was getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly they heard another rumble, and as expected, this rumble was much stronger than the last time; it felt like a combination of both previous tribulations.

Tian knew this was the last tribulation; if he can finish it, he will become immensely powerful, so he braced himself. As for Mo Li, his body shattered immediately with just the rumble, and only his feeble, nascent soul remained floating. He was helpless; he knew he couldn't escape death, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Suddenly a flurry of stars shot down from the sky, glowing with a dark, demonic light. They flew towards Tian's position with incredible speed, striking his body with the force of a meteor impact.

the stars were incredibly dense and heavy, each one seemingly containing an incomprehensible and powerful force. They slammed into Tian's body, causing him to fly backwards, his bones cracking under the impact. The pain was so intense that he could barely breathe, let alone fight back.

Despite his injuries, Tian rose to his feet and charge into the midst of the wave. He countered the incoming stars with his own powerful attacks, powerful waves of multiple energy shooting out from his spear. The two force clashed in a thunderous roar, with explosions tearing apart the very fabric of space and time.

As for Mo Li he has been annihilated immediately the stars descend on him, so all the pressure were now on Tian, its like he was going through two people destructive stars tribulation.

The battle between Tian and the wave of star tribulation was intense and brutal, with both sides unleashing their full power in bid to annihilate the other. Tian pushed himself to his very limits and breaking the limits of all shackles that bind his creations.

After fighting the stars for ten hours, he emerged victorious, having overcome the immense and terrifying challenge brought by the final tribulations.

Immediately Tian finish his tribulation, he felt tired, while all the tribulation energy was absorbed by his body without letting a single energy to return to earth.

Tian called out Lucien, his guardian shadow demon, and told him to take him away from the region because the disturbance he created might have drawn a powerful prodigy or creature in the secret realm's attention.

Lucien disappeared immediately after he received the order, while Tian was lying in his arms. After four hours, Lucien finally appeared in a cave that is very secluded deep inside the secret realm. Even with Lucien flying at his top speed for four hours, he couldn't reach the core area of the secret.

Upon arriving in the cave, Tian disappeared into his soul world, and he immediately appeared on the first floor of the pagoda. Upon arriving, he saw mountains of pills that had star images within them. He quickly sat down and started circulating his cultivation techniques.

Immediately a suction force appeared around Tian, and he started devouring the pills at an alarming rate. Even with the huge amount of energy his body had absorbed from the tribulation, it still felt like a wormhole, sucking in a huge amount of star pills into his body.