
The Darkness Birth

Once upon a time, in the celestial realm of the Celestial Planet, angels thrived in a paradise of harmony and serenity. However, their tranquility was shattered when demons from the underworld launched a devastating assault, sparking the "Great Celestial War". In a bid to end the conflict, "the Ten of Gods and Goddesses" brokered a mysterious pact with "the Demon Government." As part of the agreement, humans were born on the holiest land of the Celestial Planet, ushering in a fragile peace between angels and demons. Yet, beneath the surface, tensions simmered, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of celestial power. Ten thousand years later, in the depths of the cursed forest, Mysterieux was born from the essence of darkness itself. With enigmatic origins and boundless power, his emergence signaled a new era of uncertainty in the celestial realm. As he ventured forth, his pitch black eyes filled with ancient wisdom and untold secrets, the celestial realm braced for the impact of his presence, knowing that the arrival of Mysterieux would forever alter the course of celestial history. (Note: Im using chatGPT assistance to fix my grammar. So if there is a paragraph or sentence that doesn't connect to the story or others reason, don't be shy to give me feedback ^_^) (Note 2: all the ideas for the story are mine, I only use chatGPT to fix my grammar and make it detailed so you can read it.)

Mister_T · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The Village of Orphan.

Aneye: "Before you venture to the human city, there's something I need your assistance with." He pointed to a location marked on the map, the "Village of orphans." "This village is filled with orphans who were victims of the war between humans and demons. When the demons attacked, I defended the village and saved hundreds of orphans. They showed me kindness, and I couldn't leave them alone. However, I also have a duty to guard this border. I'm asking you, Mr. Mysterieux, to take care of them. I believe in your kindness and your mysterious nature." In his telepathic message to Mysterieux, Aneye's voice carried a hopeful tone.

Mysterieux, for the first time, broke into a smile, touched by Aneye's trust and concern.

Mysterieux: "Leave it to me." He placed his hand on Aneye's shoulder briefly before turning to make his way towards the 'Village of Orphan,' prepared to embrace his newfound responsibilities and embark on a journey that would continue to unravel the mysteries of the "Celestial planet."

Mysterieux's journey continued as he made his way toward the 'Village of Orphans.' After a few hours of walking, the sun began its descent, casting a warm, orange glow across the landscape. Deciding to rest, Mysterieux gathered logs to create a small campfire. He meticulously rubbed sticks together, successfully igniting a fire.

However, as the night advanced, his empty stomach began to growl, and he realized he had not eaten for some time. Gazing around, he spotted apples hanging from a tree. They seemed like a tempting solution, but they were out of reach. Not one to be deterred, Mysterieux decided to employ an unconventional method. He stepped closer to the tree, preparing to punch it. With a powerful strike, the tree immediately succumbed, crashing to the ground with a loud thud, startling the nearby birds into flight. Unperturbed by the noise, Mysterieux retrieved the apples and sat by the campfire, savoring the fresh food. After eating his fill, he gathered more apples and stored them in the pockets beneath his long black coat.

As the night sky turned into a canvas of stars, Mysterieux decided to find a temporary respite. Climbing a tall, sturdy tree, he settled himself on a comfortable branch. The embrace of the night and the gentle rustle of leaves provided a soothing backdrop.

With his body reclined on the tree, Mysterieux gradually succumbed to slumber. As he entered the realm of dreams, he encountered a secret technique of the sword. In his dream, a shadowy figure guided him through the exquisite movements of this technique. Every motion was a harmonious dance of deadly grace, with each step leaving behind a trail of azure rose petals, as if nature itself was choreographing the sequence.

The secret technique seamlessly integrated dodging, parrying, and counterattacking, crafting a formidable style for close-combat encounters. Mysterieux immersed himself in this magnificent art, committing its elegance and efficiency to his memory.

As the shadow figure demonstrated the final movements, Mysterieux abruptly awakened to the soft, warm light of the rising sun. Stretching his limbs, he pondered the enigmatic dream and the newfound knowledge it had bestowed upon him. With agile grace, he descended from the tree, his landing emitting only a gentle thud. His thoughts now swirled with questions about the significance of the dream and the secrets it held.

Mysterieux, inspired by the dream's secret sword technique, gracefully wielded his sleek black cane, mirroring the movements he had experienced. Each swing emanated azure rose petals, creating a mesmerizing ballet of deadly precision. Despite the artistic display, Mysterieux's stamina remained unfazed, showing no signs of fatigue.

After concluding his impromptu performance, Mysterieux resumed his journey towards the 'Village of Orphans.' Along the way, he discovered a serene river with clear, knee-deep water, hosting a bounty of fish. Thirsty, he bent down to drink, finding the water surprisingly pure.

His practical mind kicked in, and Mysterieux devised a plan to catch fish. Transforming his sleek black cane into a dark axe, he deftly chopped down a tree, fashioning it into a makeshift rod. Determined, he created a fishing line from nearby fibers, whittling a wooden hook with his transformed sleek black cane acting as a small dark knife. For bait, he scavenged worms.

With his improvised fishing gear ready, Mysterieux cast his line into the river, embracing the tranquility of the moment. The subtle sounds of nature filled the air, and for the first time, he reveled in a sense of peacefulness. Patiently waiting, he experienced the joy of reeling in his first catch, a fish that joined others in a wooden bucket.

Creating a small campfire, Mysterieux prepared to cook his freshly caught fish. Reflecting on his newfound survival skills, he attributed them to a book he had stumbled upon before arriving at the river. The book's wealth of survival knowledge had proven invaluable, enabling Mysterieux to adapt and thrive in this unfamiliar environment.

As the aroma of cooking fish wafted through the air, Mysterieux found solace in the simplicity of the moment, contemplating the mysterious convergence of dreams, skills, and the practical knowledge bestowed by the book. The journey continued, revealing more about Mysterieux's unique abilities and his place in the intricate tapestry of the "Celestial planet."

Having enjoyed the first bites of the delicious cooked fish, Mysterieux felt a sense of satisfaction and contentment. It was his first taste of a prepared meal, a simple pleasure that resonated with the new experiences unfolding in this mysterious world.

As he finished his meal, Mysterieux decided to save the remaining fish in the wooden bucket for later. However, when he looked down to retrieve the fishing rod and the bucket, he found himself momentarily puzzled. The items seemed to have disappeared from his immediate surroundings.

Putting his mind to work, Mysterieux activated his unique ability, [Matter of Darkness], a power that connected him to the darkness itself. As he delved into the potential applications of this ability, he discovered a particular facet known as [Matter of Darkness - First stage: Darkness World]. This ability allowed him to create a pocket dimension filled with an endless void, serving as a personal storage space.

With newfound understanding, Mysterieux summoned a dimensional dark portal within the air. One by one, he placed the fishing rod and the bucket of remaining fish into the portal. As the dark portal gradually dissipated, the items were transported to his own private dimension - the Darkness World.

Now unburdened by the physical possessions, Mysterieux continued his journey with a renewed sense of purpose. The mysteries of his abilities and the world around him seemed to intertwine, guiding him towards an ever-unfolding destiny on the "Celestial planet."

The dirt path led Mysterieux to the 'Village of Orphan,' where he encountered an abandoned orphanage. Intrigued, he decided to enter, discovering a multitude of toddlers, babies, and a handful of teenagers struggling to care for the younger ones, all clad in shabby and torn clothes.

A girl teenager, with long red hair and weary eyes, was the first to approach Mysterieux, questioning his sudden presence.

Girl Teenager: "Who are you?" Her voice carried a hint of fragility.

In response, Mysterieux, feeling a rare sense of worry, introduced himself gently.

Mysterieux: "I'm Mysterieux. Aneye sent me to take care of all of you." His tone was soft, conveying reassurance.

The girl teenager, visibly taken aback upon hearing Aneye's name, couldn't contain her hope and joy.

Girl Teenager: "Really?" She asked, a spark of optimism igniting within.

Mysterieux affirmed his purpose, and an outpouring of happiness and relief filled the room. These orphans, who had faced starvation and thirst, were now greeted by the prospect of care and protection from Mysterieux, the only adult in their midst.

Mysterieux: "Yes."

Their cheers echoed with genuine happiness. Overwhelmed by the heartwarming scene, Mysterieux experienced a unique warmth and joy. The girl teenager rushed towards him, embracing him in a hug.

Girl Teenager: "Thank you very much!" Her words overflowed with gratitude and happiness.

Mysterieux, basking in the warmth of their appreciation, couldn't help but smile softly. As he patted the girl's back, he realized that, for the first time, he was not only unraveling the mysteries of his own existence but also discovering the profound impact he could have on the lives of others. The journey on the "Celestial planet" was proving to be a tapestry woven with both enigma and heartfelt connections.

The realization of the swift trust placed in him struck Mysterieux, prompting him to inquire about the reason behind their rapid acceptance.

Mysterieux: "Wait, why do you trust a stranger like me?"

Alia, the girl teenager, responded with enthusiasm, revealing a deep-rooted connection to Aneye from her childhood.

Alia: "I've known Aneye since my childhood. He fought demons for us when I was a kid! If you're the one sent by Aneye, then you must be the person who will be our parent!" Her excitement radiated through her smile.

Mysterieux, realizing Aneye's role in connecting them, smiled in acknowledgment.

Mysterieux: "I see. So Aneye is looking for people who can take care of all of you."

Amidst the cheerfulness, the group's stomachs growled, highlighting their hunger. Mysterieux, ever practical, offered a solution.

Mysterieux: "You all must have starved. Well, I have some fish that I caught earlier." He summoned a small dark portal through his ability, connecting to his Darkness World, retrieving the bucket filled with fish.

Girl Teeneger: her eyes widen in amazement. "Wow! What is that? A small, dark portal? You must be an elder wizard then! Capable of summoning a portal just for elder wizards. There are only five who can sit in that position as an elder wizard. Are you one of them?"

Mysterieux: "Elder Wizard? No, I'm Mysterieux. That's my name."

Alia: "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alia!" she says excitedly.

The other teenagers also introduce themselves. Walley with blonde hair, Gami with brown hair, Alia with red hair, and Sarah with black hair. There are four teenagers who seem to be taking care of the toddlers, babies, and kids.

A little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, named Yana, approached Mysterieux, affectionately calling him "Papa?" Sarah shared the endearing fact about Yana and her cuteness.

Mysterieux, touched by the love he felt in Yana's words, couldn't help but smile.

Mysterieux: "Yes, she's cute. The way she calls me 'Papa' makes me feel loved. I'll make a meal for all of you."

Their collective joy and gratitude filled the air, marking a turning point for Mysterieux as he embraced the role of caretaker and protector in this newfound chapter of his journey on the "Celestial planet."

The messy kitchen and cobwebs reflected the challenging conditions in which Gami, Sarah, Alia, and Walley had been trying to manage meals for the orphans. Gami expressed their struggle, noting that it had been two days since they had eaten.

Mysterieux, sensing their dedication, nodded with concern, expressing his determination to cook for them.

Mysterieux: "I can't promise a gourmet meal, but I'll try my best to make something delicious for all of you." He smiled.

Sarah handed him a cooking book, "How to Cook Properly Like a Professional Chef," believing it would be of help. Mysterieux, with his quick absorption of knowledge, amazed them by reading the entire book in less than five minutes.

Sarah: "What? You read that book so fast? That's incredible!" She giggled softly.

Setting up a fire, Mysterieux transformed his sleek black cane into a dark knife and skillfully sliced the fish. The four teenagers were shocked by his newfound culinary skills, praising his abilities.

Mysterieux poured oil into the pot, added seasoning to the fish, and began frying it. The aroma of deep-fried fish filled the orphanage, attracting the hungry kids. Mysterieux, adding to their joy, handed out apples he had in his pocket.