

After he gets some food for breakfast, he back to his room and begins to call his companion.

[Tut! You will call your first companion. Please treat them well. Disclaimer, all summoned creature qualities is pure luck and compatibility with the summoner. Are you sure want to call your companion?]


[Please wait!]

Instantly magic circle appear on the floor and shone a dark and bleak light. Even his eyes get blind temporary.

[Tut! Summoning process complete.]

The light slowly ceased and petite figure appear. She has silver hair, white skin, pointed ears, and golden eyes. Her body figure is top notch and capable to destroy a nation. Right, she is elf race.

"Greeting Master, Elisa at your command."

[Congratulation! You successfully summon Fallen High Elf. You can see her stats now.]

Name: Elisa Bluemoon

Race: High Elf

Tier: 0

Level: 1

Hp: 70

MP: 120

Vitality: 7

Strength: 8

Endurance: 7

Magic: 15

Magic resistant: 8

Remark: Elf Queen who got corrupted by darkness.

"Huh, you are Elf Queen?"

"Answer to Master, yes, before." She answered respectfully.

"Then, how can you get corrupted by darkness?" I asked her again.

"To ensure my race existence, I offer my soul to the darkness." She still answered respectfully.

"Hm, I understand. When I still in the Caledonia Abyss, I know some High Dark Elf. They very proud in nature."

"I'm sorry, Master. Master says that Master comes from Caledonia Abyss?!" She suddenly asked.

"Right, I come from Caledonia Abyss. Why?" I answered with a puzzled expression on my face.

"Answer to Master, I'm Elf Queen from the Bluemoon Kingdom in the Caledonia Magus Continent before. Can I ask about my kingdom? Are they fine?"

"I don't know. When my legion attacks Caledonia Magus Continent, I make a pact with a little elf before. I don't know her name. So, I spare many elf tribe on the continent. Are you say that the little elf before is you?" He looks at the elf with a weird expression. It too much coincidence, right? He thought.

Luis is merciless Dark Magus who lead Dark Legion to invade the main continent. He is the previous heir of Human Empire, but before he can ascend the throne, his brother pull a little trick and he ends up in the Abyss. In the land of chaos, he struggles just for live and revenge. Slowly he transforms from dog cub to become Wolf King.

He challenges many powerful creatures in the abyss and makes them his subordinate with his force. Only 10 years, he already became one of overlord in the abyss.

He already got enough power. It's time to take revenge. He brings all his legion to invade the main continent, especially his former empire. Coincidentally, on the road he passing an elf forest. A group of punny elf wants to defend their little forest from his legion desperately. So, Luis makes a joke to them 'If your queen willing to be my servant, I will spare your race.' They are not my brother ally anyways, he thought.

Then a little girl comes out from elf castle and kneel in front of me and swear loyalty. Luis doesn't know that the prideful elf willing to kneel to himself. So, he forced to honor his word. He cast high level dark magic and make the loli queen his servant. Her green eyes become golden. Her golden hair becomes silver. She officially becomes his loyal subordinate.


Elisa mind becomes chaotic after hearing Luis story. He is exactly her former master. He is the most beloved person she has. Although he is ruthless and merciless, he always honors his word. Very different from another abyss overlord. After she becomes his subordinate or his maid, he never touches her. He always takes care of her and teaches her many advance dark magic, including necromancy.

My heart already belongs to him, but he never notices me, she thought.

But when her master life force is depleted, he says that he notices her feeling. He can't answer her feeling because of he just human, despite her powerful force. He can't together with her for a long time. So, he ignores her. Then he left her world for eternity. She crying for an entire month after knowing the fact.

When her heart already cold as ice, a light come and call her. The light gives a familiar feeling. She accepts the call and comes to this world.


"Master Norton?" She asked while covering his mouth. She desperately hopes that human in front of her is her former master.

Luis surprise when he hears the former name before. "Oh Shit!! you are little elf before?"

"Em, em, it's me, Master!!"

"Hahaha, come come, are you doing well when big brother not there? Are other lord bully you? Wait a moment, your name is Elaine, right? Why your name is different?"

She jumps to his embrace and enjoys long lost the comfortable place. Luis stroke her hair slowly and enjoy it.

She pouted and answered "It's master arbitrary call me Elaine. My name still Elisa, same as before. Master never hear me when I correct Master mistake!"

"Ehehe, my bad, my bad."

"So, where is it, Master? How can Master come back to live and end up here?" She asked him.

"I also don't know about it. Before I can summon you, I'm just a normal human. Basically, this world is for the normal human. No mana, no magic. But suddenly god make this world full of mana and even grant free companion. He also says that he will open abyss gate." Luis answers her. Luis doesn't bother to introduce his new name. She will know from her interface anyway.

Then he tells her about this world. He also teaches her another high-grade meditation manual. As for magic technique, he will teach her when their level is high enough. Right now, the most critical situation is Elisa appearance. She is too beautiful!

[Tut! You can call her to your inner place. It created specially to companion like her.]

Please consider to buy me a coffee


Mr_Dokarcreators' thoughts