
The dark age

"Hey Luis, help me move this box."

"Okay, Uncle Jack!"

Luis helps Uncle jack to move big wooden package into his garage. After that, Luis goes to his work site, a canteen for town construction worker. He is a chef and he only can make simple meals. Very normal bread and vegetable soup are the everyday menu and never changed.

He arrived at the canteen kitchen and began to prepare breakfast for the worker. The bread is from the nearby bakery chosen by the city official, he was responsible for making vegetable soup. In any era, meat was always expensive. To make sure the worker meal was healthy, the vegetable soup will always contain bean.

Right now, city lord wants to build a city wall defense system. Using high-pressure steam, city lord wants to install steam cannon and steam gun. This city is borderline with endless forest. The city constantly attacked by the beast horde. Every year, beast horde come more frequently. And the only solution was to build a city wall and installs the steam weapon.

"I hope the bullshit beast horde will end soon," Luis said inside his heart.

Now is time for lunch. One by one the worker come to eat their meals.

"Are you hear? From the scout report, next week will have beast horde again." one of worker said.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! My brother join army last year. I hear this new from him!"

"Sigh, why every day will be more and more dangerous?" Another worker joined the conversation.

Luis hears it silently while serving the meals.

"Hey chef, please make your dish more delicious!"

"If I can make meals more delicious than this, I already get out from this shitty city!!" Luis immediately retort.

"Hahaha" All of them laughed at Luis. Right, if he can make good meals, he will surely move to another safe town.

After some bickering, they continue their lunch. They need to back to work site in one hour.

Luis only can sigh at his fate. He does not want to be a beggar when he moves to the safe city. With his low-level cooking skill, who will eat his meals?

He really misses his homeland. Although his homeland is chaotic, he still wields a considerable power. But now, he just a punny chef in the border city.

Right, he is a dark magician from another world. His reincarnation was slightly different. He has degenerated from powerful magician to mortal human. Without a road to become a magician again, he forced to live peacefully.

Of course, It was just temporary.


Suddenly the sky became dark. This phenomenon doesn't happen on border city only, but all sky is dark. The cloud is not grey or white, but dark red. With the sun behind it, the cloud became more frightening.

People come out of their house and halt their work just to watch this phenomenon. After the cloud completely covers the sky, a strange sound coming from everywhere.

[Greeting human. I'm this world administrator. Because of your greed, you cut the forest wantonly. So, I don't have a choice. I need to punish you.]

Suddenly abundance mana flow to this world. Luis felt it clearly. He feels ecstatic when he feels mana once again.

[I will open the gate to the abyss and abyss creatures will come out. Of course, I will not cut out all your hope to survive. First, I'm not taking your steam engine technology. So, you can defend your city with it. Second, you can use mana. Third, you can summon a free companion. Of course, it will rely on your luck and capability.]

Luis cleans the kitchen and goes home to check what so-called admin said. After entering his bedroom, he begins meditation. Surely, he can absorb mana from the surrounding.

He feels the similar feeling of his previous life. In his previous lives, in the beginning, he only has a low-level meditation manual. So, he only can slowly absorb the mana from the surrounding. After countless years of war, he found a high-level meditation manual. Alas, his level already high enough. So, he can't swap the meditation manual.

Now is different. He will surely use the high-level manual he has. The manual name is [Dark Heart]. He begins to chant the manual and start meditation. He felt mana flow was faster than before. He immerses in his meditation and forgot his free summon.

[Tut! Congratulation! You are the first human who manages to become Magus. You get free 30 stats points.]

"Huh? 30 Free points? So generous!!"

Then he checks his stats. How does he know about stats? He already experienced it before in his previous life.

Name: Luis Clarkson

Tier: 0

Level: 1

Hp: 100

MP: 120

Vitality: 10

Strength: 7

Endurance: 5

Magic: 12

Magic resistant: 10

Free Stats Point: 30

Summon Creature: -

Then he allocated his free points 10 to Magic, 5 to Vitality, 3 to Strength, 7 to Endurance, and 5 to Magic res.

Name: Luis Clarkson

Tier: 0

Level: 2

Hp: 150

MP: 220

Vitality: 15

Strength: 10

Endurance: 13

Magic: 21

Magic resistant: 15

Free Stats Point: 0

Summon Creature: -

Normally, to level-up, Magus needs long meditation. As for Battle Mage, they need long arduous physical training. But with [Dark Heart] manual, Luis can steal unused stats from another human when he kills them. Of course, beast and abyss creatures also same.


The meaning of unused stats is before someone accumulates enough mana to create free stats, it's called unused stats, or it also can be called incomplete stats. Of course, the unused stats that he steals will not become free stats. But will automatically assigned randomly.

When some stats already surpassed the level threshold, free points needs will be more than before. For example, Luis Magic stats are 21.

12+10=21? 8 points are added in level 1 stats, and two points in level 2 stats. Level 2 stats (20 to 29) needed 2 free points to enhance the stats.


Meditation manual was only useful for Innate talent Magus. If someone innate Magus talent was bad, he or she needed to use body refining manual to enhance his or her physique. So, he or she can fight with magic-enhanced physique.

Next morning, Luis wakes up from his crazy meditation.

My first chapter.

Thanks for reading my chapter.

Mr_Dokarcreators' thoughts