
The darkness hero: Void

Betrayed and believed to be dead by his tormentors and family. What will they think of the new and powerful Dante Shihitori Don't own MHA/BNH

Jin_Yamagawa · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Its the second day of UA and classes went by as normal until it was time for their heroics class. As the class waited for their teacher, Dante was sleeping while Akame was talking to her new friends which consisted of Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jiro, Momo Yaoyorozu and Toru Hagakure. Loud footsteps were heard coming towards their class when the door slammed open, "I'M COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" the number one her All Might shouted as he slide into the class with the number seven hero Green Tornado right behind him.

Every student except for Dante who was rudely woken up by the noise and Akame who tried her best not to hurl a wind spear through the heros heads. "Alright everyone, please quet down." GT said calming the class down. "Haha for todays class you're going to have a team mocl battle!" All might shouted excitedly. Yet again the class went wild, the Bakugou twins grinned looking towards Dante and Akame, "But before that, whats a hero without their suit." the #1 hero added as his wife pressed a button that made the wall next to them slide open revealing metal suitcases with numbers written on them. "Grab your hero suit and change into it then meet us at training ground Beta." GT informed the class which made Dante and Akame walk to their cases and grabbed them before walking out to the changing room wihout a word or glance to the two heros.


Class 1-A stood in front of the two heros in their suits. GT looked around and noticed that two students were missing. Before she could ask where they were, everyone heard a set of footsteps coming from the passageway behind them. They turned and made way as the two teens in question revealed themselves, leaving people surprised and awe of their costumes. Akame had on a dark forest green leather pants that had a white wind like pattern going down her right leg with a matching leather zip up hoodie that covered a black short sleeved shirt. A black utility belt hung around her waist, one side dipping below her waist just a bit belown her waist. She had a oni like mask that covered her face and had black knee high combat boots that had some throwing knives strapped on.

Dante looked more like a wealthy man rather than a hero. He had a black dress pants with a matching sleeveless vest with a white long sleeved dress shirt and finishing off with black dress shoes. He also had white fingerless gloves that had a black smoke pattern running up to his fingers. To finish his costume he had silver framed glasses that feat him well only adding to his handsome face. "Damn bro, you look like a million bucks. So freaking manly." Eijiro Kirishima coplimented wiping a tear away. Dante grinned and fist pumped the red haired boy, "Looking manly yourself Sharky." Kirishima let out more manly tears and decidd to be bros with the raven haired boy. All Might cleared his throat and started his explanation, "This will be a hero vs villain scenerio. The villain team must protect a fake bomb that they will place into one of these buildings while also trying to defeat the heros while the heros must capture either the bomb or the villains before the timer rus out." Some students bounced in excitement as the hero continued, " Your team will be decided at random by picking one of the balls." GT pulled out a box for the students to pick out.


"So what's the plan?" Kyoka Jirou asked her excersise partner which happened to be Dante, they were put as the hero team while on the villain side, their opposing team being Akame and Kirishima. The boy hummed and leaned against the railing that was outside the building that they were going to go in. "Knowing Akane, she'd want to protect the bomb while she sends Kirishima down to intercept us, though it can also go visa vesa since the two are good in both offense and defense. Akame is a cunning little she-devil and she'd known me for a long while so most plans I come up with, she'd have a counter to it." he commented as he leaned against a railing while looking up at the building, his teammate grumbled as she ruffled her hair, "So we have no plan? We're just going to wing it and hope to God that we win?" "Hey now, I said most plans not all plans. She maybe cunning but I'm a mastermind in my own right ." He grinned as he explained his plan to the girl with widened her eyes before nodding in approval. "Welp, hope this works or... Ok, how in the hell do you do that?" Jirou stopped midway as she blushed a bit and pointed out the boy's sudden shirtlessness, he looked at his bare chest and shrugged, "I seriously have no Idea. At this point I just role with it, you'll get used to it as time goes on."

Inside the building, Akame and Kirishima walked down to the middle floor and waited while going over their plan. "Ohh that's a mischivious plan, your really thinking like a villain huh?" Kirishima couldn't help but give a toothy grin, "I'm just getting started Sharky but for now, this plan will work. If we can't take down Dante's team or they somehow get passed us, we'll be able to win by them running out of time." the girl explained as they heard All Might through the speakers as he started the excersise. "Let's win this." the girl fitted her mask and pulled her hoodie on as the two 'Villains' waited for the heroes to come along, it didn't take much as they saw the oppositing team enter the floor, "Did you seriously leave the bomb alone? Did Sharky come up with the plan?" the raven haired hero couldn't help but comment making the girls chuckle while said red head huffed and pouted. "Kyo, how well can you fist fight?" "As much as the next person." "Eh good enough, you take Sharky, I'll get Akame. Oh and here, a little extra defence." Dante said as some shadowy smoke crept up Jirou's body before forming into a solid but light looking suit of armour, despite it's solidness, the girl noticed how flexable and unrestricting the armour was. "... Your quirk is so awsome." the girl said in awe before Kirishima suddenly tackled her through a wall and into another room, "And sturdy!"

"When was the last time we spared?" Dante looked at the hole in the wall before he started streaching, his friend doing the same, "Idk, like a month or so. But I do remember kicking your ass." the girl grinned as her opponent rolled his eyes, without wasting another second, the two rushed each other as they engaged in a feirce fist fight. Each one using their own martial arts, Akame being the more flaxable and numble of the two went for Capoeira while Dante went for Taekondo for it's more grounded and disciplined teachings. The boy jumped off the wall and went for a spinning kick but before it could connect, a gust of wind pushed him away with various wind blades following after him. Two wakazashi's appeared in Dante's hands as he intercepted the attacks, canceling them out before rushing his friend and swinging the weapons at her. Dense winds coated Akame's arms as some sort of armour while she blocked and deflected the attacks, the boy went for a stab when she jumped over it, using her quirk to help her float up as she placed a hand on top of her friend's head doing a one arm handstand.

"... This is going to hurt, isn't it?" Dante couldn't help but ask looking at their reflection through the window, "Very." Akame chuckled as she brought her leg down, using her quirk to add some power, her foot connecting with the back of his head as she stomped his face to the ground which resulted in the place they were standing to break apart as they fell down the the lower floor. The boy groaned as he layed face first with his friend on top of him, a wolf bolted out of his shadow and rammed into Akame, sending her crashing into a wall. He rolled to a crouching position as he made some throwing knives and threw them at his opponent who manipulated the wind around them and stopped the projectiles mid-air before throwing them back at their owner. Dante exchanged placed with his wolf, leaving the summon to take the brute of the attack before disappearing, multiple sharp spikes appeared around Akame and went to stab her but she put up a wind barrier that stopped them. The barrier started rotating at high speed, creating a small tornado that shradded the spikes into pieces, it expended as it destroyed the hallway they were in. When it finally stopped, Akame looked at her friend to see him covered with a dark suit of armour, it dispersed as it showed him unharmed.

"You really are playing into the villain role huh? Even causing property damage." he cracked his neck causing his opponent smirked under her mask as they went into another fist fight, the fight going through all over the floor. A patch of darkness suddenly formed under Akame catching her off guard as a pillar shoot out and sent her crashing through the ceiling, back to the floor the fight started in. Dante jumped after her and looked around the room they were in as he blocked a high kick from his friend, "Oh hey Kyo, see your doing fine over there." Said girl was currently on top of Kirishima, raining down punch after punch trying to break the boy's hardened defense. When a literal person unexpectedly flew through the floor the two had to pause and rub their eyes to see if they weren't crazy, "Uh yeah. You look to be doing fine-" Jirou couldn't finish her sentance as Akame grabbed the boy's arm and broke it over her shoulder, grunting the raven haired hero shifted his body to elbow his friend in the back of the head making her stumble forward and let go before he leg swipped her then grabbed her by the leg and swug her into and through a thick pillar that was near them. "Doing just great, no need to worry about me." Dante grinned as he healed his broken arm before Akame, who surrounded herself with wind shot at him like a bullet and tackeled him through several walls. "... This is supposed to be a normal class excersis, isn't it??" Kirishima could help but blurt out with the punk girl nodding along as they dumbfoundedly stared at the freshly destroyed walls.

The two friends stared at each other as they panted a bit, "You know I can go all day long with this but don't you think your forgetting something?" Akame asked making the boy raise an eyebrow, "The bomb. The exercise. The time" she added deadpan. Dante blinked a as he face palmed, "Shit." without saying anything else he covered himself in armour as he launched himself through the remaining floors until he reached the final floor in which the bomb was supposed to be but found nothing. "What the-" "The rules never specified where exactly we can hide the bomb at." Akame floated through the holes the boy made as she took off her mask to show off her smug expression. For those outside the building, they could clearly see the 'villain' bomb gently floating in the sky where no one would have expected it to be or at a area which isn't easy for any normal person to reach. "Akame..." The boy's hair covered his eyes as he gritted his teeth which caused the girl to let out a equally smug laugh, "Fufufu, and all I had to do is by enough time for the exercise to end. Its my win, hun. Better luck." The raven haired hero's body shook a bit as he balled his fists, staying silent for a few seconds before finally looking up, his face surprising the girl because instead of annoyance or anger, he had a victorious grin. "Too predictable, it was a fun fight though." Dante said before he disappeared in a cloud of smoke, in his place being a jet black raven which let out a victory screech, "EXERCISE OVER, HERO TEAM WIN!!" All Might shouted through the speakers.


"I hate you." Akame grumbled as she, Dante, Jirou and Kirishima walked through the school gate. It was currently in after school and the four had decided to walk home together, "Yeah yeah." Dante chuckled as he pat his pouting friend's head, "I'm still surprised that you actually decided to hold the bomb in the air. The fact you held it there for that hold while also fighting with the stripper is really impressive, you must have praticed with your quirk a lot." Jirou commented as she put her hands behind her head, "Hey I'm not a stripper!" "Bro, I think you should say that without taking off your cloths." Kirishima said with a akward laugh as he handed his friend his pants. "... Its just a drawback, ok? Blame my quirk not me." the raven haired boy whined as he stopped to put said clothing one causing his companion's to laugh. "Hey, we still have time before it get's super late, you guys down to go get some burgers?" Jirou suggested while looking up the location of a fast food place that was near the school, "No objections." "Yay, free food." "Some bonding with food after a hard day of school? So manly!"