
Black stele and quest

In the middle of the Endless forest, a gloomy gate opens and countless abyss swarm to the forest. A humanoid with the head of bull come out from the gate and command the other creature to not roaming endlessly.

"Hm, interesting world. To come here, we need to sacrifice all of our levels and start from the bottom again." Bullhead humanoid said.

"What so interesting about this world?! What bullshit starting from the bottom again?!! I'm overlord of the abyss! How can I end up to be pathetic like this?!" A beautiful woman came out from the gate and retorted the bullhead. She looks very unsatisfied with the current situation.

"Don't worry about it, Merlin. We and native have to start from the bottom. We as invader has the advantage of knowledge. How many of them have knowledge about mana and magic? about the battle mage? about magus? We have many of them!" Bullhead answered the beautiful woman, Merlin.

"Hmm, you are right, Sebas. At least, we can level up quickly and start in advance." Merlin supported his argument.

They are two overloads from The Diablo Abyss. The abyss who will invade this world is chosen randomly.

After they short out their troops, they begin scouting the forest and build a temporary settlement. Earth Magus build many earth cabin together. Their level and tier are reset, so they need to cooperate just to build a small cabin.

"Dea, how long the cabins will be finished?" Merlin asked her subordinate.

"Answer to Lord, I estimate we will finish it in 3 months at last," Dea answered.

"Why is so long?"

"Apologize to master, Our power is reduced to bottom. So, we need much manpower just to build the main hall and leader resident."

"Sigh, even build settlement become so troublesome."

On the other side, Sebas and his underling go hunting in the forest.

"My Lord, our power is not enough to defeat single python! At least we need 5 to ten battle mage or magus." His adjutant reported.

"Hm, forms groups with 8 members. We need to hunt many beasts to feed our people." Sebas gave them a command.


Luis goes to market and buys a cloak for Elisa. Her beauty truly dangerous. Even he now barely immune to her charm. But he stopped on the road after sees a crowd. They look at black stele with full of excitement. Right now, all the people bring their companion openly. Ogre, goblin, Gnol, and low-level monster flooded the road.

Luis walks to the crowd and asks a person beside him, "Man, I don't think this city does have black stele like this. Where it comes from?"

"Oh, this stele come out from the earth abruptly. It has weird symbols around it. Then, some brave man touches it. From brave man saying, the stele contain some quest and offer the point that can be exchanged with meditation manual or body refining manual." The man answered.

"Then how they exchange it?" Luis asked again.

"Oh, behind the stele is building that responsible for the exchange. To accept quest inside the stele, you need to get quest plate from that building. It will record your point. But you must be careful. If you lost it, you only can reissue it. But all your point inside the former plate is gone." That man explained to Luis patiently.

'Lisa, are you hear it?' He spoke to Elisa inside his mind.

'Yes, Master.'

'I think I need to get alchemy skill or forging skill, or both of them.' Suddenly Luis said that he wants to be lifestyle magus.

'Why? Sorry Master, I think jack of all trade is deemed to be normal and no achievement at all.' She doubted her master decision.

'Hehe, you forget that your big brother is dark archmage before. So, no point to enhance it again. I will be struck by lightning.' He said jokingly.

'Then?... Oh my gosh! So like that! You are right, Master.'

Then he goes to the building. He sees the building name 'Quest Administrative and Exchange Building and enters.

"Welcome." A beautiful maiden greeted him.

He dumbfounded when he sees her. It's not that she is an acquaintance or long lost enemy. But what makes him surprise is her appearance. She has a beautiful figure and green eyes. And she has pointed ear!!

"Mister?" The elf asked him.

"Oh sorry. I surprise when I see you."

"Oh, then what can I do for you?" She asked again.

"I want to issue my quest plate."

"Okay, I will lead you to the registration room." She leads him on the way.

After he gets his quest plate, he goes to black stele and touches it.

Suddenly he sees two words, [Quest List] and [Good List]. He ignores the quest list and chooses [Good List].

Beginner Staff

Beginner Sword


Basic Level Alchemy Manual


'Woah! it really offers Basic Level Alchemy Manual!' Then he chooses it and sees the detail.

[Basic Level Alchemy Manual

Grade: E

Price: 100 Quest Point]

Then he scrolling about forging manual.

[Basic Level Forging Manual

Grade: E

Price: 100 Quest Points]

He also saw summoning ticket.

[Summoning Ticket

Grade: A

Price: 200.500 Quest Point]


After satisfied with goods section, he moves his attention to the [Quest List]. Basically, all quest that he sees is E-grade quest. Why no other grade quest available? After thinking so long, he suddenly remembers about the plate.

He picks the plate and read it properly.

Name: Luis Clarkson

Grade: E

Point: 0

Finally, he knows why all quest is E-Grade. He is still E-Grade as well!! He doesn't know must laugh or cry.

Then he opens one quest randomly.

[Quest: Bring Grade E beast corpse

Grade: E

Reward: 1 Point

It's very simple and very suitable for him and Elisa. He runs to home and packs something useful. Knife and matchstick is a must. He also brings salt and chili powder.

Then he goes out to the forest for the first hunt.

Thanks for reading my novel.

Please consider to buy me a coffee


Mr_Dokarcreators' thoughts