
The Dark Man

WARNING: THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT. In the slightly dark room lay the man of power (Nicholas Alviero Ross). He made the law and gave the rules. And then there was a woman(Zhavia McKay), who also made the law and gave the rules. She had the power to cast a man with just a look. Will he tame her down with all the power he possesses? Will she bend to his rules? Or will he bend to hers? But then, he has a superiority. He is a jealous daredevil. "She's mine, my property, mine alone, no one else's". Nicholas clenched his fist hard. His eyes darkened with anger. "What's mine cannot be yours". He said in a dangerous tone as he looked straight at Damon with those devouring eyes. How did she do it? How did she bring out that part of him? How did she turn a cold-hearted beast into a mindless dog?

Beverly_Spare · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 34 She's Gone.

He was stuck on his bed as he recalled the incident that happened. Her face never left his eyes. He was troubled by the way she left and he was angered.

He hated making her feel that way but he was just being honest about how he felt. He hated that she didn't even understand what he meant.

I fucking want you damnit!

In a swift, he was up. He was restless. He paced around the room thinking of what he said to her. He knows what he feels for her and she knows what he does to her. The effect was massive

He gulped the water and swallowed it, trying to cool the pain he felt inside. His teeth pierced his lips as he bit really hard. He had never been this his entire life desperate but zhavia Mckay fucking drives him insane. She intrigues him and drives him mad. He wondered if she would ever want to see him again. She looked really pissed and ready to explode.

He was still feeling kinda shitty when the buzz on his phone became even more annoying than before.

"Hey boss, ". The voice was recognizable from the first word he had just spoken. The deep voice he possesses added to his intimidating aura and gave him the perfect combination of mercilessness.

"Where are you?" His voice was powerful and fearful. Even Tiger felt that someone had pissed him off. He knew that Nicholas had lost it. He sounded like he hadn't had enough sleep and it killed him.

Why does this woman get to him this way?

"I am in London".

Maria already informed him earlier that Zhavia Mckay booked an appointment with Nicholas, so the mission was quite a waste. but from the looks of things, he could tell that it didn't go well.

"Your purpose there is futile, you can come back now".

He wasn't giving up, but she looked like she needed some time to get the anger he caused out of her system.

"Are you sure? we just spotted Miss Mckay at her private Airport".

His heart jumped for joy at the news he just heard, but his heart also welled in pain because a part of him tells him that she was leaving because of him.


For how long will he keep chasing after her and losing her? He knows she feels the same about him, he also knows that their pride will always pull through.

"Just keep an eye on her".

His tone was deep, firm, and commanding. He can't lose her again. He won't allow that. If she eventually leaves the country, at least he knows where she is.

Fuck! I screwed up.