
The Darkness Birth

Once upon a time, in the celestial realm of the Celestial Planet, angels thrived in a paradise of harmony and serenity. However, their tranquility was shattered when demons from the underworld launched a devastating assault, sparking the "Great Celestial War". In a bid to end the conflict, "the Ten of Gods and Goddesses" brokered a mysterious pact with "the Demon Government." As part of the agreement, humans were born on the holiest land of the Celestial Planet, ushering in a fragile peace between angels and demons. Yet, beneath the surface, tensions simmered, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of celestial power. Ten thousand years later, in the depths of the cursed forest, Mysterieux was born from the essence of darkness itself. With enigmatic origins and boundless power, his emergence signaled a new era of uncertainty in the celestial realm. As he ventured forth, his pitch black eyes filled with ancient wisdom and untold secrets, the celestial realm braced for the impact of his presence, knowing that the arrival of Mysterieux would forever alter the course of celestial history. (Note: Im using chatGPT assistance to fix my grammar. So if there is a paragraph or sentence that doesn't connect to the story or others reason, don't be shy to give me feedback ^_^) (Note 2: all the ideas for the story are mine, I only use chatGPT to fix my grammar and make it detailed so you can read it.)

Mister_T · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The Kafu Town.

As the children eagerly devoured the apples, Mysterieux couldn't help but smile at the happiness he could bring to them. After about half an hour, the orphans, both kids and teenagers alike, wanted more. Though Mysterieux promised to catch more fish for them, they were already ecstatic.

Realizing the babies needed milk, and Sarah and Alia were too young to provide it, Mysterieux decided to head to the nearby village or town. Consulting the map, he searched for any settlements nearby the orphanage to fulfill the needs of the youngest members under his care.

With the promise to return with milk and food, Mysterieux bids farewell to the orphans and heads to the nearby town, "Kafu Town."

As Mysterieux approached the town of Kafu, its walls loomed large, encircling the bustling settlement. At the gate, two armed guards intercepted him, their suspicion evident.

Guard #1: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Mysterieux, maintaining his composure, replied with elegance and politeness.

Mysterieux: "I'm here to buy some milk and food."

Guard #2, still cautious, observed him closely.

Guard #2: after a moment of consideration "You are quite the mysterious individual. We're not accustomed to allowing strangers inside, but I've changed my mind." They lowered their spears.

Guard #1: "And your attire appears to be from the center of Labentia City." They nodded in agreement.

Guard #1: "We'll permit you entry." They stepped aside, granting Mysterieux passage into Kafu Town.

Walking through the gates, Mysterieux was greeted by the sight of stone and wood structures lining the streets. Curious gazes followed him as he moved through the town, his mysterious aura captivating the locals.

The townsfolk whispered among themselves, speculating about his origins and purpose.

Local Man: "He looks like he's from the center of Labentia City."

Local Young Girl: "What could bring him here? But he's quite handsome and intriguing, isn't he?"

Mysterieux continued on his mission, navigating through the town in search of milk and food for the orphans waiting back at the orphanage.

As Mysterieux strolled through the market, he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between his attire and the simple clothing worn by the locals. Undeterred, he pressed on, determined to find a way to acquire the milk and food he sought for the orphanage.

Approaching the townsfolk, Mysterieux inquired about how to obtain money in Kafu Town. They informed him that he could earn money by taking on jobs. However, learning that there were no job vacancies, he was directed toward an alternative: the warrior battle competition.

Intrigued by the prospect, Mysterieux listened as they explained that the competition offered not only the chance to prove one's strength but also the opportunity to win a substantial reward thousands of Labens and potentially claim the title of the new mayor of Kafu Town.

Without hesitation, Mysterieux nodded in agreement, his resolve firm. He saw this as his chance not only to earn the funds needed for the orphanage but also to test his skills in combat and perhaps even secure a prestigious position within the town.

Listening to the locals' discussion about the previous mayor of Kafu Town, Mysterieux's curiosity piques, prompting him to learn more about the town's recent history. The locals recount how the former mayor, Gyaus, was characterized by his weakness, inability to protect himself, and greed for money. Gyaus, adorned with expensive jewelry and visibly overweight, prioritized his own wealth over the welfare of the town's residents. However, his reign came to an end when an assassin took his life.

In response to the town's need for stronger leadership, the governor initiated the warrior battle competition. The competition aims to identify a capable and resilient individual who can not only safeguard themselves from potential threats like assassins but also lead the town effectively. Intrigued by this revelation, Mysterieux recognizes the significance of the competition in the context of the town's current situation and the importance of selecting a worthy leader.

Mysterieux: addressing the locals "When does the competition begin?"

Local man: "Oh, it's next week."

Mysterieux: expressing his eagerness "I want to register as a participant, but I need money to buy milk and food for the orphans waiting for me at home."

Local man: offering alternative options "There is another way to earn money, but it's challenging. You'd need to fight monsters as a member of the Hunter Guild. You can take on quests posted on their quest board."

Mysterieux: determined "Where's the Hunter Guild located?"

The local man then points Mysterieux toward the building with the sign "Hunter Guild," and Mysterieux sets off in that direction

Mysterieux approach the Hunter Guild building.

As Mysterieux stepped into the Hunter Guild building, the atmosphere immediately struck him. The interior, though spacious, felt surprisingly serene, with only a few hunters scattered about, either engrossed in conversations or perusing mission reports. The scent of parchment and ink lingered in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of freshly brewed tea from a nearby pot.

The receptionist, stationed behind a polished wooden desk adorned with intricate carvings, greeted Mysterieux with a warm smile as he approached. Her presence exuded an air of professionalism tempered with kindness, her demeanor inviting and approachable.

The receptionist's voice, soft yet confident, resonated in the quiet space as she welcomed Mysterieux.

Receptionist: "Hello there, is there anything I can help you with?"

Mysterieux glanced around, noting the subdued activity within the guild hall. Despite the relative calm, he sensed an underlying energy, a silent anticipation of adventures yet to unfold.

Mysterieux: "I wonder why it's so empty and silent? This is supposed to be crowded with hunters."

The receptionist's sigh deepens, and she meets Mysterieux's gaze with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Receptionist: "Unfortunately, the recent increase in monster activity has made the life of a hunter much more perilous. Many experienced hunters have retired or sought safer professions, leaving the guild with fewer members than before. Additionally, rumors of a powerful and elusive monster lurking in the nearby forests have discouraged aspiring hunters from joining our ranks."

She pauses, her expression somber as she considers the implications of the dwindling numbers of hunters.

Receptionist: "But despite the challenges we face, we persevere. We hold onto the hope that brave individuals like yourself will step forward to take up the mantle of a hunter and help protect our community from the threats that lurk beyond our walls."

Her words convey both the gravity of the situation and a glimmer of hope for the future, as she looks to Mysterieux with a silent plea for assistance in facing the dangers that lie ahead.

Mysterieux listens attentively to the receptionist's explanation, sensing the gravity of the situation within the Hunter Guild. Despite the challenges and the dwindling numbers of hunters, he feels a surge of determination to contribute to the community and assist in protecting the town from the looming threats.

Mysterieux: "I understand the risks, but I'm willing to take on the challenges that lie ahead. I'd like to register as a hunter and offer my assistance to the guild."

Receptionist: Her eyes light up with gratitude and a glimmer of hope as she nods in appreciation. "Thank you for your willingness to help. We're in dire need of skilled individuals like yourself. Allow me to assist you with the registration process."

With that, the receptionist guides Mysterieux through the registration process, explaining the guild's rules and procedures along the way. Mysterieux fills out the necessary forms and officially becomes a registered member of the Hunter Guild.

Receptionist: "Welcome to the Hunter Guild, Mysterieux. We're honored to have you join our ranks. As a hunter, you'll have access to the quest board where you can accept assignments and earn rewards for completing them. Please, feel free to explore the guild and familiarize yourself with our facilities."

Mysterieux nods in appreciation, ready to embark on his new journey as a hunter. He thanks the receptionist and begins to explore the guild, eager to learn more about his new role and the challenges that await him.

As Mysterieux familiarizes himself with the Hunter Guild, he notices a prominently displayed board featuring a list of ranks for hunters, from the novice to the legendary. The ranks serve as a measure of a hunter's skill and experience within the guild.

Receptionist: "Here in the Hunter Guild, we have a system of ranks that signify a hunter's proficiency and accomplishments. As you undertake quests and demonstrate your skills, you'll progress through these ranks. Let me explain them to you."

She points to the board where the ranks are listed:

Novice Hunter

Apprentice Hunter

Journeyman Hunter

Expert Hunter

Master Hunter

Elite Hunter

Legendary Hunter

Receptionist: "Starting as a Novice Hunter, you'll have the opportunity to advance through the ranks by completing quests and proving your capabilities. The higher your rank, the more challenging and rewarding quests you can undertake. It's a reflection of your growth as a hunter."

Mysterieux absorbs the information, setting his sights on the challenges that lie ahead. With determination in his eyes, he's ready to embark on his journey, aiming to climb the ranks and become a legendary hunter in the Hunter Guild.

Despite his short-term goal of becoming a legendary hunter in the Hunter Guild, Mysterieux's ultimate aspiration remains unchanged: to become a political minister. As he delves into the world of hunting and quests, he keeps his long-term objective firmly in mind.

Mysterieux recognizes that his time as a hunter will not only provide him with valuable experience and resources but also help him build connections and influence within the community. Each quest he completes and every challenge he overcomes brings him one step closer to honing the skills and knowledge he'll need to pursue his political ambitions.

While he immerses himself in the hunter's life, Mysterieux remains mindful of his larger goals, using his experiences in the guild as stepping stones toward his ultimate aspiration of becoming a political minister. He knows that every achievement as a legendary hunter brings him closer to the day when he can make a meaningful impact on the political landscape of the Celestial planet.

With his overarching goal of becoming a political minister, Mysterieux sees joining the Hunter Guild as a stepping stone-a means to gather resources, experience, and recognition in the short term. The ranks within the guild become not just a measure of his hunting skills but also a means to enhance his capabilities for the challenges he envisions on his political journey.

Mysterieux: "I understand the ranks within the guild. Becoming a legendary hunter will certainly bolster my abilities. It's a strategic move for my ultimate goal."

The receptionist nods in acknowledgment, appreciating Mysterieux's pragmatic approach.

Receptionist: "Many hunters have found their paths diverging into various pursuits. We welcome individuals with diverse goals, and your contributions will not only benefit the guild but also aid you on your unique journey."

Mysterieux registers as a Novice Hunter, ready to take on quests that align with both his short-term aspiration and the guild's needs. As he steps into the world of hunting, he knows that every challenge conquered in the guild will bring him one step closer to the political arena where his true ambitions lie. He looks up at the quest board.