
The Darkness Birth

Once upon a time, in the celestial realm of the Celestial Planet, angels thrived in a paradise of harmony and serenity. However, their tranquility was shattered when demons from the underworld launched a devastating assault, sparking the "Great Celestial War". In a bid to end the conflict, "the Ten of Gods and Goddesses" brokered a mysterious pact with "the Demon Government." As part of the agreement, humans were born on the holiest land of the Celestial Planet, ushering in a fragile peace between angels and demons. Yet, beneath the surface, tensions simmered, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of celestial power. Ten thousand years later, in the depths of the cursed forest, Mysterieux was born from the essence of darkness itself. With enigmatic origins and boundless power, his emergence signaled a new era of uncertainty in the celestial realm. As he ventured forth, his pitch black eyes filled with ancient wisdom and untold secrets, the celestial realm braced for the impact of his presence, knowing that the arrival of Mysterieux would forever alter the course of celestial history. (Note: Im using chatGPT assistance to fix my grammar. So if there is a paragraph or sentence that doesn't connect to the story or others reason, don't be shy to give me feedback ^_^) (Note 2: all the ideas for the story are mine, I only use chatGPT to fix my grammar and make it detailed so you can read it.)

Mister_T · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The Hunter Guild.

Among the quests listed on the board, one catches Mysterieux's attention:

Quest: Slay 100 supergoblins behind the back of Kafu Town.

Reward: 100 Labens

Required Rank: Journeyman Hunter

Mysterieux considers the quest carefully. Slaying 100 supergoblins would not only provide him with a substantial reward but also help him gain valuable experience and reputation within the guild. With determination in his eyes, he decides to undertake this challenge.

In addition to the quest for slaying supergoblins, there are other quests listed on the board:

1. Retrieve the Lost Artifact: A valuable relic has been stolen from the local museum. Track down the thieves and recover the artifact.

Reward: 200 Labens

Required Rank: Expert Hunter

2. Defend the Village: A nearby village is under attack by a horde of undead creatures. Help defend the village and eliminate the threat.

Reward: 150 Labens

Required Rank: Journeyman Hunter

3. Hunt the Ferocious Beast: A fearsome creature has been terrorizing the outskirts of town. Track down and eliminate the beast to ensure the safety of the surrounding area.

Reward: 120 Labens

Required Rank: Journeyman Hunter

Mysterieux contemplates his options, considering which quests align best with his skills and goals. Each quest presents its own set of challenges and rewards, offering him the opportunity to grow as both a hunter and a future political figure in Celestial Planet

As Mysterieux strides purposefully through the bustling streets of Kafu Town, his mind is set on the task ahead. He reaches the outskirts of the town, where the lively sounds of the market are replaced by the rustling of trees and the chirping of birds. The air feels cooler here, and a sense of anticipation fills Mysterieux's chest as he prepares to face the challenge awaiting him.

With determination etched into his features, Mysterieux approaches the quest board at the Hunter Guild. He scans the various quests listed, his eyes lingering on the one that promises both danger and reward: "Slay 100 supergoblins." Despite the receptionist's warning, he remains resolute in his decision.

Mysterieux: His voice carries an air of confidence, tempered by a hint of excitement. "I'll take this quest."

The receptionist, her expression a mix of concern and uncertainty, hesitates before speaking.

Receptionist: Her voice is tinged with worry. "Are you sure, Mysterieux? This quest is not to be taken lightly. Super goblins are formidable opponents, even for experienced hunters."

Mysterieux: He offers her a reassuring smile, his azure eyes reflecting his determination. "I appreciate your concern, but I am confident in my abilities. I'll be back before you know it."

The receptionist, though still apprehensive, nods in reluctant acceptance.

Receptionist: Her voice softens with concern. "Please, be careful out there. We'll be waiting for your return."

With a nod of thanks, Mysterieux turns and heads out of the guild, his mind already focused on the task ahead. As he ventures into the wilderness behind Kafu Town, the chatter of the townsfolk fades into the distance, replaced by the serene tranquility of nature. Yet beneath the peaceful facade, Mysterieux knows that danger lurks, and he is ready to face it head-on.

Receptionist: As Mysterieux turns to leave, the receptionist can't help but steal a glance at him, her cheeks flushed with a faint blush. "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself earlier. My name is Elara. And he's quite handsome too. I hope he returns safely." She sighs softly, her eyes lingering on the spot where Mysterieux stood just moments before. "What could have brought him to our humble town? He seems so mysterious and enigmatic." With a wistful smile, she returns to her duties, her thoughts drifting back to the enigmatic stranger who had captured her attention.

In the dim shadows behind Kafu town, Mysterieux's journey takes an intense turn as he navigates the dense forest, his focus fixed on the elusive supergoblins rumored to inhabit the area. The air is thick with suspense as Mysterieux silently maneuvers through the trees, searching for signs of the formidable creatures.

Eventually, his keen senses lead him to a clearing where three imposing supergoblins stand, their muscular frames adorned with massive wooden clubs. Mysterieux, undeterred, expertly transforms his sleek black cane into a menacing Dark Sword, a manifestation of his innate power.

Approaching the trio with a calculated grace, Mysterieux catches the attention of the supergoblins, prompting them to ready their clubs. As they exchange guttural remarks in their own language, Mysterieux, with an uncanny ability, begins to decipher their crude dialogue, adapting to their language and intentions.

Supergoblin #1: "Hak hak hak! (Stop right there, human!)"

Supergoblin #2: "Hak hak hak hak. (He looks mysterious, be cautious.)"

Supergoblin #3: "Hak, hek hak! (Huh, forget that!)"

The tension escalates as the supergoblins charge towards Mysterieux, wielding their formidable clubs. However, Mysterieux's movements are a mesmerizing dance of lethal precision. With a graceful speed-blitz, he effortlessly evades their attacks, leaving behind a trail of azure rose petals suspended in the air.

In a moment of poetic execution, Mysterieux utters a command with a calm yet commanding voice, invoking the technique of [Azure Ballet].

Mysterieux: "[Azure Ballet - Basic Technique: Azure Slash]"

As his words hang in the air, the Dark Sword transforms into a blur of azure brilliance. In an instant, the heads of the three supergoblins soar into the air, replaced by a surreal cascade of azure rose petals-a stark contrast to the brutality of their demise. Mysterieux stands amidst the aftermath, a silent and enigmatic figure, having effortlessly overcome the challenge presented by the formidable supergoblins.

With solemn reverence, Mysterieux lowers the tip of his Dark Sword to the forest floor, a symbol of respect for the fallen supergoblins. Kneeling down with a gesture of humility, he bows his head, acknowledging the lives lost in the confrontation. His voice carries genuine compassion as he speaks words of farewell to the departed.

Mysterieux: "Rest in peace. I wish for you a better existence in the afterlife than the trials of this world."

This moment holds significance, as it marks Mysterieux's first experience with taking a life-a weighty realization that he treats with solemnity and understanding. He recognizes the gravity of the act of ending a life and respects the delicate balance between life and death.

Standing once more, Mysterieux retrieves the sharp teeth of the supergoblins, each one a tangible reminder of the quest he undertakes. With determination in his eyes and resolve in his heart, he tallies the count, acknowledging the progress made towards his goal.

Mysterieux: "3 out of 100. I require 97 more supergoblins to fulfill the mission."

Undeterred by the task ahead, Mysterieux continues his quest, facing each encounter with unwavering determination and unwavering respect for the lives he encounters. Using his formidable skills and the technique of [Azure Ballet], he dispatches each supergoblin swiftly and decisively, always taking a moment to pay homage to their departed souls.

After an hour of relentless battle, Mysterieux emerges victorious, having fulfilled the requirements of the quest. Despite the physical exertion, he shows no signs of fatigue, his strength and resolve unshaken.

With the proof of his accomplishment in hand, Mysterieux makes his way back to the Hunter Guild to claim his reward, a testament to his prowess as a hunter and his unwavering commitment to his objectives.

As Mysterieux steps into the Hunter Guild, Elara, the receptionist, is taken aback by the sight of the bags filled with supergoblin's sharp teeth. Her astonishment quickly turns to admiration as she praises Mysterieux for his remarkable accomplishment.

Elara: "Wow! That's an amazing feat you've achieved, Mysterieux! Good job!"

She extends a friendly introduction, her smile warm and genuine.

Elara: "Ah, I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Elara!"

Mysterieux, already known to Elara, responds with a hint of amusement.

Mysterieux: "Well, you already know my name, so there's no need for introductions. And as you can see, I can handle things on my own. Where's my reward?"

Elara chuckles, impressed by Mysterieux's confidence, and requests the supergoblin's sharp teeths in exchange for his reward. Mysterieux complies, handing over the bags of sharp teeths.

With a swift motion, Elara places the teeths under the counter and hands Mysterieux a paper currency-100 Labens, his first encounter with money in the town of Kafu. Mysterieux gazes at the currency in wonder, a sense of awe evident in his expression.

Mysterieux: "Wow, this is the same currency I saw when I first arrived in this town. Thank you."

Elara smiles warmly, expressing gratitude for Mysterieux's contribution to the town's safety.

Elara: "No need to thank us. We owe you our gratitude for eliminating those supergoblins lurking behind Kafu town. In fact, we'd like to promote you to the rank of Expert Hunter! Here's an additional reward for you, along with a badge to signify your new status. Congratulations!"

She presents Mysterieux with extra money-200 Labens-and a badge of Expert Hunter, symbolizing his elevated rank within the Hunter Guild. Mysterieux accepts the items graciously, tucking them into his pocket.

Mysterieux: "Thank you once again... Also, I have a question for you."

As Mysterieux poses his question, Elara's curiosity piques, and she listens attentively.

Elara: "Go ahead."

Mysterieux: "Is there a legendary hunter in this world?"

Elara's expression grows thoughtful as she responds.

Elara: "Yes, indeed. There are three legendary hunters known as the "Trio Dangerous Hunter." They are revered as the strongest hunters in this land, each possessing formidable abilities that rival even the mightiest beings."

She continues with a hint of reverence in her tone.

Elara: "Their names are Yaqi the Sword God, Qaros the Martial Art God, and Pemisa the Witch Goddess. Their power is said to be almost equal to that of the Ten Gods and Goddesses of the Heaven Land."

Elara elaborates on their individual feats:

"Yaqi is renowned for his mastery of the sword, capable of splitting a cloud with a single swing of his blade."

"Qaros, on the other hand, is known for his incredible strength, able to obliterate multi-mountains with just a single punch."

"Pemisa, the most powerful wizard in the land, boasts unmatched magical prowess, having been trained by the five elder wizards themselves."

Elara offers insight into their whereabouts, should Mysterieux seek to meet them.

Elara: "If you wish to encounter them, I suggest searching around Labentia City. They serve as the protectors of the city and are often found there, safeguarding its inhabitants from any threats."

Mysterieux acknowledges Elara's words with a nod of gratitude.

Mysterieux: "Thank you for the information. Also, I must depart now. It's getting late, and I need to attend to matters."

He speaks with a hint of concern, mindful of his responsibilities outside the guild.

Elara responds with understanding and encouragement.

Elara: "Of course, Mysterieux. If you ever require assistance or support, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We stand behind you as an Expert Hunter, ready to offer our aid whenever needed."

With a final nod of appreciation, Mysterieux takes his leave from the Hunter Guild, his mind filled with newfound knowledge and the prospect of future encounters with the legendary Trio Dangerous Hunter.

End of Volume 1.