
The darkness hero: Void

Betrayed and believed to be dead by his tormentors and family. What will they think of the new and powerful Dante Shihitori Don't own MHA/BNH

Jin_Yamagawa · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

"Dante! Wake your ass up" that was the first thing the boy heard as he slowly woke from his slumber, he grunted as he got out of bed and lazily made his way downstairs to the kitchen where he found Akame, who was placing down breakfast on the table, "Do you have to yell to wake me up everytime?" he yawned as he sat down. "Yes because that's the only way you'll wake up." the girl explained making her friend grumble, "Troublesome woman." he muttered as he started eating, dodging a flying slipper thrown at his head. It was currently the weekend which meant the two had no school but it made them ponder as to what they would spend the day doing. "Hmm wanna hit up Sharky and Kyo?" Dante suggested making the girl shrug as she grabbed her phone and called their classmates, "Hey Kyo, wanna hang out with me, Dante and Sharky at our house? We're bored as shit and legit have nothing to do." before she could answer, Akame had hung up and sent her the address of their house before doing the same with Kirishima.

An hour later, Jirou and Kirishima arrived outside the house, making sure that they had the right on. It was a normal two story modern house, it was in a fairly nice and peaceful neighbourhood. Walking up to the front door, Kirishima knocked and waited until Akame opened the door a few minutes later with a smile, "Hey guys, come in come in." she welcomed their guests and guided into the living room where they saw a half naked Dante sitting upside down the ceiling as he read a manga, being held up by shadow vines that preventing him from falling on his head. "Yo." he waved lazily as the vines slowly put him down on the couch. "I'm not even going to ask why you were up there." Jirou sighed as the three sat down around the couch and relaxed, "Games, anime, movie, porn, manga, manhwa, hentai? Pick your poison." Dante listed down the options as he went over to the TV stand, "P-porn? Hentai? What in the fuck." Jirou blushed as she sent one of her ear jacks to stab the raven haired boy in the ear but he grabbed it before putting in his mouth and sucking on it as he went through their boardgames. The punk's breath hitched before she clasped her hands on her mouth as she blushed harder and wiggled around uncomfortably, "Uno?" Dante hummed as he turned back to his friends, the games card in hand.

"This is such bullshit!" Akame shouted in frustration as she slammed her hand on her leg, she had about 40 cards on her while the others had less than 6 cards, "Pfft, must such to have bad luck." Dante mocked as he stuck his tongue out at his friend, "Seriously, how can one person have this much bad luck?" Kirishima sweat dropped with Jirou nodding in agreement. "Uno bitches." the punk put down her last card with a grin and laugh, Akame grumbled as she threw her cards away and went to the kitchen to grabs some drinks and snacks. "Dude, I didn't think Akame was the competitive type." Jirou marveled thinking back at how aggressive the other girl was during the game, "Yeah, since I've known her, she's been that way." Dante said as he gathered the uno cards and put them back. "That being said, how long have you guys known each other? And how did you meet? I mean your living together after all." Kirishima asked as the spotlight was pointed towards his classmate he paused for a moment, "About a year now. As for how we met... Let's just say she my savior in a way. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her." Dante said gently as he looked out the window towards the sky as his mind drifted off to a memory


Izuku's eyes fluttered open as he groaned and looked around at the unfamiliar room that he was in, he wasn't sure where he was or how he got there but it seemed to be safe. He gently sat up and grasped his jaw as he tried to think of what happened before he passed out, it didn't take long before said memories hit him like a bullet train. The memories of his so called friends suicide baiting him, him being attacked by a villain, his meeting with All Might and Shoto & Katsuki murdering him. This caused his to tear up and turn into a sobbing mess, while crying he didn't notice the door of the room opening as a girl walked in and slowly approached him before she gently pulled the boy in a warm hug. He appreciated the strangers kind gesture as he cried into her embrace while she gently rubbed his back, after finally calming down, Izuku wiped his tears away and gave the girl a shy and shaky smile as he pulled away, "Thank you." he muttered earning a smile in return. "Don't worry about it. You scared me shitless when you went splat on the pavement in front of me. I think I'll have some few nightmares later because along with your missing arm, there was blood everywhere. Luckily enough, your quirk healed you up before I called the ambulance so I just dragged you back to my house so you can recover and not wake up in the middle of the street." the girl explained while recalling the moment.

"Oh than-wait q-quirk? H-heal?" Izuku stuttered as his eyes widened as he suddenly stood up and went to the mirror in the room and looked at himself, the person looking back at him didn't look like Izuku Yagi at all. Along with both, fully factional arms, the reflection had jet black hair and red eyes; the were no four freckles on each of his cheeks that formed a diamond, leaving his skin flawless. He took off his ruined shirt and looked at his upper body which didn't have any of the many and admittedly ugly scars he had accumulated throughout the years of torture that his "friends" put him through. Izuku suddenly felt light headed as he stumbled back only for the girl to swiftly come closer and help him stand, "W-woah, dude Are you ok?" she asked worried as she noticed his rapid breathing and his fresh set of tears, "I-I have a quirk? H-how? I-I-I thought... They s-said... All t-that, I went through all that for n-nothing??" the boy muttered frantically and uncanny. The girl helped him back to the bed and sat next to him as she helped Izuku calm his nerves, "... You ok?" she asked after several minutes getting a rigid nod. "S-sorry for uh, ya know." the boy said making the stranger pat his back in reassuringly, "It's alright. I'm Akame, by the way." "Uh Izuku. Nice to m-meet you." he blushed a bit as he realized his closeness with a girl his age. "Well Izuku, mind telling me your story? It's always better to talk to someone about your problems." Akame smiled warmly which caused the boy to pause as he thought for a moment before letting out a shaky sigh, "It started when I was 4 years old..."


"Oi stripper, you ok over there?" Jirou's voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked back at his classmates who had a look of concern since he had suddenly went silent for a while now. "Yeah, just thought of some stuff. Nothing all that serious." Dante hummed while he went back to his seat just as Akame came back with some drinks and a whole watermelon, "I'm back~" the girl said happily as she put everything on the coffee table before cutting up the watermelon with her quirk. "At least your quirk is useful for something." Dante grinned as he grabbed a watermelon piece before using his free hand to grab a wind arrow that was sent flying for his head, "Fuck you." Akame growled as her arrow started spinning and tearing his her friend's palm. "Love you too." the black haired boy chuckled as the arrow disappeared leaving his hand bloody but swiftly healing it as if nothing happened, "Are you guys always this prone with hurting each other like that?" Kirishima wondered as he bite down on some watermelon. "Eh, if you're living with a tsundere and have a quirk that heals you, then yep." Dante shrugged while the girl grumble some curses, "By the way, Kyo. Are you a AC/DC fan, considering your..." he gestured to his classmates AC/DC merch shirt, making her eyes light up a bit.

"I wouldn't be wearing their merch if I wasn't, now would I?" Jirou said making the boy roll his eyes as they went into a conversation about different rock bands and some of their personal favourite songs from each one while Kirishima and Akame went into their own conversation which delved into some workout regiments and techniques. This caused the four to bond and grow significantly closer, getting to know each other and their interests better. Time flew by relatively fast and they noticed the sky darkening, Akame and Dante decided to walk their friends to the train station since they also had to go out and buy some groceries for dinner. "Man, today was fun!" Kirishima said as he put his hands behind his head while the others nodded in agreement, "Yeah, didn't think you were cool with it for a stripper." Jirou snugged Dante who hissed at her before snatching her jack and bitting the tip causing the girl to jump and glare at him with a slight blush. "Hm well it's always more fun when you have a group of friends that you can enjoy life with." Akame giggled as she watched the twos' back and forth.

"A group eh? If that's the case, let's give our group a manly name." Kirishima gave a toothy grin as the group paused and thought of a name. "How about The Monarchs." Akame chirped up causing her raven haired friend to raise a brow, "After my quirk?" "Yeah. I mean, if you think about it it makes sense. All four of us have our own elements that we are naturally attuned to thanks to our different quirks. Dante is the Shadow Monarch, I mean his quirk is literally named that; Sharky is the Ironstone Monarch, since ironstone is one of the strongest rocks that can take a lot of blunt damage before breaking and his quirk is all about defence and hardening; Kyo is the Sound Monarch because her quirk revolves around everything sound related and I'm the Wind Monarch because, ya know, wind quirk. That's why I'm saying The Monarchs." Akame finished her lengthy explanation with a smile and a glint in her eyes. "Sound badass." Jirou smirks a bit, "So manly!" Kirishima shouts with manly tears, "Noice." Dante chuckled and ruffles his roommate's hair before they continued their walk to the train station.